Kayak Fishing Zone > Fishing Pics

NCKA Spearfishing/Diving Videos

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Both great videos.  Love that you chuckle with excitement when you get 10" abs and vermillion.  So thought I would have heard that when you got the Sheep that had 10 extra months to live. 


--- Quote from: DG on January 23, 2016, 10:45:14 AM ---Both great videos.  Love that you chuckle with excitement when you get 10" abs and vermillion.  So thought I would have heard that when you got the Sheep that had 10 extra months to live.

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Yeah, I think I was so amped and worried that he might get away somehow that I was all business until I ripped a few gills out and had the spear all the way through...then I let out some hoots and hollers... :smt003

Will never forget how cool it felt when you guys came paddling up and I already had that fish on board!!


Looking forward to diving with you again this year!




Catch n Cook:
A little Nor Cal and a little So Cal in this one we recently posted to our Youtube channel.


--- Quote from: Catch n Cook on February 14, 2019, 03:11:42 PM ---A little Nor Cal and a little So Cal in this one we recently posted to our Youtube channel.

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Sweet compilation!
Way to go fellas


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