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For Sale / [Claimed] Free: Older Penn reels and rods
« on: May 21, 2023, 04:39:08 PM »
Saw someone throwing this out and figured there might be somebody who could make use of it. Penn Peer 209 and Penn Peer 309, plus a Zebco spinner and a cheap spinning set up. Everything has a lot of UV damage, but I think none of it was used much so the internals are probably still good.

For Sale / Free: Silicone tubing seal for AI front hatch or similar
« on: April 23, 2023, 09:26:22 AM »
Other people have reported great results with this, but it did not seem to work for my boat. Free. Local pick up in San Mateo.

For Sale / StowMaster TS120X landing net (jumbo) - $80
« on: January 14, 2023, 01:27:28 PM »
StowMaster TS120X landing net - $80

This net is a little heavy for kayaking but would be great on a small boat if storage is tight.

30″x 32″ hoop – 120″ long – 16″x 44″ stowed

Net bag is 42" deep, so you could stuff a sturgeon in there.

Read more about it here:

Local pick up in San Mateo.

For Sale / [SOLD] Little Chief Electric Smoker - $60
« on: January 14, 2023, 01:17:46 PM »
Little Chief Electric Smoker

Dirty but works great. Comes with 5 racks, 2 pans, and a spare heating element. This will make amazing hot smoked salmon.

Local pick up in San Mateo.


General Fishing Tips / Fishing in the Amazon?
« on: September 09, 2022, 05:52:28 PM »
We are doing a family trip to the Ecuadorian Amazon in October, and I will have a chance to do some fishing. Any recommendations on what to bring?

I was down there many years ago but was clueless and hadn’t planned for fishing, so the piranhas kept chewing me off. I finally solved that by making a bite leader out of a chain of safety pins.

Recipes / Fish taco from the multiverse
« on: August 27, 2022, 07:47:16 PM »
Crispy salmon skin on the outside, kimchi and cauliflower soaked in salmon grease on the inside. Delicious.

Gearing Up and Rigging Up / Sunscreen?
« on: July 16, 2022, 10:16:33 PM »
What is your favorite sunscreen? I'm looking for something that works all day, doesn't make my eyes sting, and doesn't smell too strong. Actually, it is fine if it smells as long as the fish don't mind it.

General Talk / Best place to buy ice?
« on: May 29, 2022, 05:54:19 PM »
Where is the best place to buy ice between the Golden Gate Bridge and San Mateo? Yesterday I went to my local Safeway and got charged $4 per 9 pounds. The Costco in Foster City told me they don’t sell ice.

I wish we had one of those places that is set up for commercial fisherman and will blow 100 pounds of flake ice into your cooler for cheap.

For Sale / [Sold] Two tackle boxes of older fishing gear
« on: April 23, 2022, 05:43:58 PM »
See photos. A bunch of sinkers, various lures including four rooster tail spinners, random odds and ends and three old reels. Also a small landing net and three old freshwater rods including a split cane bamboo fly rod. All of this is yours for two trays of medium anchovies. If no one wants it at that price I will list it as free.

Oh- One of the tackle boxes is a nice US-made Plano box.

For Sale / [Sold] Penn Senator 3/0 and Penn Peerless #9 - $40 for both
« on: April 23, 2022, 05:24:09 PM »
Penn Senator 3/0 and Penn Peerless #9. $40 for both. Plenty of surface corrosion on the senator but it seems to be working well. Also included is a Bronson meteor reel and a fiberglass saltwater rod. If you like ugly sticks you will probably like this rod.

Pick up at my house in San Mateo.

For Sale / [Taken] Free kill bag - Silver Horde KatchKooler II
« on: April 17, 2022, 04:47:56 PM »
Free kill bag - Silver Horde KatchKooler II

Due to salmon teeth and rockfish spines it leaks, but a lot of the more expensive bags aren’t watertight when they are brand new so you may not care. It still insulates well, and surprisingly enough it does not smell funky.

For Sale / [Sold] 22 lbs lead dive weights - $20
« on: April 17, 2022, 04:37:53 PM »
22 lbs lead dive weights - $20

Pick up at my house in San Mateo.

Gearing Up and Rigging Up / Kayaking is hard on reels
« on: February 20, 2022, 06:34:27 PM »
I finally got motivated to service my two salmon reels. Probably because they had both stopped working.

I was kind of grumpy about it at first: lots of fiddly little parts and some tricky reassembly steps. But I felt happier when I got to the second reel: even though it is from a different manufacturer there is enough similarity that it went a lot faster and I was able to diagnose exactly what was wrong. Time will tell how they hold up, but right now both reels are working great.

Any tips for cleaning reel parts the next time I need to do this? I'm thinking I should get a nice screwdriver set so I don't mar any screws.

General Talk / A Health Mystery Solved
« on: January 20, 2022, 01:43:50 PM »
TLDR: cutting carbs in general and sugar in particular from my diet cured a health problem I had been fighting for the last decade.

I write this on the chance that it will help someone else. If I had heard a similar story it might have saved me a lot of frustration, suffering, and days lost to illness.

