Dive Zone > Kayak Diving and Spearfishing

Secret Spots...

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Hi Guys,
 As much as I enjoy this website for updates on the local salmon fishing, I'm hoping we can try to keep some of our favorite local diving spots as secret as possible. The minute someone reports large numbers of halibut or lings at a certain location, power boats loaded with SCUBA divers will come in from far away ports to investigate - I've seen this and it really is frustrating. There are hundreds of square miles of ocean on which we can fish for salmon, but prime diving spots are small and can only handle so much pressure. Let's enjoy our spearfishing but let's not tell the world about it. Sorry for sounding like a poor sport, but I think it's a legitimate concern.
 Whose with me?
 Concerned Diver

I totally agree. I often just give a general location (within 3 or 4 miles)when I tell people about my trips. Since this kayak thing went off about 5 years ago I've tried to make myself be a little more close mouthed about what I catch and especially where.

Thanks for the reply, and I'm glad I'm not the only one concerned about this...

There's a simple solution to your legitimate concern - Don't post your secret location...to each his own. But, If someone posts your secret location - that is entirely his or her own right to do so. This is something you cannot control.

However, it would be nice to hear about some secret tips (regarding spear guns,wetsuits,favorite fishing tackle...blah.. blah...) After all, this is a forum where newbies learn from the seasoned veterans - veterans who are kind and willing enough to share info. and spread the joy of diving / kayak fishing.  :smt002

just my 2 cents on the matter  :smt002

I guess that'd be at the discretion of the divers involved.  Certainly I won't spill the beans if someone else doesn't want me to put the spotlight on their secret spot.  However, the same could be say for our rod/reel based reports.  Assuredly a freediver could have popped the 28lb ling that was recently reported here, and I've expressed concern myself about attracting pressure to our favorite fishing areas.

Anyway, I mainly want to consolidate the information that is already here to help people get a safe and enjoyable start since most people here are relatively new to this.


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