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Messages - matanaska

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 97
CA Regulations / Re: RF Reg. Petition - Rockfish Nearshore Draft Petition
« on: September 09, 2023, 03:15:54 PM »
Where are the regulations for the Northern division?

Northern Management Area doesn't have a published 50-fathom rule, and we didn't know how to include it in the petition.
We hope CDFW will apply a similar rule when they accept our petition.  If you have detail petition language, please let us know.


We certainly do have a 50 fathom rule since our nearshore season was shut down before your nearshore was .  I’m not talking about the beginning of the season.  The groundfish laws aren’t permanent.  They change or amend them often during the season.  We used to be only 120ft depth limit then they upped to 180ft.  It used to only be open to October 31st then gave us till the end of the year.  They gave us all depth after October 31st for the 4 or 5 years, but only once or twice did we actually get all depth because they would say the limit had been reached on incidental yelloweye take and keep us at 180ft which so so stupid cause there are plenty of yelloweye in 180ft of water.  We also don’t have much reefs deeper than 180ft anyways.  Really my main concern is salmon and pacific halibut because if I really wanted rockfish or lingcod it’s almost as easy to just go catch some from shore since they aren’t a sportfishing and are some of the easiest fish to catch.  I wish y’all luck with this venture, but I have my doubts that CADFW will change whatever their plans are for the season.  Having the opportunity to fish Cape Mendocino for nearshore is about the only place that will get me to target rockfish and let ngs specifically.

CA Regulations / Re: RF Reg. Petition - Rockfish Nearshore Draft Petition
« on: September 02, 2023, 11:17:36 PM »
Where are the regulations for the Northern division?

We caught lots of quillback at Reading rock on the one trip we went out there this year.  We also caught lots of coppers too as well as several yelloweye.  The quillback seemed to go back on their own, but I was descending all fish we didn’t keep anyways.  I think I caught a quillback at the Cape once or twice and I agave caught a few in Shelter Cove fishing the deeper reef outside of the red can and south.

The only place I saw that might be within reasonable kayak range was out of Van Damme and off of Pt Cabrillo.  Looking at maps, the spot is either just at the 50 fathom line or just barely inside of it.  There is two spots I saw and both are just under 3 miles out which isn’t bad at all.  The spot off Pt Cabrillo is only 2.4 miles out which is even better, but I don’t know how easy it is to launch there.  More than likely, the spots are just inside of the 50 fathom line. Anyone have the GPS coordinates for the 50fathom line around Albion and Van Damme area?

Yes.  You can still fish inside the 50 fathom line, but you can’t keep or have any rockfish aboard

I rarely catch quillback unless I’m fishing 120ft or deeper.  The quillback fishery is healthy.  The data or pseudoscience that CADFW is using is horsehit


How does stopping me from fishing this whole season (haven't been out yet) help the quillback?

There are plenty of other fish near shore besides rockfish and lings.  The flatfish are better eating imo which includes sand sole, rock sole, California halibut, sand dabs and starry flounder.  There are a few kinds of perch, striper and White Sea bass too.  If I lived near the Bay Area, I would be targeting White Sea bass cause they rarely show up north.  Also there is sturgeon until they tighten the regs some more on those as well.  Also it’s thresher shark season which is plenty of meat for your catch and a blast to catch as well.  It will only improve your catch rate in general if you adapt and learn to target other fish.  Rockfish and lings are some of the easiest to catch fish which makes it not much of a sport or challenge.


I fish usually in 20-50' of water, really near shore, and don't recall ever catching one. If I ever have, it quickly went back into the water (or never left the water) anyway. I don't keep any of the smaller rockfish (chinas, coppers, gophers, etc.) and typically have an okay lingcod and a couple cabs on my stringer. Maybe a vermillion or nice black.

Coppers are not smaller rockfish.  Coppers get much bigger than chinas or gophers.  I have caught many over 20” over the years. 

We did know this could be a possibility two years ago.  When they lower the bag limit on a fish and tell us it’s being overfished, you shouldn’t keep those fish or post on social media.  I was saying this about coppers and quillbacks then.  Too many anglers go rockfishing for limits.  Our Rockfish limit should be reduced to 5-7 including lingcod.  10 rockfish and 2 lingcod is not necessary.  I’m not convinced by CADFW’s shady broken management of our fisheries.  Their numbers seem to just come out of nowhere.  I’ll be happy if we get salmon back next year and more pacific halibut quota.  Personally, I wouldn’t be that upset if nearshore was closed again.  If I really felt like I needed some lingcod or rockfish, I would just catch em from shore off the rocks like I used to before owning kayaks or boats.  Big lings are fun to catch from shore anyways.  The loss of business in small towns and the effects on local economies is not good though.

