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Topics - bsteves

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General Talk / 1000th Member!!!
« on: May 05, 2007, 11:30:29 PM »
While many of the regulars are up at Lake Mendo this weekend it seems like we hit a milestone with our 1000th member.

As far as I can tell, someone named "seahorse" has the honor of being that 1000th member.  Welcome.


I just got back in from a day trip out of Bodega Bay that took me 80 nm offshore.  We left the dock at 4 am and made it out to the tuna grounds by 10 am.  The water temp out there wasn't really that warm yet (~55 deg F) so we didn't see any real signs of early tuna. 

Actually, I wasn't actually out fishing, rather I was collecting water and plankton samples for research.  I did see quite a few albatrosses, a few whales and a pod of Dahl's porpoises that played in our bow wake for a good half hour.  Anyway, it was long day and it was good to get back on the big blue again.  I did take some photos which if any are good I'll try and post tomorrow.  Right now however, I really have to get to bed.


Fish Talk / Freshwater Hitchhiker
« on: April 23, 2007, 01:09:04 PM »
My uncle sent me this photo.  He tried to convince me that he caught this Northern Pike in Canada and wanted to know if it was legal when he gaff it.  Turns out it was a photo of a world record pike caught in the late 1990s in Germany (I think).

Anyway, it's a pretty cool photo.  The small pike was about 8 lbs and the larger one was 55 lbs.  God I miss pike fishing!


Fishing Tournaments and Events / Elk Roll Call
« on: April 05, 2007, 10:44:36 AM »
I figure someone would eventually do this, might as well be me.   This is a list (TTBOMK) of all the participants in the Elk 2007 tournament.  I'm going to start with what I know and what I saw from the "countdown" post.  If you see anyone missing or if I included someone who I shouldn't let me know.  I'll do my best to keep a running list here in this first post.


Roll Call

 1.) BrianG
 2.) InSeine
 3.) Uminchu Naoki
 4.) Kevin
 5.) bluefin17
 6.) KzReelRods
 7.) RockHopper
 8.) imgonnayak
 9.) Danglin
10.) Kayote
11.) Bsteves
12.) Stuart
13.) ChuckE
14.) JTF
15.) alien
16.) gto19
17.) Fuzzy Tom
18.) Seabreaze
19.) Randy
20.) guitarzan
21.) insaneduane
22.) kneetoe
23.) (kneetoe's brother)
24.) Bungle
25.) Bigfoot
26.) zilla
27.) vwtech329
28.) mrs gto19
29.) 1crzyindian
30.) mudshark
31.) mudshark's guest
32.) SteeleLeader (Levi)
33.) (Levi's Dad)
34.) Frankfishing
35.) Bill
36.) Mickfish
37.) Ty
38.) Mooch
39.) agarcia
40.) backindayak
41.) Freddie
42.) Fuzz
43.) Lingster
44.) cpkayak
45.) ScottThornley
46.) Allen Uphold
47.) Marmite
48.) Kayaked
49.) (Kayaked's guest)

Mendo County

51.) Mahi mahi
52.) Kickin Bass
53.) Scwafish
54.) Jellyfish
55.) Mako1
56.) FishShim

Got to the lake around 7:30 am and met Jonez.   While we were getting ready Mickfish and Big J showed up.  Launched around 8 am and split up, but remained in radio contact. I was so excited to be back on the water fishing that I forgot to take photos of everyone else.

Anyway, I ended up leaving around noon having caught a handful of bass.  Managed a few largemouth on a freshwater shad assassin and a nice smallmouth on a yozuri crystal minnow lure.  I also lost a shad rap to a really nice smallmouth when he ran on me into a submerged tree.

I'll let everyone else report their own catch.

A couple pictures of my smallmouth 17"...
I'm also working on my own version of Fishunter's pose.


General Talk / Abalone article in the SF Chronicle
« on: February 28, 2007, 09:59:26 PM »
With a little over a month away until Ab season opens up, the San Francisco Chronicle had an abalone article including a couple recipes.



General Talk / Rookie Angler of the Year 2006
« on: February 28, 2007, 10:53:48 AM »
Okay, we didn't actually run a "Rookie Angler of the Year" contest last year, but I thought maybe we could have a vote on it or something.  No awards given or anything, just acknowledgment of outstanding achievement by a new member (someone who signed up in 2006 or maybe late 2005 after the fishing seasons closed).   

I'm thinking the criteria should include participation on the forum, quality of fishing reports, quality of fish caught, placing in any tournaments, and face time with others on the water.  Basically, who out of the new batch of members is trying their hardest to be like Mooch.   Okay, so that basically gives the advantage to single guys with lots of free time.

Anyway, I can think of a few ways to get this started.

1.) a call for nominations
2.) Bill does a quick database query to find all top 10 posters (most posts) who began membership between the 1st of Nov 2005 and the 31 st of Oct 2006.
3.) Everyone lets me know this is a stupid idea and I don't pursue it.

Once we have a list of names we create a Poll where everyone can vote.


