Kayak Fishing Zone > Hookups and Fishing Reports (Viewable by Public)

Monterey Squidding | Important RockFish Regulations


In this episode of TLA, I continue squid fishing in Monterey Bay, where the action has been intense and exciting! Squid of market size are perfect for dishes like calamari and also make excellent bait for larger fish such as halibut, lingcod, and rockfish. They even work as scent bait for lobsters and crabs. With so many uses, I couldn't resist getting my squid fix!

I also brought my Insta360 X4 on the kayak for the first time to film—and I’m loving it! The camera captures incredible views, letting you experience the fun of this fishery right there with me on the kayak.

Additionally, there have been significant regulatory changes to the Rockfish season, including mid-season depth restrictions and retention limits on certain species. These new rules have caused confusion and led to numerous fines and tickets. To help clarify, I talked with DFG wardens about the regulations to better inform the public. We all want to enjoy fishing without worrying about tickets, and the wardens aren’t thrilled about issuing them either. I hope you enjoy this informative and entertaining episode of TLA!

Thanks for the informative video Keith.


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