Where to start? Let’s go back about a decade: I was into competitive cycling, and while I was having fun and doing well in XC MTB and Cyclocross, I kept getting sick. Any time I would train as hard as my body wanted to train, I would feel a sore throat coming on, and often have to spend a few days in bed.

This went on for years. I made do with less training than my competitors, got sick a lot, and grudgingly accepted that this was just a limitation of my body.

I eventually stopped racing and took up kayak fishing. Because the kayaking was lower intensity I did not get sick as often, but it was still a recurring issue.

I visited several doctors, none of whom were able to help me. In a way I don’t blame them. The only specific symptom I had was a sore throat, and if someone says: “I get sick when I push myself hard”, it’s reasonable for a doctor to say “maybe don’t push so hard”.

Things finally came to a head at the beginning of August 2020. A busy week at work followed by five consecutive days of kayak fishing triggered the predictable sore throat and fatigue. Except this time it didn’t get better. Aside from trying to keep up with work and help care for the kids I spent the rest of my time in bed feeling tired and sick. At first I was unhappy yet resigned, since I’d experienced identical symptoms many times before. But by the time a full month of this had passed I was becoming desperate and searching for explanations again. Added to the mix was now acid reflux, which made it hard to sleep. Again a visit to the doctor didn’t help.

Physical and mental stress would cause an onset of my symptoms, but I had also noticed that consuming sugar could bring on the sore throat or make it worse. Sugar would also make me feel generally unwell, so for a long time I had avoided eating much of it.

I finally connected the sugar clue with the possibility of a Candida (yeast) overgrowth, and decided to try the “candida diet”, which basically eliminates carbs. The results were spectacular: I recovered immediately and was able to put in a full week at work. The next weekend was Labor Day and I decided to put my newfound health to the test: I spent two days doing hard physical labor tearing the roofing off our porch, then immediately followed that with an exhausting all-day kayak fishing trip, where I caught a limit of salmon and then a limit of halibut. In the past this would have been almost guaranteed to make me sick, but I felt fine. After 10 days on the diet my acid reflux, which had not responded to medication, went away.

Since then I’ve continued to do things that would have made me sick before. I push hard, I get exhausted, I recover, and I don’t get sick.

You might reasonably be thinking “you tried some fad diet and claim everything got better, but how do you know?”. I don’t know for sure. Candida is a normal part of the biota that lives in and on us, and I’m not even sure mainstream medicine has an accepted diagnostic test to distinguish between a normal and problematic amount of yeast in your throat and gut.  But I do know that the puzzle pieces fit: carbs in general and sugar in particular would reliably make my symptoms worse, and eliminating them has made the problem go away in a complete and dramatic way. I had tried eliminating added sugar in the past, and while this helped, I was presumably still eating enough carbs and high-sugar fruits to cause problems.

What else has changed: I lost weight without restricting my calorie intake. When exercising I don’t feel peppy, but my long-term endurance feels better. At times when I would have felt desperate for a blood sugar boost my body can now keep chugging away, presumably burning fat.

One word of warning: if you experiment with low-carb diets, you may need to make a conscious effort to drink enough water (keep your urine light-colored). The diet suppresses your appetite, and it also suppresses your thirst. I was not drinking enough and started to have symptoms of kidney stones. Drinking enough cleared it up.

I held to the strict candida diet for two months, and since then I have changed to a plan where I allow myself to eat moderate carbs 2 days a week. This way I get to share some normal meals with my family. This seems to be working well. Sticking to the diet is usually easy: an omelette with spinach, cheese, mushrooms and plenty of butter appeals to me more than a bowl of breakfast cereal, and a green salad with salmon, sesame seeds and a rich oily dressing sounds better than a plate of pasta. It has been a year and a half now, and the dreaded sore throat and fatigue has not reoccurred.

On a related note, I'm overdue for a checkup and am looking for a new doctor, hopefully one with experience with microbiome-related health issues. Any recommendations?

Safety First / Flipping a Stealth with the fish hatch open? Fear not!
« on: September 29, 2021, 06:03:55 PM »
A recent thread raised the question of what would happen if you flipped a Stealth with the fish hatch open, so I paddled out deeper than I could touch bottom to find out.

  • Less than a gallon ended up in the fish hatch after a normal flip. You'd still be able to paddle fine.
  • By climbing on top of the overturned kayak and tilting it to one side I was able to force more water in, but nothing like flooding the hull of a normal kayak. I think you'd still be able to paddle and stay upright, but you would notice the weight.
  • I was able to drain almost all of the water out in seconds simply by lifting the bow. The flotation from my drysuit and PFD was adequate to keep my head above water while doing this. I'm pretty sure Stealth designed the internal shape of the fish hatch to make it easy to drain it this way. It is so much faster than using a pump.

I'm thinking that the only reason to carry a pump on a Stealth is in case someone else needs it. The fish hatch turns out not to be much of a concern for flooding, and if you get water into the inner hull a pump won't help you.

If you do get water into the inner hull you are in trouble. I guess the move is to open the drain plug, place the bow on a floating object, and lift the stern. Doable if you have a buddy, but I think you'd need a large float if you were solo.

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