I don't even have a kayak yet but shore and pier fish 3-7 times a week and cant wait to target fish from a new means. I' m doing a lot of research on kayaks styles and most importantly safety on the water before my purchase. Just wanted to thank Ariel, because a 15 minute conversation with him convinced me that I need a kayak.
Welcome, valaris415. Ariel's a good man. You're fortunate to have scored 15 minutes with him. A kayak will change your fishing life. :smt001
Welcome aboard and do take your time to scouting our website. There are ton of information here that can help you decide which kayak will fit you fishing lifestyle.
Take your time and pick the right one but you better have one by May 15th.
Welcome. You're fishing life will never be the same. They call it the kayak madness.