Kayak Fishing Zone > Fishing Pics
NCKA Spearfishing/Diving Videos
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BigJim: Didn't see a thread for awesome underwater video porn...Here is a recent compilation I did showing fishies taken with my Pathos 75 and 60 while primarily diving off my JK Kraken from January through March.Post up your favorite underwater vids! :smt006Sincerely,Jim
BigJim: Two versions of my 2014:Shorter:Longer:NorCal Lingcod:HoleHunting: :smt006Sincerely,Jim
BigJim: April and May of 2015. :smt006Sincerely,Jim
BigJim: Monterey County July 4th weekend full version:And 15 second instavid for ADD folks:https://instagram.com/p/4ucIsGsyb-/ :smt006Sincerely,Jim
BigJim: 2015 Compilation:Male Sheephead Quest: :smt006Sincerely,Jim
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