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California lemon law changes January 1

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--- Quote from: SpeedyStein on December 12, 2024, 09:28:01 PM ---Yikes, was def thinking of this as # of lemon law cases per xx number of units sold....

I actually kinda have to question those numbers though... Ford supplies an immense number of fleet and commercial vehicles.  Which, apparently:

"If a business owns or leases no more than five vehicles, including trucks and vans, the California Lemon Law may apply to those vehicles.",may%20apply%20to%20those%20vehicles.

So ... That isn't the whole set of numbers ...

--- End quote ---

It's still an average across a large set of numbers. I wouldn't expect the results to change materially if the sample size got larger.


The numbers are just the cases that go into court. They’re kept low re the car companies settle to keep them out of court

My friends were asked to sign something like a non-disclosure. They refused


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