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Topics - YakColumbo

Pages: [1]
Gearing Up and Rigging Up / New handheld vhf radio
« on: September 17, 2019, 05:36:36 PM »
Hi guys!
When I got in to kayak fishing 4years ago, I knew very little about the sport. I depended on the information I could find online to figure out what gear I would need. I found a Jim Sammons, liked what he had to say, and purchased 2 Standard Horizon HX870 radios for my brother-in-law law, and me. Suffice to say, after quite a bit of trouble with these radios (problems with charging and general use), we sent them in past the warranty date for service. We have been told that these “waterproof” radios have been damaged by water, and cannot be repaired. Needless to say, I’m really pissed off. The tech I spoke to even commented about how well the radios were cared for; they were sent in for service in their original boxes with all of the accessories included, including two brand-new batteries.
The short story is that I’m looking for your recommendations for a new radio. Wondering what has worked well for you. Really not thrilled with the idea of another SH product, but I want to know what has worked for you. I had hoped that when I spent that much on a couple of radios, that I’d probably be able to get at least ten years of service from them. Maybe that’s unrealistic, but it makes me mad to have to replace these radios so soon.
Tight lines everyone,

General Fishing Tips / Tips on ARW fishing
« on: March 23, 2016, 08:17:49 AM »
We went out of Coyote Point last weekend, out to the main channel. Only got some small sharks this time, we were hoping for a striper or Hali, but nothin doin'. We were using anchovies and squid, anything better?

Want to give the rock wall a try, but being a peninsula boy, I don't know anything about fishing there. Where should I put-in? Fish outside or inside? Best kind of tide to go on?

Any help you could pass along would be greatly appreciated!


General Fishing Tips / Russian River - Fourth of July week
« on: March 14, 2016, 10:20:37 PM »
OK, I know this might be a little soon, but I need to plan! Fail to plan, plan to fail!! My family goes to the Russian River area every year for the week of the Fourth of July. Last year, I borrowed the canoe at the rental house and paddled the section between the Alexander Valley campground and the Del Rio, where our rental house is located. What a beautiful, secluded part of the river! It was gorgeous, saw only four other people at the launch, then nobody, except the herons, for miles!

We saw lots of fish that day, including some huge lunker steelhead, but we had no fishing gear. Since then, I've set myself up with a JK BigRig that I've had out of HMB A opulent of times, can't wait for salmon and rockfish to open back up! But back to the river,  I know the steelhead we saw probably won't take anything in July.  Sooooo, what should I target, and what kind of set-up should I bring along?

I'm usually a gear fisher, but I've got a couple of fly rods too, if that betters my chances. Any thoughts or advice on prepping for this trip?

This break in the weather has got me itchy to get OTW ASAP! I think I'll have to try out of Coyote Point for some stripers or halibut this weekend!

Now that my kids are in college, and not hangin' with dad so much anymore, I've got more time to fish! I just have to convince my wife of that now too!

I count myself as lucky for having met some of you already, I'm looking forward to meeting more of the NCKA brotherhood over this coming year!

Cheers! Jim

Gearing Up and Rigging Up / FF shopping
« on: November 20, 2015, 08:58:25 PM »
There seem to be some really good buys on FFs right now. I've been eyeballing the Raymarine Dragonfly 7.  West marine has it for 650 with the navionics gold package. For a hundred less, the gps store has the same unit with the navionics+ package.

Any thoughts? Is it worth the extra hundred for the gold? What am I getting for that extra hundred? Should I be looking at something else entirely?

Hope you guys can help me figure this out!

Thanks, Jim

General Talk / Santa Cruz fishing spots
« on: September 24, 2015, 05:37:18 PM »
Hey guys,
I'm still a complete noob, I have an opportunity to fish a Saturday afternoon coming  up in the middle of October.  I was going to launch out of the SC harbor... But not really sure what direction would be best to try once I get out on the open water.  Anybody have any helpful tips on fishing out of Santa Cruz? Usually I'm fishing HMB, so any and all info would be awesome and greatly appreciated!

Introductions / Greetings NCKA!
« on: September 02, 2015, 05:14:59 PM »
Hi everyone, I'm Jim. 

I was introduced to this sport by Dennis Spike about five years ago while on a fishing vacation to Rancho Leonero on Baja's East Cape. Haven't done too much fishing since then, but my kids are now grown, and it's time to get back on the water. I'm looking forward to hooking up with you guys (pun not intentional, but appropriate) and learning about fishing the local waters around Half Moon Bay and more (I live on the peninsula). Hope to meet some of you soon!

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