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WSB Filleting Vid

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That looks delicious. I'm certainly not sharing my fillet work on here....
What oil and spices are you using?

Looks delicious 😋

Thanks guys.

--- Quote from: JoeDubC on October 22, 2024, 05:42:50 PM ---What oil and spices are you using?

--- End quote ---

I used to just rub the fish with olive oil and sprinkle some salt and pepper and do in the cast iron…but this year my girls got me a new Blackstone, and it came with some seasoning I’ve been using to give it a little extra flavor…and most recently I’ve been using some of this butter sauce from a New Orleans restaurant we like to help keep it moist and to give it a little extra blackening on the outside…

But honestly olive oil and salt/pepper and a squeeze of lime is all you need…




Living proper, my man.   :smt007

I have 4 different sizes of Blackstone griddles. Love cooking on them! Big fish processing is something I need to try. Gotta catch one first though!!! :smt044 :smt044


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