Kayak Fishing Zone > Fishing Tournaments and Events

The 2nd Annual Bullards Bar Fish'n'Chill Friday 5/10-Sunday 5/12, 2024

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Hey all, planning a Fish n chill at Bullards Bar, Dark Day Camp/Launch the weekend of May 10-12th, 2024

Similar setup to last year, same target (MONSTER 10-12" Kokes), the lake also hold some bass and trout...so you might be able to check off 3 fish on your AOTY list!

We'll base out of the Dark Day Campground and Dark Day boat launch.  Friday afternoon pre-fish, and should be some campfires and barley pops to be had.  Saturday morning fishing, Saturday afternoon we'll have a pot luck.  Plug-n-jug will be organizing our friendly competition again (Photo based, so keep or release as you like) $10 donation, 100% payout

For those not familiar with Bullards, it’s a super nice place to go fishing.  If you go on a weekday, you'll have the lake to yourself…and be listening for any unwanted banjos.  Come on a weekend, especially in the summer, and you'll need to share the lake with a few folks.  Spring can be gorgeous up there, you get the early morning crisp air of the mountains, the unmistakable smell of pine in the air, and generally a lot of -----quiet---- which is nice.  The Kokes tend to be easy to find, but can hide on some days, they are small, with a limit of ten.  They cook very nicely whole, or just slice them in half, and pull the bones out after cooking.  Personally, I prefer the small BB Kokes to the larger kokes in Fallen Leaf Lake - I cannot yet compare them to the larger cokes over at Whiskeytown.

Camping spaces are limited so get one now if you want to join, and ideally plan to share it with another NCKA camper.
If you're not up for the camping - just join for the day - it a lovely lake and a nice drive.

   - Friday 5/12 pre-fish and/or arrive
      ○ Friday evening, walk campfire to campfire, chatting
   - Saturday 5/13
      ○ AM Fish (comp from 7am to noon)
      ○ Afternoon: Biggest Fish comp picture turn in
      ○ 5 PM Pot luck

hope to see you all out there,

It's worth the drive for you bay area people! With wives and girlfriends last year there were about 20 of us. I had a great time meeting, fishing and just hanging out with new people. Not so much with the ones I already new.  :smt044 I'm expecting larger Kokes this year. I have seen many 14 and a few 15 inchers come out of there already this year. If Dark Day Campground is full and we cant squeeze you into one of the sites with us, there is another camp campground just down the road called Schoolhouse. https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprdb5298300.pdf

I'll be there!

We had so much fun last year! I’m really looking forward to it again. I’ve already reserved a campsite for the weekend.

There was a little beach at the bottom of the campground hill (lake level depending) that we all hauled out on and had a campfire on. Fishing was really good and fun was had by all. I doubt this year will be any different!

Thanks for the open invite Brian. I want to learn catching kokanee. I caught pinks in Alaska before, but I don't think they're the same. Would love to come up if my schedule allows.


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