Kayak Zone > Places to Launch and Camp

Delta Launch Locations

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Papa Al:
This thread was originally created in 2006. Lots of changes have been made since that time. I'm sure many of the county and state access areas have been closed due to budget cuts. The Delta Meadows ramp for example. Launch prices have probably changed also.

This thread is meant to be a resource for the NCKA community. All members are welcome to post changes and are encouraged to add new locations.


Papa Al:
Walnut Grove: New Hope Landing

New Hope Landing is on part of the Mokelumne River. Nice launch ramp and parking lot. Sign says $10 to launch or $5 to park. Nobody in the office to confirm kayak price. The water there looks nice with trees and growth along the river.

New Hope Ramp and sign

Papa Al:
Walnut Grove: Wimpy's Marina

Wimpy's is next door to New Hope. $10 ramp fee also.

Wimpy's Ramp

Papa Al:
Walnut Grove Marina is located on the opposite side of Dead Horse Island from New Hope. Also on the Moke.
The sign posted stated $10 launch. I went in the store and asked the nice lady how much for a kayak. She says "One of those little plastic boats?...$5". I forgot to check out the ramp. I'm sure it looks the same as the others.

Way to add to the community knowledge base!  Good job, Al !


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