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YAKRONYMS for Newbies

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MBF = Money Between Friends
LMAO = Laugh My A$$ Off
Skunk = No fish to clean for the day  :smt003

TMDA = Too Many Damn Acronyms!  :smt005

WFO = Wide ..... Open
MBK = Monterey Bay Kayaks
CL = Clear Lake
DirtyD = Delta
SPB = San Pablo Bay
CC = China Camp
LK = Limekiln State Park

Not an acronym but good to know ..
Stillwater South/SWS - carmel @ pebble beach
Stillwater Cove - North in Jenner

and how does CBA stand for Caught, Beaten and Eaten?  Maybe Aten?   :smt044

SBD - figure that one out yourself

Rock Hopper:

--- Quote from: Northern Boy on May 20, 2009, 01:14:49 PM ---It's been a while since we had a thread on "Linguage".

WAF; Wife and Family (as in WAF points, accumulated by doing household chores, or made obsolete by marrying a kayak fisherwoman  :smt004).

--- End quote ---

WAF actually stands for Wife Approval Factor, which is why you may sometimes see GAF (Girlfriend Approval Factor), and maybe even BAF...but I haven't seen this one yet.

WTG = Way to go
OTD = out the door
BTDT = been there done that

ISTM = I'm sure there's more!

WAF actually stands for Wife/Woman Acceptance Factor =)

heres one for yakuza and ewb
RWC - Redwood City


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