Having just purchased my lifetime fishing license, (Last year, had one in possession already) how do get my license for this year? Go to retailer and inform them I have lifetime license and want a copy? (I'll need to pay my 2nd rod stamp, I know that)
I think you can do it online. I was looking at getting ing one of these for my daughter before her tenth birthday and it looks like you can do it all online.
I have a (greatly) reduced price license due to my level of disability that I received last year. For this year, I received a renewal notice by mail informing me of payment options, one of which was online. On the online site, I entered a serial number from my license that then identified me. IF it isn't legitimate, it won't work. Then entered CC info, clicked Enter, and received my license within 10 days. November 15 is usually the starting point for getting the license for the next year.
Sin Coast:
I've had one for about 13yrs now. They stopped mailing it to me ~4yrs ago. You can go to any shop that sells licenses and they will print it for you (providing you have a valid CA ID).
Make sure that you let them know it's a lifetime license when you're picking it up in person.
I made the mistake of assuming that it was a no-brainer while picking it up at a sporting goods store. The cashier selected 'Sport License' instead of the lifetime option (why is there a sport option??). So he wouldn't release the license unless it was paid for and the lifetime was no longer an option -- only reprinting a duplicate which is another charge.
The worst part of it was the cashier, who kept on repeating "why would you need pickup a new license every year if it's a lifetime license". The manager of the store got involved and tried to convince me that a lifetime license did not have to be printed every year and that she had one herself.
One of the worst experiences in my life and I finally got it after an hour of suggesting how they can make the situation right. I'm getting it online from now with the option of having a digital copy until it arrives.