Kayak Fishing Zone > General Fishing Tips

A sticky for ocean newbie questions?

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Northern Boy:
To keep folks safe and happy?

And give not-so-newbies a reference list to point newbies to

Along the lines of;

When kayaking in the ocean for the first time it is strongly/absolutely recommended that you

1. Go with at least one other person who is experienced.
2. Have a good personal flotation device (PFD; life vest).
3. Consult and understand the weather forecast (nws.noaa.gov).
4. Have practised self-rescue in your kayak before going.
5. Have a wetsuit (we could debate this one).
6. Have a marine radio and know how to use it.

What else?

Good topic, Phil.

I think you need to add:

1)  Compass;
2)  GPS;
3)  Water;
4)  Spare paddle;
5)  Sunscreen;
6)  Bilge Pump.

1)  being the absolute most important item.

Of course, I think everyone should have a video camera too!   :smt003

Great idea Phil!

1. Tether everything that you do not want to lose.

All of the above and:

Flare gun

Canned air horn

hull full of pool noodles


--- Quote from: Yakattack on September 23, 2008, 01:16:35 PM ---1. Tether everything that you do not want to lose.

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: HDRich on September 23, 2008, 01:31:16 PM ---All of the above and:
Flare gun

Canned air horn

hull full of pool noodles

--- End quote ---

Very good - I agree.   :smt001


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