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Messages - ThreemoneyJ

Pages: 1 ... 102 103 [104] 105
General Talk / Re: Let's talk bigger trucks
« on: March 15, 2015, 09:21:23 AM »
I absolutely love my 2013 Ram. If you are mostly towing with it I would also suggest 2500. C

Fish Talk / Re: Fish ID help needed
« on: March 11, 2015, 08:52:33 PM »
Monkeyfaced eel. Aka monkey faced prickleback. They are tasty if you ever catch one. I catch them poke pole fishing. Then again I could be wrong, but look up some pictures of that an see if it matches.

I'm interested in the cuda 14. What year model is it and what color? Thanks!

yes kings has a key for seasonal access, I heard it is $10? not sure but the Sonoma county key is $15 and good for each season, you can obtain it by going to the Sonoma county parks regional office.
The Somoma County key is changed annually and good from Oct1 thru May15th.

Aren't you supposed to buy the annual fishing access permit ($30 recreational or $60 commercial) also

Yes you are supposed to buy the fishing access permit too. Sonoma County key works at memorial beach in Healdsburg, Wohlert bridge, and steelhead beach. A bit off topic, but I have keys and have never used them. The gate seems to be always unlocked.

There is a launch ramp at Cloverdale River Park for put in and another launch ramp at Jenner for take out. The ramp at Jenner is a small public parking lot where I think you could safely leave a vehicle.

Cloverdale to Alexander Valley Rd bridge is ~ 13 miles.

Alexander Valley Rd bridge to Healdsburg Memorial Bridge is ~ 11 miles

Memorial Bridge to Steelhead Beach is ~7 miles

Steelhead Beach to Monte Rio beach is ~13 miles

Monte Rio to Jenner is ~ 10 miles

I can't offer any help as far as camping goes. The river is mostly "private property",  most of it is vineyards. There are a number of nice gravel beaches that you could pull out on.

I have floated the sections from Alexander Valley to Monte Rio a number of times, but I have no knowledge of the Cloverdale to AV section or the Monte Rio to Jenner section.

Fishing wise you have a shot at steelhead during the winter and early spring. Once it warms up you can catch more smallmouth bass that you can count. Most of them are in the 10-12 inch range and feisty. There are largemouth in the lower sections of the river where it is slow moving as well as some large bluegill sprinkled in. You will also catch a bunch of squawfish no matter what time of year you are fishing there.

The Russian is my home water. If you do a scouting trip let me know, I'm always up to get out and do a little fishing. I could maybe be persuaded to make the drive from Jenner to Cloverdale with my truck if you needed a lift when you decide to do the big trip.

Also attached are the average smallmouth and one of the bigger squawfish that I've caught there.

General Talk / Re: Attn. Motorcycle dudes....
« on: November 10, 2014, 11:15:21 AM »
Sweet scooter! Now you just need the brand new Kawi H2 to round out the collection!

I'm a fan of the 10' pole. Any longer and it gets really difficult to manage.

What kind of pole setup do you use?

I like using these shakespear poles.  http://www.shakespeare-fishing.com/Shakespeare®-Wonderpole-Rod/1285734,default,pd.html#start=10

Outdoor pro shop in Rohnert Park has them for very cheap.

General Talk / Re: Healdsburg Sonoma Wino Recon Request
« on: November 04, 2014, 04:32:59 PM »
Hey that looks like the view from my backyard! Windsor is an odd town. There really isn't much going on here.

Coppola has some neat movie stuff, but it can get busy. It's one of those attractions that people like. Personally I think the food is pretty good, but I usually have a few drinks when I'm there!

If you are doing breweries as well as wineries don't forget the Bear Republic in Healdsburg. You can also wander around Healdsburg for tasting rooms and shopping if you don't have time to hit all the wineries.

Try breakfast at Hanks Creekside in Santa Rosa. Or KC's downtown grill in Windsor to be closer. Get coffee at Caffe Noto on the Windsor town green and skip starbucks.

Kayak related floating the russian river is a lot of fun IMO, but it's the wrong time of year for that!

No reason to keep them if we're not going to eat them :) I'll either catch more another day, or somebody else can enjoy them. On top of that most of the thrown back ones were not in great shape. 1 with no claws. A few with only 1 claw. I also prefer to keep them once they are over 6 inches so they have more meat.

Hookups and Fishing Reports (Viewable by Public) / Re: Fishing Bodega Bay
« on: November 01, 2014, 08:04:00 PM »
You can target rays and sharks in the sandy areas. Near the rock jettys you can target rockfish and eel. For an adventure you can also try poke poling along the rock jetties. Try around the outer jetty since it gets less pressure.

My girlfriend and I planned on getting out there early and getting done early before the wind picked up. The plan was to fish the morning high tide and get out before the wind got us. We ended up staying out a bit too long and had a long paddle back against the wind!

There were a lot of boats out pulling pots, but not too crazy. We did pretty good. Lots of undersized dungeness, a mix of red crabs, and about a dozen keepers. Most went back into the water and we kept the largest 4 to eat.

General Talk / Re: Bodega boat capsized
« on: November 01, 2014, 06:39:37 PM »
I was out in Tomales Bay and saw the Coast Guard helicopter headed that way. Heard about it later. It is very sad to hear.

General Talk / Re: Tile Roof Question for any NCKA Roofers
« on: October 26, 2014, 08:21:25 PM »
Concrete roof tiles are terrible!! Depending on how large/how many stories and how many seams you have its not a hard job to do. Then again my experience is with my small 1 story house that only has 3 seams to do! In the end it is much easier to have a pro do it though. Where are you located? I had a really good experience with a guy up here in the north bay if you would like a reference.

Get here early. It's a zoo!!

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