General > Pay It Forward

PIF $$-Where does it go?

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--- Quote from: Rock Hopper on April 23, 2015, 05:27:16 AM ---
--- Quote from: FishingForTheCure on April 16, 2015, 11:36:56 AM ---
.....a HUGE thanks to all those who have supported these events through donations & various levels of participation.

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Definitely. would be for nothing if it wasn't for the efforts and donations of the NCKA community.    :smt006   :smt008

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X 1,000.

I often have very little $ to actually donate so instead try and help by organizing/promoting etc...any/all success of PIF is due to the generosity and donations of the NCKA family...





Fish Flogger:

--- Quote from: Cen Coast on April 22, 2015, 08:21:27 PM ---
--- Quote from: Fish Flogger on April 22, 2015, 07:01:28 PM ---Have we nailed down a date yet?

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I think it'll either be July 18 or Aug 1 (week before Albion) or Aug 15 (week after Albion).
Which would be best?

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Any of those dates work for me. I vote for July 18th because it's sooner :D Can't wait to hang with you guys, though I guess I'll see most of you at GS.

I've already started pulling together donations from NHS. There's gonna be some sick loot this year  :smt003 :smt004


PIF is so awesome. It gives me hope that if a bunch of a hulls can do this, then truly anything is possible  :smt002


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