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Messages - NowhereMan

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 558
Craftsmen's Corner / Re: Suggestions for DIY Hobie mesh pockets?
« on: July 25, 2024, 09:33:42 PM »
Can you just loop a zip tie…

A zip tie might work, but a thin bungee cord might be better. I think I’ll give that a try…

Craftsmen's Corner / Re: Suggestions for DIY Hobie mesh pockets?
« on: July 25, 2024, 09:31:18 PM »
Mine are not the fancy rubberized ones…

When I had the non-rubber pockets, every hook in the boat would find them. I thought rubber pockets were a good upgrade, but there’s got to be a cheaper way…

General Talk / Re: Anyone fish in a tandem?
« on: July 25, 2024, 12:36:16 PM »
I would steer away from those older pedals simply bc the parts are harder to find ...

I would respectfully disagree with that. I have multiple GT drives and have rebuilt some of them fairly recently. It's easy to find non-Hobie cables and chains (which are cheaper than Hobie parts and, IMHO, better than the Hobie originals) and those are the parts that are by far the most likely to break. I make my own crank arms, so I can't comment on those (other than to say that I have a bunch of official Hobie crank arms, if anybody want to get one for cheap, not to mention pre-GT drums...). The only part that I've been unable to find is the spine, and the chance that you'll ever need a new one of those is extremely remote.

Craftsmen's Corner / Suggestions for DIY Hobie mesh pockets?
« on: July 25, 2024, 09:19:08 AM »
I managed to tear 2 (of the 3 on my AI) Hobie rubber mesh pockets yesterday. It would cost nearly $50 to replace them, which seems crazy expensive, even by Hobie standards. Has anybody found an alternative (cheaper) material that works well? On the Hobie forum, somebody cut up a rubber landing net, and I'm sure that would work, but I don't have one to cut up...

Craftsmen's Corner / Re: Mirage drive cables
« on: July 25, 2024, 09:11:37 AM »
Cable connections are the weak point on the drives. I'm not an engineer but think continuous chain around the pulleys would have been bombproof. Probably would need to change from plastic to metal to do that, like a bike gear cog. Same for sprocket teeth.

Yes, to all of that. I'm tempted to buy these and give it a try...


Craftsmen's Corner / Re: Mirage drive cables
« on: July 24, 2024, 07:30:58 PM »
I broke a cable today. I'd recently inspected it, and it looked good--just very slightly tea colored. However, the underside had more obvious rust (can't seem to get a good picture of it, though, even after it broke). It seems to me that if you really want to inspect a cable, you probably need to remove it from the drive.

General Talk / Re: I'm baaaack....(trying to be, ay least)
« on: July 23, 2024, 03:08:20 PM »
You could get a pair of replacement "indestructible stainless steel sprockets" and turbo fins for a little less than the GT upgrade



The people selling these parts are in Singapore, and I bought replacement Hobie chain assemblies from from them, and they are outstanding quality.

In any case, I believe that the V1 drums are slightly different than the V2 version (the chain length differs). If you want V2 drums, I've got several spares (from upgrading multiple drives to GT) and you can have a pair, gratis.

General Talk / Re: Fish Descender
« on: July 23, 2024, 02:56:45 PM »
So, my last outing on my boat for rockfish, I was greeted by fish and game here in the Monterey bay.

I was asked if i had a descending device? I showed one i had set up to go directly to a pole in an instant.

She was ok with me having one on board but requested that i have it set up on a pole when fishing. Just a heads up. Maybe all DFW does not require it being set up, but it does make sense in my opinion. A little easier on a boat but probable a little more of an inconvenience on a kayak.

Last week, the game wardens visited me on the water. To my surprise, they didn't even ask about a descending device.

General Talk / Re: I'm baaaack....(trying to be, ay least)
« on: July 23, 2024, 08:01:28 AM »
Actually, it looks like just slid out - it slides back into the hole easily. The allen nut must've been really loose lol. I appreciate the offer of the ST's, I'll let you know if my search for turbo fins hits a wall. Not in a huge rush (despite hearing that the halibut bite is on fire). We're headed to LA for a week to visit our kids so I'm hoping to order before we leave and have the new fins waiting for me.

