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Messages - Eddie

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 281
General Fishing Tips / Re: Bleeding Fish and Hanging Off Kayak
« on: September 12, 2024, 09:23:11 AM »
Worry more about the furbags than I do sharks.  Heard plenty of stories of people being flipped from dangling fish in the water and a sealion comes along.  No one has had a shark come up and bite the fish off their stringer in NorCal to my knowledge, but like Mark said I've seen them after catching a halibut like the action of the fish got their attention.
I bleed freshly caught fish on the clip in the water. It doesn't take long, then I flip the whole clip back into the livewell. I know a furbag could always surprise me but so far no problems. This being said, I don't do this if fur bags are obviously around.
With regards to sharks, I think there's always something bleeding in the ocean and blood from my yak is a literal drop in the ocean. I think the whole thing about sharks being able to detect minute quantities of blood has been taken too far. It only needlessly scares people.
About the blood...yes, I was typing this point as you posted and I appreciate the common belief plus, you being a land slayer as well. Thanks for all the trail cam pics over the years.    :smt006

General Fishing Tips / Re: Bleeding Fish and Hanging Off Kayak
« on: September 12, 2024, 09:20:13 AM »
!!!!!!  Crazy!!!!!

But you bleed and gut it over the water and not the boat, right? You just hold it next to the boat and don’t let it hang off the boat on the stringer?

I need to learn how to gut a hali. I’ve been filleting them and working around the guts, or getting to them from filleting. I don’t know the right way to cut the stomach….time to watch some you tube videos.
Wot!?  Are you getting excited about killin' fish?  I kinda do.  It is a most important skill for quality meat.  Sharks can smell a drop of blood up to a mile away?  Fact check...hopefully there is other blood in the water from different sources or other yakkers to not necessarily have them say hey, this mumble peg guy's yak smells tasty, who knows, maybe Malibu Artist.  I'm a little spoiled with a hatch that is for fish storage. 

My order of dispatch

Gaff or net, preferably gaff.
I store my game clip open and secure fish on clip. Hold that clip like a boss.  Things can suddenly go ballistic.
Loosen spool to place rod in holder out of the way.
Center fish in my lap, look out for hook.  Remove hook.  Often I'll attach lip grippers for a different handle with leash around wrist.
Brain spike and givver a bit of spike twirl.
Run da wire up the nerve bundle(ikijime)
Cut the gills and give a look around.  With clip attached to paracord and yak, givver a dunk and allow for a few pumps of blood out.  Maybe 15 seconds.
Back on lap.
Wet burlap sack and kinda pre open because getting a fish in a burlap sack can be a little snaggy with teeth or fins.
Remove fish from clip, slip into sack and put in hatch. 
Woohoos are now in order!
If time allows I"ll guttem near to landing.  Knife up from da kine to the chin and rippum out.  On the game clip or leashed gripper of course.  Many ways to accidentally release one's catch into the sea from wherest it came.
Clean up deck and get back fishin'

I'm sure you'll find the Mumblepeg way...see ya' on da wattah'


General Talk / Re: Shark Shield/Ocean Guardian out of business...
« on: September 10, 2024, 11:16:13 AM »
Hi Andrew.  Ernest just fixed mine.  His handle is Lucky13.  There is salt water seepage where the black cable meets the probe. My model A is the faulty one.  My model C is the warrior that is my original. There is an excellent thread on this forum about his discoveries.  He cut off the rusty damage and reattached it with some reinforcement but no quarentees.  I like Eric's philosophy which may be reality in time...be well... :smt006

Brah!  Bo was kind to you...I'm glad you caught a hali!  Stinking salmon...trash fish... :smt005  See ya' on da wattah'.

How'd it go at Bo? :smt006

Hi.  I get the “itch”.  It’s like a fever and there’s only one prescription.  More cowbell…I digress…maybe you’re an experienced waterman and a 2@12 direct swell at Muir doesn’t matter.  Just gotta wait for the window and when you decide to go, don’t look back hesitate or any other doubt and go go go….the landing is the tricky part.  Worst case I jump off my yak and grab the stern.  Make sure all your gear is stowed and or leashed flat.  Doran is a way better place to manage a protected launch.  Bolinas is a storytelling location, class 301 on a tough day for beach launch and land…I hope you get a scratch and a halibut. :smt006

CA Regulations / Re: are they coming for our hoop nets?
« on: September 05, 2024, 07:45:54 PM »
It looks to be written under the commercial phrasing.

I did not see the sentence above the commercial paragraph.


What "commercial paragraph"?

And, we need to distinguish between commercial crabbers and commercial passenger fishing vessels.

