Kayak Fishing Zone > AOTY

JAOTY 2016

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This thread is for all things JAOTY. Remember JAOTY is free, so let's have some fun.

There have been some great fish entered this year for Jr. AOTY and there is still time to get your kids out on the water. Feel free to post your kids fish pics here so that we can all see what they have been catching. As always if you have any companies that would like to donate prizes for JAOTY please let me know.

Dan at the Headwaters Kayak Shop and Feelfree kayaks are donating a Feelfree move angler to Jr. AOTY. It will be awarded via raffle and more logistics will be posted soon.

Wish I am a junior  :smt003

Thanks Dan.

Thanks Dan and Victor!

Sweet! A lucky junior will dig paddling that :smt001


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