If it's not threaded, then those are V1 masts, and you'll have to be sure that you don't order V2 (threaded). I'm not sure, but I suspect that V1 components are hard to find. You might want to consider upgrading to GT drive--although it's a pricey option, IMHO it's worth it:


Introductions / Re: NEWBIE in Santa Cruz
« on: July 22, 2024, 08:21:50 PM »
I’d second Al’s suggestion. And, on a calm day, fishing Santa Cruz is as user-friendly as anywhere (of course, you should have the basic safety gear).

Craftsmen's Corner / Re: Homebrew aluminum kayak trailer
« on: July 22, 2024, 08:11:06 PM »
I was issued a vin sticker on a harbor freight trailer I registered here in Salinas.

Thanks for the info. If it doesn’t come in the mail, I’ll stop by the DMV and ask (or maybe I’ll just make my own).

Craftsmen's Corner / Re: Homebrew aluminum kayak trailer
« on: July 22, 2024, 06:32:38 PM »
I thought CHP issued the VIN plates.  I've had a few friends build custom motorcycles or sidecars and that's where they got their VIN plate to rivet on.

The guy at that link in my previous post said the DMV gave him a “VIN sticker”, and no mention of CHP (that was from January 2024 in SoCal). He also says you can assign your own VIN and the DMV will use it. If I’d known that, I’d have chosen “0”, just to see if they’d take it…

General Talk / Re: I'm baaaack....(trying to be, ay least)
« on: July 22, 2024, 03:35:41 PM »
It looks like the mast broke off—if so, you’ll have to remove the stub before you can do anything with it.

Like Al said, turbo fins are the way to go.

There are also ST fins, which are between standard and turbo. They aren’t nearly as good as turbo, but better than standard. If you are in a hurry, I have some ST fins and masts that I’m not using (and probably never will) and I’m just a few miles away from SV.

such a neat, weird fish.  never seen a giant but I saw a smaller one launch 3 feet out of the water near me once, and it took my brain a second to process what I was seeing  :smt044

I had no idea that they ever did that.

Craftsmen's Corner / Re: Homebrew aluminum kayak trailer
« on: July 22, 2024, 11:14:11 AM »
I finally got around to registering this trailer at the DMV today.

I arrived at the Capitola DMV at about 8:30am, pulled into the inspection lane (no other vehicles were waiting), and rang the buzzer. The DMV dude came out, looked at the trailer for 10 seconds or less (he did not even check to see if the lights work!), took my drivers license inside, and in 5-10 minutes came back out and handed me a sheet of paper to take inside. This paper included a VIN number.

I went inside (no line), got a number and it was called almost immediately. I had printed out the paperwork mentioned at this site ahead of time:


(That's forms 343, 4017, 5036, and 256, for those of you keeping score.) However, most of the questions on those forms make no sense for a trailer ("Where did you buy the engine, and is it gas, diesel, or electric?"). I attempted to ask the guy behind the counter how to fill out the irrelevant parts, but he was having none of it--he just gave me new copies of the forms and told me to go fill them out myself. He then started mumbling something about his Swingline stapler (OK, that's not true, but he was babbling incomprehensibly about the cost of my trailer being $100,000 or some such, and I still have no idea what he was trying to say).

Next, I sat down and filled out all of the forms as best I could, leaving lots of things blank. At that point, I had to line up again, there were 5 or 6 people in front of me, and it took 10-15 minutes to get a number. About 5 minutes later, the number was called (thankfully, not by stapler guy). It took the lady behind the counter a while, but she eventually gave me a license plate and the necessary paperwork, for a cost of $157.

I thought they'd give me a metal plate with the VIN number on it, but that didn't happen (and I forgot to ask about it). Maybe that comes later in the mail? In any case, I think I'll scratch the VIN number onto the frame in some obscure locations.

Overall, it was much quicker than I'd expected. If I'd gone to the Los Gatos DMV (where I registered a kit-built trailer a few years ago), I'm sure it would have taken many hours longer. Also, when I registered my kit-built trailer in LG, they made a big deal about sales tax (which, of course, they wanted me to pay them), and they also didn't like that I specified the cost of my labor as $0. I eventually talked them into seeing it my way on both of those issues, but they were borderline obnoxious about it. However, in Capitola, they didn't seem to care about either of these things.

Finally, the inspection is a joke, which makes me wonder how many dangerous trailers there are on the roads of CA.

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