Pay It Forward (PIF) raises $ throughout the year in a variety of ways (AOTY/DOTY registration fees, annual PIF Paddle and Party, personal donations, events like GS and FreshKats etc).
Historically, this $ has gone to NCKA members battling cancer or other serious illness.
Here is a breakdown of how much $ has been generated via PIF efforts over the years and where the $ has gone:
2010: $6,000+ given to Mooch 2011: $9,000+ given to Mooch/Shicken 2012: $8,000+ given to Mooch/Shicken 2013: $10,000+ given to Mooch 2014: $15,300+ given to Porky's daughter Hailey 2015: $1,120 given to PAL, $10,360 given to Jack Forney, $6,012.10 still in PayPal for future recipients 2016: $2,500 to young Frankie for his battle with Brain Cancer, $3,000 to MontanaN8V to help with his health problems, $10,000 to Raquel Pass for her battle with Breast Cancer, $10,975.24 still in PayPal for future recipients 2017: $43,000 raised and donated...
The A-Hulls will decide with input from the NCKA community who to give PIF $ to.
Factors that the A-Hulls will consider include:
-NCKA membership. PIF $ is for members of the NCKA family/community. -Level of financial need. PIF $ is for NCKA members who need financial help to deal with cancer/serious illness. -Status in the NCKA community. PIF $ ideally will go to positive, active members of the NCKA community. This is not a popularity contest, and sincere consideration will be given to each potential recipient.
If someone wants to "nominate" themselves or another NCKA member to be a PIF recipient, they should send a PM to one or all of the A-Hulls: BigJim, Cen Coast, AlsHobieOutback, Fish Master1, dpshim, Rock Hopper, Saint Of Circumstance, sctrace, bloodbath.
The A-hulls will discuss the nomination, make a decision and post that decision and our rationale on the PIF forum.
While the decision on who to make a PIF recipient ultimately will be made by the A-Hulls, we want to be as transparent as possible, and make sure we are listening to the NCKA community and being responsive and open to suggestions and feedback.
We hope this makes sense, and is in line with what the NCKA community expects of PIF.
THANK YOU to everyone for your continued support of PIF.
For those who AREN'T familiar with what this has done for some of our members over the years ... it has been, in my opinion/view, life changing!
Keep up the good work A-Hulls! addition to those who help to set this all up ... a HUGE thanks to all those who have supported these events through donations & various levels of participation.
This is wonderful! great job guys! This is indeed a great community.
Fish Flogger:
Thank you for everything you do for PIF Jim. The A-Hulls and the NCKA community really make this a special thing. I can't wait for the main event this year. Have we nailed down a date yet?
I found PIF to be one of the coolest things when I joined NCKA last year. I hope to be able to contribute more this year.