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Hobie Mirage Drive 180 reversing lines in the spine video


I remember seeing a video on doing the reversing lines in the spine on a Mirage Drive 180. Does anybody remember this and where could I find it? It's a bit tricky to try and do it yourself but I do recall seeing it in the last several months, either on here or YouTube.

I literally scoured the internet last night looking for this video - I dont know it exists, but I feel it does... like bigfoot. 

I have a new 180 w/ KU spine on the way, my 180 w/ KU spine with a single broken sprocket (nothing else wrong), and an old spare 180 drive that needs to be retired.  I am (kind of) contemplating replacing the broken spine with a single working sprocket off of the old 180 drive, so I have two (like new) mirage drives.  This involves me cutting, or removing the lines to one side, removing the broken sprocket, then re-running the lines on one side through the replacement sprocket. 

May be more trouble than it is worth. 

The closest thing I have found are some videos replacing the boom mast and a complete tear down by cornish kayak angler so far. Even he says to stay away from re-running the lines LOL

Thanks for the help hobie wan!

The video does exist! I have seen it, and not that long ago! Doing what I can Poopsmith! It may not be on Youtube but is a private upload.


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