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Messages - Dankayak

Pages: [1] 2 3
Hobie Kayaks / Re: 2021 Outback rod holder for trolling
« on: December 17, 2024, 12:59:52 PM »
Thanks for the info! I also made my plates out of HDPE, but they don’t look half as good as yours  :smt003

Hobie Kayaks / Re: 2021 Outback rod holder for trolling
« on: December 16, 2024, 08:43:56 AM »
Thanks for the pictures! I’m interested in saltwater trolling, like halibut and lings.
Wow, that base looks really nice.. I didn’t know there was such a product!
I really like that setup with the rod crossing in front of you, I guess I’d need the taller arm for that.

Hobie Kayaks / 2021 Outback rod holder for trolling
« on: December 12, 2024, 07:23:10 PM »
Any advice on what rod holder/configuration to use for trolling?
I have a yakattak with a 2 piece arm, but I couldn’t find a comfortable trolling position. I either point my backward (but that way I can’t see the tip) or somehow I have my rod butt hitting my legs while pedaling.

Thanks for sharing your content! Big fan! I actually started because of your blog  :smt003

General Talk / Re: Humbling experience at HMB
« on: December 10, 2024, 09:23:31 PM »
Nice! When I was starting out surf fishing I saw people launching at Rockaway and I remember thinking to myself “Those people are crazy”. Now, well, I’m already checking the depth charts to be ready when the weather is nice again  :smt005

General Fishing Tips / Re: Trolling advice
« on: December 10, 2024, 09:09:38 PM »
Thanks everyone for pitching in! Great info as always!
I’ll give a try to the spreader bar and the sliding sinker. Dumb question, when using a sliding weight, do you attach the weight directly to the sliding clip or you put some leader in between?
Also good tip practicing in the bay, I might just do that. Are stripers still biting this time of year?

General Fishing Tips / Trolling advice
« on: November 30, 2024, 09:29:33 PM »
I tried trolling for lings and it’s been a disaster  :smt009
I used a 3 way swivel, one arm attached to a torpedo sinker, one with a treble and sliding snell hook and one attached to the main line. It was tangle paradise.. my bait was always twisted around either the sinker line or the main line. I tried only sending it down while moving, same thing.
What are your best trolling advices?

General Talk / Re: Humbling experience at HMB
« on: November 30, 2024, 09:23:50 PM »
Yeah, I start to see that solely relying on Windy is not going to be good enough. I’ll spend some time on that.
I like that way of thinking about surf lunch, though I don’t feel ready for that (read: I’m not ready to lose half my shit  :smt003)
Where are you launching from Pacifica? The surf there is super rough!

General Talk / Re: Humbling experience at HMB
« on: November 28, 2024, 09:19:11 PM »
Thanks! I need to spend some time on that website, it definitely has a learning curve and doesn’t play too well on the phone

General Talk / Re: Humbling experience at HMB
« on: November 28, 2024, 07:50:37 PM »
Thanks everyone for your support! I guess I practiced my “turn back” game. Yes! It felt like a mixed swell, where can you get this detailed information? Also, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

General Talk / Humbling experience at HMB
« on: November 27, 2024, 09:54:38 PM »
Yesterday I went to Half Moon Bay for my first solo outing and second time on the ocean ever. Day looked good on the forecast, pretty flat and no wind so I hit the water early. By the time I approached the jetties the water started to feel choppy. As I entered the big blue I was welcomed by waves bigger than expected, I ventured out no more than 300 ft before realizing I was out of my comfort zone. I made the call to head back in the harbor. To not waste the day I started crabbing inside the harbor and as the day improved I ventured out again, not going far but getting used to the open water.
Ended the day with 4 keepers and the realization that I really need to learn to estimate waves from the shore.
When packing up I met another guy that went out crabbing and after telling him what happened he said: “you need a buddy”. I concur :smt005

Safety First / Re: Acceptable forecast for beginners
« on: November 13, 2024, 02:20:01 PM »
Thanks everyone for the extremely detailed responses, this community is a gold mine! 😃
I did not go last weekend. There’s a crabbing short by TLA https://youtube.com/shorts/io089fRB9zs?si=gx_Opki3GclbYnz2, but he’s on a boat off HMB, so unsure if that’s representative

Safety First / Re: Acceptable forecast for beginners
« on: November 10, 2024, 07:42:55 PM »
Another important thing is the secondary swell. A lot of forecasts don’t show it. I went to Albion Saturday and there was a 7ft swell at 14 sec and a secondary swell of 5ft at 4 sec. It was a real washing machine. I think it’s the two swells together that add up to your likelihood of getting seasick.
Never even heard about the secondary swell, but it makes a lot of sense! I use Windy and I don’t have the secondary swell there

Safety First / Re: Acceptable forecast for beginners
« on: November 10, 2024, 06:36:31 PM »
Tomorrow should be down a foot maybe but this is what the swell period got us today

Damn, the forecast is 7ft, just based on that number I would not expect such conditions. I guess it’s a surf lunch there?
I ended up not going today for other reasons, but I’ll make a mental note about always comparing forecast with how it actually feels and start building my mental map. Also thanks, didn’t think the swell direction has such a big impact. What do you guys use for forecasting?

Safety First / Re: Acceptable forecast for beginners
« on: November 10, 2024, 08:15:53 AM »
If swell period in seconds <= .5(swell height in feet) and swell height in feet + wind in knots <= 15 then fish, else beer.
Is it >= ? Useful heuristic!

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