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Messages - ThreemoneyJ

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 107
General Talk / Ft Bragg Albacore Charter ?
« on: August 29, 2024, 10:26:33 AM »
It looks like a decent albacore year with some Bay Area boats getting in on the action. I don’t really want to spend that much time running to the fish and was considering looking at boats out of Ft Bragg. Does anyone have any experience or suggestions?

Barring that I’m going to start cold calling around and see what I can find.

General Fishing Tips / Re: How far out in Monterey for bigger sanddabs?
« on: August 22, 2024, 12:26:03 PM »
If Wikipedia is to be believed they live between 160 and 490 feet. I’ve also generally found little ones shallower and bigger ones deeper, although 200ft out of bodega bay has some big ones.

“The Pacific sanddab is endemic to the northern Pacific Ocean, from the Sea of Japan to the coast of California.[2][3] They are most commonly found at depths of 50 to 150 m (160 to 490 ft), though the young inhabit shallower waters, occasionally moving into tide pools.”

Eric as always thank you for the reports and pictures. I haven’t gotten up there yet this year but I sure hope I get the chance to at some point.

Hookups and Fishing Reports (Viewable by Public) / Re: Shelter Cove 8/20
« on: August 22, 2024, 12:13:19 PM »
Thanks for the report. Love seeing the otters. Bummer about the whale.

I’m hoping to get some lingcod this year. Can anyone point to a simplified version of the regulations? I’d like to launch at Albion. The update mentions several dates but doesn’t always clearly say if fishing is open or closed.


For kayak rockfishing out of Albion basically mark October and December as closed for this year. That 300 line is pretty far out there.

Hobie Kayaks / Re: 30ah Battery for Hobie Outback
« on: July 30, 2024, 12:38:47 PM »
Hi all,

I’m hoping to mount a 30ah battery inside the hull of my ‘24 outback. Does anyone have good recommendations for how to do this?

Have you picked your battery? Depending on the dimensions you could possibly fit it (in a waterproof box) in the hull under the seat or somewhere in the front hatch. I’ve done both. For the front hatch I had a battery mounted to the sail post, which I really liked and was very secure.

Hobie Kayaks / Re: Hobie Revolution - No longer in production
« on: July 15, 2024, 05:32:23 PM »
I’m hoping for a cleanup of model lines and updated/improved revo for 2025. Time will tell I guess. Linked is a recent interview with their new marketing director. At the end there is a hint at new stuff for 2025.


General Talk / Re: Pedals for VanHunks Sauger
« on: July 15, 2024, 05:22:29 PM »
The numbers are to adjust how far or close the pedals are to you. You basically want your leg just short of fully extended when pressed forward all the way on the stroke.

General Fishing Tips / Re: Budget treble hook replacement (bulk)
« on: July 09, 2024, 10:22:57 AM »
I just bought a bunch of hooks from Mustad. They had a 35% off for the 4th of July. Discount code was freedom. Triple grips are a really good treble hooks but they don’t have them in bulk. There are others in bulk though.

General Talk / Re: Lost in the Fog
« on: July 08, 2024, 02:16:09 PM »
Wow, I’m glad that it all worked out. That’s a scary situation to be in. I would not go out in thick fog without having some good navigation aids.

A group of us were fishing in thick fog once. We all dropped a gps pin so that we could have a reference point to meet at or give directions from while talking on the radio to each other.

I would be running the battery straight to the FF, no voltage regulator wanted. Hoping that the higher voltage will keep the unit powered for longer before reaching the low voltage cutoff.

General Talk / Re: New gear
« on: July 07, 2024, 12:55:00 PM »
what is that quick release for?  I assume a trolling motor?  does the hole pattern match the power pole mounting holes?

and I have a 7" screen, and my ball mount is pushed to the limits supporting it.  I lean it down, so it rest against the kayak itself.  I have the 1" ram mount.  I can't tell which one you have, but just a thought.

If you scuff up the ball with rough sandpaper it will grip better. 9” screen with 1” ball works for me.

General Fishing Tips / Re: Squid Brine?
« on: July 07, 2024, 12:51:58 PM »

This guys says it works.


In the past I’ve thrown some baits in a bag with salt that I use for brining smoked fish.

I read the article. I’ve been paying something like $10 per pound for fancy salt at the grocery store. I just went to a big box store and bought “pool salt” 40lb for $8. I’m trying a dry brine/salt cure on some freezer burned anchovies as we speak following those instructions. I’m interested to see what happens.

General Fishing Tips / Re: Lip gripper recommendation
« on: July 06, 2024, 06:52:48 PM »
I have my plastic ones leashed to the yak with a 2 foot bungee. It’s great for gripping the fish and then leaving it in the water while getting the measure board and camera ready or clearing lines and cleaning up the deck after a catch. I also usually bleed my fish briefly while floating alongside.

I’ve used the plastic ones to land some damn big lings and halibut too, up to almost 40”.

Gearing Up and Rigging Up / Using 14v or 16v battery for fishfinder?
« on: July 04, 2024, 10:46:45 AM »
Has anyone tried using either a 14v or 16v or higher for their fishfinder?

The bassboat guys have started doing that with high powered electronics (forward sonar and such) and it allegedly lasts longer and provides a better signal. Its probably mostly marketing, but I’m interested in the idea of a longer running ff battery since I’ve upgraded mine to a 9 inch screen.

Most new electronics can handle higher voltage inputs so I was mostly wondering about real world experiences.

Attached is a chart from a battery mfg so I have no way of certifying the info, but it’s an interesting chart.

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