General > Kayak Sailing

The Wind was Right Today 8/19 ARW

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We all had a blast today sailing ARW.  Wind conditions was a steady 15 knots that made our AI's fly. Hook up crew was Pat R, ChuckE, Tailwalk and myself.  Martianfish and InsaneDuane stopped by to say hi to us.
Pat tried fishing early without much success but made up for excellent sailing conditions.

Ama digging deep on other side

Mel, thanks for posting the hook-up.  That was a blast.  I guess time flies when your flying. :smt003
I was impressed with Pat's staying power.  Pat said he was there from 7am to 5pm when we finally called it quits.

Pat R.:
Its hard to quit when your having so much fun I will post some pics when I get home. I may have a leak in my hull, there was about a galon of water inside the hull I drained out when I got home. wish me luck luck finding it.


To bad I can't make your hookup Mel!  15 knot steady winds is pure fun.  Well, there will always be a next time.  Did you guys take any videos of the action?



--- Quote from: Pat R. on August 20, 2012, 07:32:43 AM ---Its hard to quit when your having so much fun I will post some pics when I get home. I may have a leak in my hull, there was about a galon of water inside the hull I drained out when I got home. wish me luck luck finding it.


--- End quote ---

Pat - I had about 2 to 3 cups inside my hull.  All our bows where punching through waves most of the time.  Off course I was only out 2 hours.


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