Kayak Fishing Zone > Fishing Pics

A collection of speared fish....

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Fish Master1:
Confirmed kill.

Spearfishing is a challenge and will hone your skills and patience both.   :smt001

Now if I could just figure out why there are always fish when I dont have the gun and all over the place when I leave it in hanging from the tube. :smt044 :smt044


--- Quote from: ravensblack on November 13, 2009, 06:51:58 AM ---Now if I could just figure out why there are always fish when I dont have the gun and all over the place when I leave it in hanging from the tube. :smt044 :smt044

--- End quote ---

thats easy, they are watching.  And some say fish are dumb  :smt003

The Manatee that could  :smt002


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