Kayak Fishing Zone > AOTY

Electric Motors in AOTY

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Also, if you voted no in this poll, you better be playing this year or your vote doesn't count  :smt001


--- Quote from: NowhereMan on January 22, 2024, 08:08:52 PM ---How about a separate “open” category, where pretty much anything goes (sail, motor, whatever)?

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This, and include spearfishing

Participation in this event has seemingly gone down every year, even with no entry costs. Anything we can do to increase it, I'd be in favor of. I've fished with more than a few people with Bixbys, Torqeedos, etc.  At no point did I feel they had an advantage over me, even as an older guy.

We accept every other technical advantage, including live scope (is that still fishing?). Winning this contest (I have a sense of what it takes) is still going to be about a willingness to get on the road, fish a lot of new locations, learn to fish species you know little about and probably lean on a friend or two for guidance. It's not going to be about who has a small motor.

I say bring 'em on.


--- Quote from: Sailfish on January 22, 2024, 07:16:09 PM ---Since no prizes for the winners and free entries for everyone,   IMO we will get more participation and fishing reports + pictures if we allow all kinds of kayaks.

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I agree, let's get as many folks participating as possible.

I'll still be sticking with coffee powered kayaks though, unless there's a special category for "motorized canoe but with a 4 y/o onboard as a handicap"


--- Quote from: Corey on January 23, 2024, 10:37:11 AM ---Participation in this event has seemingly gone done every year, even with no entry costs. Anything we can do to increase it, I'd be in favor of. I've fished with more than a few people with Bixbys, Torqeedos, etc.  At no point did I feel they had an advantage over me, even as an older guy.

We accept every other technical advantage, including live scope (is that still fishing?). Winning this contest (I have a sense of what it takes) is still going to be about a willingness to get on the road, fish a lot of new locations, learn to fish species you know little about and probably lean on a friend or two for guidance. It's not going to be about who has a small motor.

I say bring 'em on.

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This. Times are changing. I agree that just because you have a motor that you will be going out of your way to compete. My opinion. If you can climb the leader board and win it. Maybe there should be a non-motorized and motorized winner. Nothing wrong with that.


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