Kayak Fishing Zone > AOTY

The return of the big measure board.

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--- Quote from: Sailfish ---"Let me know if you think you might need one."
Hi Eric,
I would like to have one for my future 40+ catches  :smt003.

--- End quote ---

If you don't win one we can arrange a commissioned piece.   :smt001

Oh, how I wish for the problem of a standard hawg trough not being long enough.  :smt044


--- Quote from: LoletaEric on April 28, 2024, 10:55:03 AM ---
--- Quote from: Sailfish ---"Let me know if you think you might need one."
Hi Eric,
I would like to have one for my future 40+ catches  :smt003.

--- End quote ---

If you don't win one we can arrange a commissioned piece.   :smt001

--- End quote ---

I would like to have one regardless of winning or not.  LMK your commission fee so I can start saving  :smt003


--- Quote from: Sailfish ---I would like to have one regardless of winning or not.  LMK your commission fee so I can start saving  :smt003

--- End quote ---

I'll hook up with you on it at GS.   :smt001


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