General > Recipes

My Favorite Recipe Link

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If you ever need some good recipes for something you've caught, check out:

Hunter Angler Gardner Cook:

The site has good recipes for most tasty critters that swim, fly, or crawl. :smt003

If you've got a favorite recipe link you wanna share, you can post it here.

Nice, thanks Chuck!

The author's Hank Shaw. A serious angler and amazing chef and writer. Lives in the Delta. I want to take him out yakking. He'd love it.

Hank is a great guy. He lives here in Sacramento and is always ready to go do something outside. A few weeks ago we striper fished. If you don't have his book you should buy it. It is a great cookbook.

Great link...made me freaking hungry so I cooked this...

Book mark added thanks brother... :smt044 :smt044 :smt044


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