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Topics - RBark

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Wanted To Buy / WTB Hobie mirage drive
« on: October 04, 2016, 07:58:04 AM »
I want to buy a Hobie Mirage Drive. The fastest ones that fit in a 2015 AI. So I can keep it as backup in the front hatch. I figure someone is gonna want to upgrade to the reverse Mirage which is useless to my AI and could use some money towards it.

Let me know your price. I'm not in a rush.

General Fishing Tips / Laying line evenly on reels
« on: September 29, 2016, 08:18:23 PM »
So, I'm kind of wondering about laying line evenly on reels. It's generally advised that as you reel in, you need to move the line back and forth so it lays down evenly. I'm wondering what the logic behind this is.

I can understand laying it level when spooling it. But if you're just jigging or trolling at the same line length constantly (say, 75 feet). When using 30-50# of braid that's really thin line. I barely see a bump if I forget to reel it in level. And even if it's there, I drop it back down to 75 feet and it's back to being level, if I choose to level it out on the next reel in, it's back to normal.

So I guess I don't really see the big deal about reeling it in level when you have a fish on the line unless you see it's really running for it. Because you're just going to drop it back down again.

I'm just mostly curious about what happens if you consistently don't reel it in while levelling it.

For Trade / Old Town Predator 13 for trade
« on: August 30, 2016, 09:43:39 AM »

I am half looking to trade my Predator 13 for a elliptical. It needs to be a high quality well made one. I have a Predator XL so I don't really need it anymore.

It comes with 2 flush mounts installed, but mostly stock. It used to belong to polepole before I traded an water heater install for it. It also has the seadek kit which I haven't installed yet.

I may sell it for cash if I decide to buy a brand new elliptical. But for now I'm just looking for some form of trade. I am 6'0 and have a relatively long stride, I would want to test it to make sure I'm comfortable running on it before trading.

Let me know, thanks!

Pics will be provided after work. It doesn't need to be a direct trade, if your elliptical is more expensive than my predator used I will pay the difference in cash.

General Talk / HMB and commercial boats
« on: August 19, 2016, 08:47:15 AM »
On Sunday I was out fishing / sailing in HMB harbor. I went out to green / red can area and found something peculiar about the commercial boats in the area.

Approximately five times with different commercial boats each time, I would be sailing in a straight line and they would start moving (long after I was moving) and drive straight for me.

At first I thought nothing of it but I would move past them and they would literally turn towards me then turn out of my way 300' away from me.

They even did this while I was floating and fishing. I was perplexed. At no time did I start sailing/pedaling in their path or even approach them. Given that two of those times the commercial boat course corrected to drive directly at me I can't really think of it as a coincidence.

Anyone have experience like that at HMB? It kind of tripped me out.

General Fishing Tips / Salmon Trolling/Downrigger rod/reel
« on: August 13, 2016, 03:25:43 PM »
I'm looking for a new rod/reel for downrigger/trolling salmon setup using all-mono 20-30# line. I'm thinking an avet raptor 2 speed reel, but I have no idea what to use as far as rods go. I have a Ugly Tiger 25-50, Trevala M and H. I know those would work but i'd like a good one.

It's going to be dual purpose for downrigger fishing and trolling with a deep diver / flasher combo. I'm not sure what makes a good salmon rod. Probably in the $100-200 range.

Kayaks / Hobie AI 2015+ (earlier may apply) rudder control
« on: August 13, 2016, 12:54:31 PM »
EDIT: I decided to RTFM and found it's an optional change  :smt005 Shoulda done this to begin with.


When I bought my AI the company rigged it for me and put something like a 2" tall block under the rudder lever.

I'm not sure if this is optional or required for some reason. I'd like to eliminate it to bring the lever down because anytime I launch I have to go over it, and it's just one more thing in the way. And I'm always worried if I sit on it wrong it would snap.

Can the lever be flush on the 2015? I remember it is flush on BMB's but the style is different from the 2015. I'm worried that I might launch and find out there's a good reason it's there lol.

Fixing up the AI now that my parts came in!

Gearing Up and Rigging Up / Hobie Trampoline
« on: July 30, 2016, 02:22:28 PM »
Just wondering how you guys attach it on the water? If I secure it before launching it's no biggie, but it seems hard to reach the furthest out point for securing it post-launch? I'm just wondering since it's a bit easier to launch with the trampoline off and rolled up until i'm ready.

Hookups and Fishing Reports (Viewable by Public) / ARW 7/31
« on: July 30, 2016, 02:18:15 PM »
If I can muster the energy to do so in the morning, I plan to haul my AI or XL MK to ARW and look for Halibut. They still biting? Any suggestions? I was thinking of using squid.

