How about a separate “open” category, where pretty much anything goes (sail, motor, whatever)?
Separate category gets my vote.
However it goes down, all good. :smt001
I'm for inclusion. I'm 64 and physically unable to use a peddle kayak for more than a hour. In order for me to join the AOTY, I would be forced to paddle. In my eyes that puts me at a disadvantage to those with peddle capability. I would not be opposed to a special category for beat up old dudes like me and others. Kevin
philosophically, against it. Electric motor is much different than grinding it out (peddle or paddle). if someone has a physical disability and blue card from DMV, I'd be open to that.
just my 2c.
after reading convincing arguments from Jewlion, Corey, and Scotty...I've changed my vote to a yes.
Devil's advocate here--what if some people don't want to disclose their disability status for the sake of what is really just a fun game amongst friends? When is that power really going to be make or break in terms of catching fish? Salmon trolling all day? I put in 10+ hour days on the Revo--Do batteries really run that long at 2MPH trolling? I just don't see it being a huge fish-catching advantage. Let 'em play. Lets not overcomplicate this by making two seperate games, or proof of disability, that will devalue the spirit of AOTY. Bet the 2024 winner does it by being an excellent fisherman, not by having a motor.