Thanks to the hard work of bsteves the 2024 AOTY website is up and open for business!
If you are getting an error when attempting to load the AOTY site is might be due to a conflict between the http and https address. The http address works, but for some reason the https address is having issues. If you are using safari or edge you can simply delete the s from https and it should work. If you are using chrome you have to go into your browser settings and deselect "always use secure connections" as well as "use secure DNS" If you are using other browsers then IDK, I'm not a computer person, I just enjoy fishing.
If you competed last year I have activated your account.
If you have never competed before reply here or send me a message and we will get you set up. It is a fun way to track your fishing progress and see how your luck (and skill) stack up against other kayak anglers.
Have fun in 2024 everyone.
And if you caught a fish between Jan 1 and now go ahead and enter it. The late start is not the fault of anyone catching fish so we will ignore the 2 week rule up till now.
Thanks for all your work on this. I agree it adds another level to the kayak fishing obsession. Variety is the spice of life and targeting 10 species categories gives so many options on any given fishing day.
Awesome! thanks! looking forward to another year, chasing the title, debating strategies (in my head) and fishing and kibitzing with friends - see you all on the water Brian.