Not sure if I'll wake up in time tomorrow since I've been working ten billion hours a week lately. But would like a plan in place to try!

For Sale / HVAC equipment / install for sale
« on: July 18, 2016, 08:02:57 AM »
Hi guys,

For those that don't know, I'm an owner of a HVAC / residential plumbing company that has served the Bay Area for 75 years. I myself have worked my way from floor sweeper to managing large scale commercial HVAC work to being part owner now over 18 years for the same company.

We have about 5 furnaces and 2 coils of varying sizes that I will install for you at a NCKA discount. Whether these equipment will work for you depends on a lot of factors (size of your house, insulation, Windows, etc).

So rather than listing what's all for sale, if you're looking for Heating, cooling or water heater replacements feel free to PM me. The install will be done professionally, up to code, by me for CL type prices.

All I will mostly need is some pictures of your furnace and condenser to get started. This offer is only active until I get rid of these extra equipment. These are "new/previously installed equipment".  That means we installed it and before hooking it up, realized it was the wrong part. So you will see cosmetic damage / markings but it's in 100% working brand new condition.


General Talk / Thule Hullavator and Hobie AI
« on: June 18, 2016, 01:59:47 PM »
Sorry for the barrage of posts lately. Trying to get things figured out!

I have a Thule Sliptream roof rack on a Chevy Tahoe. This is no biggie for my Trident 13, kind of a pain for my Predator, but rather difficult for my 2015 Hobie AI. It's much heavier, longer, and I'm not comfortable dragging it on pavement (The Predator has a steel part that can be replaced if it wears out, and I can lift the Trident easily).

So, I found a decent deal on a Thule Hullavator. I'm unsure if it will work, and it's too expensive to guess. I'm worried that the 115# weight of the AI body without ama's is going to be too much for the Hullavator to support.

Anyone have direct experience with this weight rating? I know I'll need to do most of the lifting to get the kayak back up, I'm not worried about that as I'm more than strong enough. I just don't want to damage the Hullavator and piss away $450.

Let me know, thanks!

Hobie Kayaks / Hobie AI 2015 Rigging
« on: June 17, 2016, 09:26:21 PM »
Now that I've gone over to the dark side...

I am most likely going to do 90% of my fishing with no sail and one ama. I'm looking around for various ideas on how to rig my AI. I like Salty's H-Rail idea, it seems good for trolling? How are you liking it so far, Salty? Any chance of fish ripping it out of the rod holder (without human error)?

I've more or less decided on a Lowrance Hook-5 FF, mounted as far forward as I can reach on the right side (I fish off the left side and the amas will be on the right.

Right side ama will have a trampoline. I'm trying to decide how to hold my rods, net and gaff. I was thinking of putting PVC pipe in the flush mount rod holders in the back, so I can add a few more places to hold them?

Any kind of rigging that you're really happy with, doesn't need to be AI specific if it will work on an AI too, I'd appreciate it. Thanks! I'm in that enjoyable "figure out everything on new kayak"  stage haha.

Wanted To Buy / WTB 2015 Hobie AI (Used or New)
« on: June 15, 2016, 12:09:58 PM »
Decided to bite the bullet and try to buy the 2015 Hobie AI (The seat is big to me so not interested in older models sorry).

If you have one for sale let me know, or if you know someone selling one let me know. I tried to buy from Kayak Connection but the price they gave me was $5,300, far higher than I can possibly afford. ACK has it for $4850. I almost got the used one from Adventure Sports / Kayak City for $3900 but someone bought it just one day before I could grab it. Adventure Sports is going to make me an offer on a new one but I don't know the price yet.

If you know of a place that will offer a good deal let me know. If someone wants to sell theirs used, let me know too.

Craftsmen's Corner / Kokatat wrist drysuit replacement
« on: January 07, 2016, 04:26:03 PM »
I have the Kokatat Angler drysuit. I wore it twice and stopped because the wrist gaskets were killing me. My wrists are gigantic at 8.25" circumference. Even when I insert 2 liter bottles of soda into it for a month to stretch it out, it becomes unbearable in 2 hours. And I'm not talking "uncomfortable." I'm talking, my hand turns white, goes numb, starts tingling, I start having issues closing my hands kind of pain.

Kokatat said they could replace it with their coast guard version of wrist gasket that allows you to strip away one layer at a time until it fits. I think that would be ideal. However, the part costs $65, and it's $35 + shipping to them and from them. So probably looking at $120 just to fix it.

Has anyone done the wrist repair? I don't know if it would be difficult or if I should bite the bullet and get them replaced by Kokatat. Or if it's easy to replace them myself. In these winter months it'd be nice if I could wear a drysuit instead.

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