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Messages - ThreemoneyJ

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 111
I’d like to hear your experience. My biggest cart complaint is storage after launch. That one looks like it breaks down pretty well for storage.

General Talk / Re: Hobie Trax 2 Plug In Kayak Cart
« on: February 10, 2025, 09:26:14 AM »
I’ve been using a plug in cart since 2015 with no issues. I did a couple of mods for my use.

I cut down the uprights so that I don’t have to lift the kayak as high for putting the cart on and taking it off.

I put on tennis balls as well. 1 ball per and cut in half. I’ve attached a bad picture of what I mean.

General Fishing Tips / Re: Just sayin’
« on: February 05, 2025, 06:04:25 PM »
Fun to catch and release, but also very tasty to eat!
Yeah! This year?  Great pic! :smt006

That one is a few years old from that one spot. Tried there a little while back for nothing. Might go again sometime this spring. Sitting at anchor is relaxing IMO

General Fishing Tips / Re: Just sayin’
« on: February 05, 2025, 12:54:13 PM »
Fun to catch and release, but also very tasty to eat!

Fishing Tournaments and Events / Re: Oregon Rockfish Classic 2025
« on: January 27, 2025, 08:09:16 PM »
Interested and subscribed to see the details coming!

AOTY / Re: AOTY upload failing?
« on: January 27, 2025, 08:07:24 PM »
I saw moo’s zombie and approved it.

Did a test upload myself with no issues a minute ago.

If you have not already try to log out, clear cookies, and log back in. Everything looks ok on the admin side with your account.

Wanted To Buy / Re: Need a new Truck
« on: January 25, 2025, 06:52:07 PM »
I was told that aerodynamic drag is exponential. So even a slight increase in speed has a big effect on things when they are not aerodynamic (roof rack with kayak).
I have noticed that with my electric car, that even putting the light weight Hobie Lynx on top really cuts down range dramatically at freeway speeds, but not so much at speeds under 50-60mph. So I now try to stay under 70mph. I'll get there when I get there.

So if you are not liking your gas mileage, drop your speed just 5 or 10 mph down to 60 - 70 or so and see what it does.

I got fish to catch, I ain’t slowing down!!  :smt044

nice, looks like a productive day.  I've always thrown them back as I'm not sure how to  clean them, If I fillet them, doesn't seem like I would get any meat?  how do you prepare them?


Paul thanks for the report. Looks like a productive day. Anecdotally speaking I think sole go deeper in the winter, but I’m probably wrong.

Brian I prepare them like Paul suggests as well. Diagonal cut from shoulder to behind anal cavity. Head, guts, everything as one piece. Then scale and remove fins if desired.

Keep the heads and guts by using a vac sealer. There are no spikes so it will seal up nice and store well for crab bait.

Eric it is great to see the tradition continuing! I’m hoping I can get things lined up to make it, I’m sure it will be an awesome event enjoyed by all  :smt001

Wanted To Buy / Re: Need a new Truck
« on: January 25, 2025, 01:18:37 PM »
The JahRunner has a body lift right, or leveling kit? May need to replace the CV axel & boots, if that was never done.
You know what I’d say: get you a Ram 1500.

I have 130k or so on my Ram 1500 and plan on driving it into the ground. Gas mileage sucks though. With the roof racks and 2 kayaks on top plus loaded down with camping and fishing gear I’m getting less than 15mpg at ~75 mph freeway speeds.

« on: January 25, 2025, 09:20:51 AM »

Can you add me in? Trying to get some more time and experience on the water this year.

Any recommendations for a bump board? I heard the sharpie markings on the side of my kayak aren't admissible  :smt044

I sent you a PM in case you miss this post. Since you have not created an AOTY account before please do so.  Click the AOTY link, then click create account, then enter your info. Once done I can activate the account.

For a measure board I have been using a Ketch 32” board. It’s light and durable and at 32” it can measure most of my catches. https://ketchproducts.com/product/32-ketch-karbonate/

« on: January 24, 2025, 01:00:07 PM »
Ahhhh the Ol memories of competing in AOTY....🥴🥴
Crazy it's still going. Maybe I'll contribute a fish or two for old shake🤷🏽

Just trying to keep the dream alive! Miss the old KATS tourneys that we used to do.

Thanks for the info. I’ve been launching from the beach there for a long time. Having a dock will be great!

General Fishing Tips / Re: Bodega bay perch
« on: January 24, 2025, 07:58:29 AM »
Surf Perch ID


Lots of striped and white perch in the jetty area. Redtails and barred along the sand.

Gearing Up and Rigging Up / Re: Kokanee Rod Recommend
« on: January 23, 2025, 09:13:07 AM »
Another vote for an inexpensive Okuma rod here. Pair it with a low profile baitcaster, throw on some 10lb braid with a topshot of mono. Works for downrigger, weights, and flat trolling. I think I’m using the 7-6 light model.

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