General Talk / Bodega Bay Wooden Boat Challenge
« on: January 30, 2007, 10:39:45 AM »
Okay the following is a bit of an advertisement for an event coming up in Bodega Bay that is probably right up the alley of all you kayak pimpers, pvc cart builders, and drift boat style anchor fabricators (except is this case you actually have to make the whole boat).   

As some of you know I work at the Bodega Marine Lab and a group of us here at the lab plan on entering this race.  Until this year this has always been just a "bath tub" race where we would bring in a pre-made raft to race.  This year however, the format has been changed and we have to make our boat on the premises in less than 3 hours out of some plywood, a plastic sheet, a few screws, some 1' x 1' s and some caulking (see full list of materials below).   If any of you are interested in participating great, you should try and can get a NCKA team together.  The entry cost is $200, but maybe you can get some sponsers to kick in.  Think about it a nice big NCKA logo on one side and a GWKC logo on the other or something.

However, if you don't plan on participating and have some good design ideas on how to make a fast sea worthy boat out of these materials in less than 3 hours I would love to hear from you.   Feel free to either post ideas here on this thread or PM me.


APRIL 21ST AND 22ND  2007
Does your team have what it takes to build a boat in three hours (with materials provided), race it around a short, marked course (without sinking) and do it faster than any other team?  If so, be at:
WESTSIDE PARK, Saturday, April 21st
CONSTRUCTION between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm. RACE starts at 1:45 pm.
Each team gets a complete materials package and a Tee-shirt for each member.
Multiple prizes and trophies will be awarded.
Entry fee $200.00, Juniors (15 and under) $100.00. Sponsorships encouraged.
100% of fees support local charities

   1. Teams will consist of a maximum of 4 members, pre-registered
   2. Building time is 3 hours, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
   3. Only the provided materials may be incorporated into the boat, with the exception of decorations-these may not be structural. Sawhorses, tarps and poles may be used, but must remain ashore during the race.
   4. The Boat must be built using ONLY non-power tools, with the exception of battery-powered drills/screw guns.
   5. Team members (minimum one) must power the boat.  No motors permitted. Paddles or oars must be made from materials provided.
   6. Racers must wear Personal Flotation Devices (limited loaners available). A bailing device must be carried in the boat during the race (provided).

Boat Building Materials (Provided):
2 sheets of 3/8” x 4’ x 8’ plywood
12 pieces of 1” x 2” x 8’ lumber
2 pieces of 2” x 2” x 8’ lumber
2 lbs of 1 ¼” deck screws
½ lb of 1 ½” nails
1 roll of duct tape, 3 tubes of caulking
25’ of poly rope, 1 piece of poly sheeting (9’ x 10’)
e-mail : woodenboatchallenge@yahoo.com
Race winners
1st  Prize,: Ultimate Bragging Rights:  Donated gifts (to be determined) plus Trophy
                 Team Name engraved on the Wooden Boat Challenge Perpetual Trophy
2nd Prize:  Great Bragging Rights: Gift plus Trophy
3rd Prize:   Bragging Rights: Gift plus Trophy
SPIFFY SKIFFY AWARD  for best decorated boat and crew
MASTER SHIP’S CARPENTER AWARD for superior workmanship
CAPTAINS COURAGEOUS AWARD  for perseverance in the face of adversity
PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD  for the boat/team voted the favorite by Festival Visitors
Participant Awards for all boat-builders.

Wooden Boat Challenge Application
Complete registration forms and information packet will be mailed to applicants
TEAM NAME:___________________________________________________________
Team Sponsor: ___________________________________________________________
Team Contact person: _____________________________________________________
Telephone: _______________________E-mail_________________________________
Team Members:
Entries limited by available space, so apply early, but no later than April 6.
Make check payable to Bodega Bay Fisherman’s Festival
 (an IRS-registered Non-Profit)
Mail To:
Wooden Boat Challenge
P.O. Box 576
Bodega Bay, Ca 94923
email:  woodenboatchallenge@yahoo.com
Burgess Lumber, Diekmanns Bay Store, Fastenal Company, Lucas Wharf, Northern Light Surf Shop, Sonoma County Parks, West Marine, Western Fiberglass, Will’s Bait & Tackle, Woodcraft

Met up with Jim "InSeine" Hobbs at 7 am in Monte Rio, left my truck and hopped in his to trailer to kayaks to Johnson's Beach in Guerneville.   We followed a fellow fishermans truck right down to the beach.   Only just before we launched did we notice that someone had closed the gate.  Oops.  Luckily we managed to get the truck out as soon as the next fisherman who had a key came by a few minutes later.