My eyes of denial cannot imagine any of the entanglement act provisions to apply to our sport equipment.

Entanlgement trigger$$$.   I guess if the whales are as close as they are at Pacifica now not sure the purpose or how to respond to a trigger going off.
Gear reduction and depth restriction.  I can only handle 3 hoops on a yak and will rarely pull from 60-7ft.
Tampering prohibition.  I thought tampering was across the board an assumed no no like pots.   Poachers gonna poach. I stay on my line pretty much the whole session.
What about southern(conical) hoop nets :smt044, not sure what a Northern hoop net(flat) is vs. a hoop net.  I guess I could look it up.
Prohibit colors?  High viz is quite essential. 

I guess I've lumped commercial with commercial passenger vessel  of which I am neither.

This is just my brainstorming thought process. 

CA Regulations / Re: are they coming for our hoop nets?
« on: September 05, 2024, 05:25:03 PM »
It looks to be written under the commercial phrasing.

I did not see the sentence above the commercial paragraph.


CA Regulations / Re: are they coming for our hoop nets?
« on: September 05, 2024, 04:18:15 PM »
Does that look like a commercial consideration, which would still be a blow…

General Talk / Re: Unretiring
« on: August 28, 2024, 12:22:38 PM »
Mike wrote:
<snipped> But been thinking of going back full time working again…. So is SSA  different in these calculations? Next July 65…

 Definitely dig around on the SSA site to determine your particular case.

Thanks so much…….definitely great info!!! I’m gonna pull my silly ass out of retirement and rock on!!! Will limit my OTW time but daddy needs a new truck  :smt003 :smt044 thanks again
Papa needs a brand new bag? :smt006 :smt005  Geeduppa geedonup get on the scene…like a slay machine…

General Talk / Re: Unretiring
« on: August 27, 2024, 08:29:52 PM »
Yes, I love working/tinkling with robotics and equipment  :smt003
That's good news :smt006

General Talk / Re: Unretiring
« on: August 27, 2024, 06:25:51 PM »
Congrats on your first retirement.

I work at a company where retirement is the norm if you wanted to stay and not like the typical bay area companies where you're usually 'aged' out. Same company as Rey, lapulapu - just don't name it.  I've seen some come back as contractors and it usually works out because they have schedule flexibility (up to them how much time - could be 10-20 hours/week or flexed to more depending on the work load) and the expectations are not the same as when they were FT (works in your favor - if you're the SME, you could do the work in your sleep and cruise). I've also seen a person come back pre-pandemic and it seemed like it wasn't a social fit, where she was just coming in for the work without much interaction and she decided that it wasn't for her.

Are you going back to the same group where you need a small ramp up time to catch up on what you missed in the 2.5 years or are you starting in a new group and would need to get up to speed? The latter might be more difficult because you would need to put in extra effort to get up to speed. Also, is the work remote? And how difficult are your coworkers - or is the team well balanced and fun to work with?

As for SS, it depends on how long you plan on working again and you have up until the end of the year to decide. If it's long term, I'd pay it back assuming that it will allow you to push back on the age that you actually retired. Motivators are important to get back into the grind, so set up goals that you can remind yourself of on those difficult days (e.g. converting retirement funds to roth, etc).

I am going back to equipment support group so only need minimal "refresh".  Will try to negotiate on flexible work days/hours. Phone interviews and presentation went well so far.
But do you love the job?  If I were to go back to work I would die before I did something to take up time or the money.  Better come out of retirement in a truly fulfilling call or ....

General Talk / Re: 1st
« on: August 21, 2024, 04:15:42 PM »
Eddie wrote:
If I had my way I'd go all tiny home commune style growing Japanese purple yams and have all kinda fish frys....thanks for the near longer term reality potential. :smt006

Absolutely love that! One of the best times of my life was a period of about 3 years when 4 generations of my family were all living on a ranch together. There was a main house, an attached ADU, a cabin and a 5th wheel trailer.
What a historic family bond created there in your story!  It is possible! :smt007 :smt006

General Talk / Re: 1st
« on: August 21, 2024, 08:43:27 AM »
It has only been two days and my wife knows our home is forever changed. 

Don't be so sure. One of my kids is a staff pharmacist and the other just graduated from college with a degree in EE, and they are both now living at home. The cost of housing is so outrageous, I suspect that at least one of them will be living in this house longer than my wife and I.

In any case, congratulations!
I like it!  If I had my way I'd go all tiny home commune style growing Japanese purple yams and have all kinda fish frys....thanks for the near longer term reality potential. :smt006

General Talk / Re: 1st
« on: August 20, 2024, 02:09:43 PM »
Thanks for this community!  Fish on! :smt006

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