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Messages - Bulldog---Alex

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 329
General Talk / Re: Fish Descender
« on: July 24, 2024, 01:44:38 PM »
Thanks for the info. I always bring a second rod. I'll clip a descender on it before I head out.


Hope to see ya this year, Al. I have a site at Doran for the crab opener. Hopefully opens on schedule.  :smt006

General Talk / Re: Fish Descender
« on: July 24, 2024, 12:06:47 PM »
Yes. It almost seems as officer discretion. Definitely want to speak to senior dfw officer here in Monterey bay. Met him before but forgot to get his card. I knew the previous main officer who has now retired. I know I am butchering his last name. Puchanelli?  Very nice guy. Always responded to my questions.

General Talk / Re: Fish Descender
« on: July 24, 2024, 10:04:56 AM »

I carry a descender with weights attached on my kayak, as shown below.  I had numerous discussions with CDFW staff, and they all accepted it as meeting the requirement.

I'm currious, exactly like that or did they say it has to be attach to a fishing rod?

They never told me it needed to be attached to a pole. If they did, I would respond that it would not be safe in a kayak.  Since I have already attached the weight, I could argue that it is ready for immediate use.
Since it is the first year, confusion and issues might need to be resolved.   Please let me know if anyone gets a citation or warning for not attaching to their fishing pole from a kayak.  I will discuss this with the CDFW staff.


I can message you the officers name if you like. As i mentioned, she was the only one that stated it needed to be attached to a pole.

Since you were on a boat, I don't want to escalate now.  I want to focus more for kayaks at this time.


No worries. I already had plans to do my own research. For boats. lol

General Talk / Re: Fish Descender
« on: July 24, 2024, 08:59:33 AM »

I carry a descender with weights attached on my kayak, as shown below.  I had numerous discussions with CDFW staff, and they all accepted it as meeting the requirement.

I'm currious, exactly like that or did they say it has to be attach to a fishing rod?

They never told me it needed to be attached to a pole. If they did, I would respond that it would not be safe in a kayak.  Since I have already attached the weight, I could argue that it is ready for immediate use.
Since it is the first year, confusion and issues might need to be resolved.   Please let me know if anyone gets a citation or warning for not attaching to their fishing pole from a kayak.  I will discuss this with the CDFW staff.


I can message you the officers name if you like. As i mentioned, she was the only one that stated it needed to be attached to a pole.

General Talk / Re: Fish Descender
« on: July 24, 2024, 08:56:35 AM »

I carry a descender with weights attached on my kayak, as shown below.  I had numerous discussions with CDFW staff, and they all accepted it as meeting the requirement.

I'm currious, exactly like that or did they say it has to be attach to a fishing rod?

I am sure this regulation can be interpretated both ways. As far as the Officer i encountered, she made it clear that the descender should be attached to a pole. Im sure this could be disputed and dismissed but would be a headache with lost time.

There is a Senior DFW officer here in Monterey that i will try and clarify .  We all know how office personnel interpretation can differ from field interpretation.  I did forget to mention i was boarded at the moss landing boat launch by a different DFW officer who i mentioned to that my descender was in my tackle box and he was fine with that.    :smt102

Wanted To Buy / Re: Ocean Kayak Zest 2
« on: July 23, 2024, 10:05:50 PM »
messaged him.

General Talk / Re: Fish Descender
« on: July 23, 2024, 05:26:03 PM »
Was the first time i had an officer tell me i needed it attached to a pole. Maybe she's bucking for a promotion?  :smt002

She actually has been very personable all the other times i have encountered her. I usually get a card from dfw officers for questions in the future.

I spoke with another officer the other day to clarify filleting fish aboard the boat. Was correct in my answers for cod, ling and halibut.

I don't have time at the moment to emulsify them for my garden so i would rather donate them back to the sea.

General Talk / Fish Descender
« on: July 23, 2024, 02:51:43 PM »
So, my last outing on my boat for rockfish, I was greeted by fish and game here in the Monterey bay.

I was asked if i had a descending device? I showed one i had set up to go directly to a pole in an instant.

She was ok with me having one on board but requested that i have it set up on a pole when fishing. Just a heads up. Maybe all DFW does not require it being set up, but it does make sense in my opinion. A little easier on a boat but probable a little more of an inconvenience on a kayak.

Craftsmen's Corner / Re: Homebrew aluminum kayak trailer
« on: July 22, 2024, 07:01:51 PM »
I thought CHP issued the VIN plates.  I've had a few friends build custom motorcycles or sidecars and that's where they got their VIN plate to rivet on.

The guy at that link in my previous post said the DMV gave him a “VIN sticker”, and no mention of CHP (that was from January 2024 in SoCal). He also says you can assign your own VIN and the DMV will use it. If I’d known that, I’d have chosen “0”, just to see if they’d take it…

I was issued a vin sticker on a harbor freight trailer I registered here in Salinas.

We are a 3 hour ferry from Juneau or a 30 minute seaplane flight.

What is the name of the Ferry and Seaplane companies. thxs

Looks to be a bit of a ride from Juneau ? What is the ride time on the

Yes, it would be cheaper being that we aren't providing meals, all of our cabins have kitchens so it allows guests to have their experience on their time. As far as the fish processing, that cuts some of the cost as well, what we provide are freezers, chamber vac sealer and boxing for your fish.

At what point will you provide costs? Here, email, website ?


For Sale / Re: FS - Hobie Adventure $900
« on: July 17, 2024, 06:12:51 PM »
Second the fleet. 3 kayaks and three boats.  :smt007

General Talk / Re: canning tuna?
« on: July 17, 2024, 12:14:22 PM »
Anyone interested in canning some BFT for me?  Only 20 or 30 pounds, split the proceeds with you?


If i knew how to, i would.  :smt001

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