As Sean has pointed out in previous Russian River posts, it was Fa-Fa-Freeze-ing!!   I haven't had an iced up fishing rod since my ice fishing days in Upstate New York.  We tried using out collapsable 3 lb anchors as drift anchors and found that if you turn them upside down and tie the line to the bottom that they work pretty well.  At some point I'll want to rig up a real anchor system, but this worked in a pinch.  Neither Jim nor I have any steelhead experience and it shows in our total catch for the day... zilch!   I did however see four steelhead swim past as a I paddled by some great fish holding water that I didn't recognize as such.  We tried drifting roe, tossing spoons, spinners and Brad's wigglers.  I boondocked, side-drifted, back paddled, etc... but couldn't get a bite.  I figure another dozen days like this and I might catch one.  Also, the next time Mickfish posts a hookup for fishing the river I'm going to drop everything and take him up on it and maybe figure out what I've been doing wrong.

The paddle itself was beautiful (and cold).  I believe Jim took some nice photos and videos and I'll try and get him to send them to me or post them himself.  Besides the four steelhead, we saw herons, ducks, a few old crusty steelhead fishers, mergansers and a river otter.  A great way to spend the holiday even if I didn't get a bite.   


Gearing Up and Rigging Up / Great deal on a fiberglass paddles $69.99
« on: January 09, 2007, 05:38:34 PM »
My wife got me one of these for x-mas.  I was curious about it so I looked it up.  I hope she got it here, becuase it's a great deal at $70.  I've used the paddle twice now and it's such an imrovement over my old paddle.  Granted, my old paddle is one of the black rectangular bladed aluminium Ocean Kayak brand paddles that weighs about 5 lbs.

I now have a paddle that weighs less than many carbon paddles, has multiple feather settings, and a spoon shaped blade.  Anyway, I thought I'd share the deal.


Sevylor model #340

Pro Lightweight Composite Kayak Paddle

As of this post, there where only 3 left.


2-section paddle
Multiple feather settings
Spoon-shaped fiberglass charged nylon blades
Fiberglass shaft, stronger and lighter than aluminum
Cold weather grip with blade indicator
2 drip rings
Weighs only 900 grams (31.75 ounces)

Length Overall: 90.5" (230 cm)
Blade Width: 7"

I just found out that as a Federal employee I have Tuesday Jan 2nd off.  Evidently, President Bush has declared it a National Day of Mourning for the late President Gerald Ford.

Seeing that President Ford evidently enjoyed fishing in his day, I thought I'd do the same.

Anyway, if anyone else has the day off, has managed to get their 2007 license already and wants to go fishing let me know. Right now I'm thinking about trolling Lake Somoma for some land locked steelehead but I can be convinced otherwise.


General Talk / "Take a kid fishing" programs
« on: December 14, 2006, 03:04:05 PM »
So my wife has been bugging me to consider doing more volunteer work.  In preparation for my 2007 New Year's resolutions, I thought I'd look into it.   The trick of course is to find something I actually like doing.  Given that I'd much rather go fishing than say... serving food at a soup kitchen..  I thought I'd check out "take a kid fishing" programs.  So far the only one I've run across is the "Fishing in the city" program run by the DFG.


Does anyone have any firsthand knowledge of this program?  Looks like I have the choice of volunteering for an already established program [probably pretty easy] or creating a new program in a city without one [more of a commitment].   I think I'm going to at least try and volunteer for an established event (Lake Ralphine, Santa Rosa, April 1, 2007,  see http://ci.santa-rosa.ca.us/default.aspx?PageId=2605) and go from there.

Another option would be to team up with local boy scouts (or girl scouts).  However, certain long standing policies of the Boy Scouts of America have turned me off to them. In fact, I've seriously considered giving them back my eagle badge.

Anyway, if anyone else is interested or already participating in such events please let me know.  Maybe we can eventually figure out a way to incorporate kayak fishing into a "take a kid fishing" program.


I Managed to earn a bunch of WAF this weekend by doing some early X-mas shopping in San Francisco all day Saturday, so I decided at the last minute to go crabbing and fishing on Sunday with Jim "InSeine" out in front of his house between Portuguese Beach and Duncan's Landing.  We roll-eazed our kayaks down his driveway, over highway one, over another 50 yds of beach and launched.  We placed 3 ring trabs and 2 collapseable traps out in about 60-80 ft of water and went in toward the rocks to do some fishing. We managed a few rockfish and I got a couple legal lings and Jim got a legal ling and a nice fat cabezon.  We checked the traps and rings after about an hour for 6 dungies, did a little more fishing and then retrieved the traps after another hour for only 2 red rock crabs.  The traps out preformed the rings 7 to 1 and I plan on getting more soon.  We managed a nice safe landing and roll-eazed our kayaks back to the house.

I forgot the camera, but Jim has some post fishing/crabbing glory shots out there somewhere.


General Talk / BML lab tank photo
« on: November 08, 2006, 05:04:43 PM »
They re-did the big tank here at work (the Bodega Marine Lab) last month and I took a few pictures.  I'll post more later, but for now here is one of a lingcod that I "watercolored" in photoshop.



General Talk / Forum posting tutorial (flash video link)
« on: November 06, 2006, 06:24:22 PM »
This should be required viewing to all newbies on any forum.  Enjoy! :smt003



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