Mark Pastick has always done his best to provide us NorCal Kayak Anglers a derby to fish and a worthwhile cause to contribute. :smt038
This upcoming event marks the 5th year, a mini-milestone and certainly the longest running kayak fishing event in NorCal. :smt041
I'd thought it be nice to really turn it up and try to organize 'us' as a group to provide more food and prizes for such a worthy cause - us.
I'm going to donate:
Prize: Fish Easy 1 - New in Box, though an older model, maybe someone could use it.
Food: Appetizer - bacon wrapped asparagus
If anyone wants to donate items as well, please post on this thread so we can keep tabs to keep down on duplication or too much of one thing like - beer. :beer3
Elric... excellent idea! I agree we should help Mark out to make this the best derby yet.
I'm going to go through my stuff to find some raffle prizes. I like the potluck idea too. Hmmm... what can I bring :smt017
I've got a couple of unopened Rapala that I'll bring and throw into the raffle pot.
This is a good idea. I hope to donate a 40lb halibut to the pot luck. I think I have an unopenned VHF radio waterproof case to donate as a back up. :smt002
I'll bring some lumpia for the potluck :smt045