General > Kayak Sailing

Hobie Adventure Island Sailing Basics

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This is a gem!  Thanks GB2!

I need to get that darn revo out there with the "amas" and see how it performs when I can puch it a bit more. I am sure it will be no match for an AI but beats pedal power


--- Quote from: EWB on July 10, 2012, 04:14:22 PM ---I need to get that darn revo out there with the "amas" and see how it performs when I can puch it a bit more. I am sure it will be no match for an AI but beats pedal power

--- End quote ---

Looking forward to your report! I got the sail now and thinking about getting the amas next. jim

Great Bass 2:
Here is an interesting post on what may have been a partial pitch-pole capsize of an AI. Note that they were running down wind and had tramps and spray shields deployed.

yeah i saw that post previously and mentioned it to a few people who were interested in spray shields


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