General Talk / Re: Eureka suggestions
« on: July 28, 2023, 04:37:52 PM »
I know of Fields Landing. I'm looking for something closer to the halibut grounds. Thanks though.

Closer to the halibut grounds? 🤦🏻‍♂️ calibuts don’t only live in the north part of the bay.  There are big ones right out in front of King Salmon and the opening to the jaws.  Also it is as closer or closer plus less traffic from Fields Landing to Fairhaven beach.  Before Fairhaven and just east of the channels markers is a another popular spot for big calibuts.  You can often find bait schools out there or near the Coast Guard station.  Dealing with all the traffic at the boat ramp in Old Town isn’t always the best option for calibut fishing.

For Sale / Re: Kaiju Giant Plastics for the Deep. #bigfishonly
« on: July 28, 2023, 04:26:53 PM »
this is how big it is. arm and truck for reference.

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Make a rootbeer colored one for pacific halibut

Fish Talk / Re: Rockfish Reg. Petition Workgroup - Need your help
« on: June 25, 2023, 11:28:31 PM »
From all the reports I have been seeing down south, the management is working just fine.  There hasn’t been lots of yelloweyes caught and anglers are now getting the chance to harvest chili peppers, petrale sole, black cod and some lucky anglers are getting pacific halibut.  I go out to 300 feet on my kayak in Trinidad on occasion to target Pacific halibut and it is much further to get there than lots of places south.  Here up north we lost 3 months of rockfishing, but get to fish all depths.  I’m fine with that.  In fact I have only been out once cause rockfish and lingcod just don’t do it for me and some other anglers I know.  Salmon is what gets me on the water.  I would be more into a reduced bag for more time cause I don’t need to harvest 10 rockfish each time.  You guys down South didn’t lose much cause you still have July15-December 31 for nearshore which is plenty of time considering y’all have better weather and more than 2-3 times as many anglers fishing.  I don’t support the non-motorized aspect because I have seen so many floating yelloweyes and misidentifications by kayakers in areas like Sonoma and Mendocino where deeper water is much closer than our spots up North. 

I support mandatory descenders and a reduced bag limit for rockfish to get more time to fish.  Any of the other proposals is unnecessary.  Y’all guys have other good fisheries like White Sea bass that we rarely see up north as well as the bonito and mackerel y’all often get in Monterey and further south.   If anything the bag limits should be reduced south of Mendocino because yalll harvest several times more rockfish than we do here in the northern and Mendocino region just based on the number of anglers or the fish able days because your weather is milder than up north.  We always get the shit end of the regulations because we don’t have as many people speaking on our behalf while y’all have lots of cattle boats and plenty of people with the money to own big boats.  I have zero sympathy for anglers south of the Mendocino management area.  If your wanting rockfish so bad earlier in the summer, then plan a trip to our coast where the fish are bigger and more plentiful.  Our towns could use the income.
Also with the amount of incidental Pacific halibut being caught in places south of the northern management zone, y’all should be helping us get more pacific halibut quota so the season goes into October because it can be really good during that time and ithey tend to be a little bit shallower which some of y’all kayakers could catch one too

Fish Talk / Re: Pacific halibut in the Monterey Bay?
« on: May 27, 2023, 12:02:04 PM »
It is definitely hard to tell from that pic.  Here are some pacific halibut pics of the white side that I have caught on boats and kayak.  The first example is one that was on ice overnight, but as you can see the fins stayed down and isn’t showing the diamond shape so it is possible.  I was reading that they said someone lost one on a diamond jig too while rockfishing.  It is uncommon for California halibut to go deeper than 197ft.  As you can see in the other pics, most of the time the diamond shape of the fins will show itself.

AOTY / Re: AOTY 2023 Participant list
« on: May 13, 2023, 10:01:50 AM »
With no salmon this year, I am not going to bother cause I sure as fuck don’t want catch a bunch of boring ass freshwater dinks that are all hours driving .

General Talk / Re: Max # of Hooks for Halibut SF Bay
« on: May 03, 2023, 10:26:12 AM »
Rockfish and lings aren’t picky so you don’t really need live bait.  Live bait is just overkill for rockfishing.

Guess the bigger lings I’ve gotten, which have been on big live baits, didn’t get this memo.

My pb ling cod @41.5” and 2nd biggest in AOTY history was caught salmon trolling with a bag anchovy on a $20 fiberglass 8ft rod because the salmon bite was soft so the sensitive fiberglass rod helped feel the salmon nibbling.

Hookups and Fishing Reports (Viewable by Public) / Re: halibut
« on: May 02, 2023, 05:18:04 PM »
As soon as the weather allows, I’ll be targeting a barn door pacific halibut on my kayak in 250-350ft of water.

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