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Messages - matanaska

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 97
General Talk / Re: Cast nets for catching bait fish from Kayak or Pier
« on: October 13, 2024, 07:42:56 AM »
If you’re going for anchovies, then you will want 1/4”.  Most castnets you find in stores are 3/8”.  Get at least a 6ft radius castnet if you want to have more success.  Once you get your throwing down then consider a bigger one.  The smaller mesh like 1/4”  will have more weight per feet so it will sink fast enough.  There are castnets that have extra weight for fishing in deeper water too.  I have a 10ft radius 1/4” net and it can sometimes be a beast to throw, but when done properly I can easily get a 5 gallon bucket full of bait in one cast.  As for throwing from a kayak, I have done it standing and sitting on my Outback.  6-8ft radius work better off a kayak.  Practice, practice, practice in your yard or a field.  Watch a few YouTube videos and find your preferred method.  Betts, Fitech, and Ahi are all reputable castnet brands.  Castnets can be very effective in getting lots of live bait quickly.  Also they can be more lively than sabiki caught bait.  I learned throwing a castnet in my teens in Texas in the Gulf of Mexico catching mullet and many other baitfish.

General Fishing Tips / Re: Bleeding Fish and Hanging Off Kayak
« on: September 21, 2024, 09:37:00 AM »
I bleed, then pull the guts through the gill plate and toss, then dunk a couple times while holding the fish head down letting the blood run out, next I put it on a clip or just lay it below my legs and dunk or toss water on it to keep it cold and not go into rigor mortis.  If I have my fish bag with ice, after hitting and bleeding it goes in my fish bill bag. 

Craftsmen's Corner / Re: Cheap portable aerator 12v conversion
« on: September 11, 2024, 03:32:51 PM »
I use a dogfood container and quart container to scoop freshwater to keep the bait alive.  Unless you have lots of baits, it’s easy to just scoop water into the container and no need for an aerator

General Talk / Re: Poker-run over-life flight-hospital-NEW PICS
« on: August 20, 2024, 08:56:43 AM »
Whoa! That’s awful.  Ron is strong and will heal up from this.  Thanks for filling us in on this unfortunate accident.

General Fishing Tips / Re: Petrale Sole
« on: July 12, 2024, 10:34:34 AM »
I have been catching Petrale sole off my yak before they made them legal to keep since they used to be under groundfish regulations.  Now it’s no size limit and no bag limit.  A 19”er is a good sized one.  I have caught them up to about 22”.  Most tend to be in the 15-18” range.  They at one of my favorite to eat.  If you’re careful you can filet them into 2 big filets instead of 4.  Then get som crab and stuff it with lump crab meat.  Petrale sole is usually one of the most expensive at restaurants.

Here are few photos of my past petrale sole catches as well as a pic of speckled sand dabs and rock sole.

General Talk / Re: Helping Sledge
« on: May 28, 2024, 04:06:45 PM »
Spike reported seeing a seal attack a kayaker.  Must have been you.  Good to hear you are still hitting the water and and staying sober.  Sorry for the loss of your dad.  I hope to see you on the water soon.

The ocean is really bad shape.  We haven’t had much of a razor clam season for many years now☹️

CA Regulations / Re: Is RF open?
« on: April 21, 2024, 07:30:33 PM »
It’s always open from shore.  I saw a nice stringer of big blacks off the jetty yesterday.  April is a good time to catch a big ling cod from shore.

General Fishing Tips / Re: Costa Rica this December
« on: March 31, 2024, 01:37:31 AM »
Small country.  About 6 hrs drive across continent.    Do Manual Antonio and hire a guide!  We stayed in a cabinas in Manual Antonio.  Fished tarpon in Tortuguero, but 1 week maybe too short.   Be careful in Tamarindo as seems to be low life capital of CR.   Lots of theft.   Son in law lost debit card.  And had two surfboards purchased quickly.

It is sad what has become of the Tamarindo area.  I used to go there yearly in the early 2000's.  It was a sleepy little surf town that happened to have a fantastic sailfish fishery.  I used to go there in the late summer, during the rainy season, which meant even less people.  Double digit days on sailfish were the norm.  Surf waves out front were party waves with multiple people riding, encouraging each other on, with no one getting aggro.  This because the lineup wasn't crowded and everyone got all the waves they wanted.  I went back a year or 2 after the road was paved, and the vibe completely changed.  Lot of solicitors appeared, peddling all the vices.  Crime was up.  And it got crowded.  I've not been back since.


I spent time in Tamarindo in the mid nineties.  It was fun back then, but more tourists than Playa Coco where the Tica family I stayed with had a vacation home.  I never stayed in hotels when I visited Costa Rica.     

CA Regulations / Re: March 2024 PFMC Council Meeting Day 5: 3/10/24
« on: March 10, 2024, 12:09:29 PM »
That’s plenty of rockfish season for kayakers.  May-September & November.  Thats 6 months plus 3 months to go on a boat and fish the deep reefs.

For Sale / Re: 2018 Outback for sale
« on: February 17, 2024, 10:42:40 AM »
6 year old kayak and you are asking that much?   :smt044

The fishfinder is maybe $100, the drysuit may be brand new, but it is considered used now.  Pictures might help.  Which mirage drive is it?  What condition is it in?  Got turbo fins?  Upgraded or standard rudder?  Which cart cause it could be a homemade $20 cart or a $150 wheeliiezz cart?  Even with though questions answered one way or the other, this package deal is well overpriced.  $2000-2200 is fair

General Talk / Re: Best place to buy a drysuit
« on: January 31, 2024, 11:10:31 PM »
Ebay has the best deals.  I bought a Navy Seals Kokatat drysuit for $450 and it has lasted several seasons now with lots of use and abuse from bloody salmon and halibut slime in my lap.  Matt Mayes found a screaming deal on a Mustang drysuit for $150.

CA Regulations / Re: 2024 Nearshore Rockfish Season Survey
« on: January 25, 2024, 01:34:03 PM »
Some of the Northern area voters must not have any clue about the best calm ocean days when they ranked their months.  July or August should be 1 and 2.  Next, September or June for 3 and 4.  October is an easy lock for 5.  After 5 it should be May at 6, April at 7, November at 8 and December at 9.

The wind often blows in May.  June can be windy too, but the long days can be better than some in September which makes it a toss up between the two.  It’s just plain stupid to put May as 3 because of wind and that’s typically when the crabs hatch and everyone is bitching about it being a slow bite.  Also, April should clearly be in the bottom 3 unless you like rainy windy conditions.  Some of the best days can be in October and September besides the obviously best months of July and August.  Go look at fishing reports and tides cause it will give you a clearer picture.

a surprising benefit of a motor is you can do some things while puttering to a new spot. 

i tied a knot will under power.  ahha..that has never happened.

i'm curious how much i use it. 

if i can draw a parallel to my mountain biking life.  ALL my friends bought E-Bikes.  i dont want one, but it is NOT fun riding with them anymore.  i go solo now.  which is fine.  on a kayak, at least i can fish with motor people without my motor.  it does suck watching them eat and drink while i am mouth-breathing trying to keep up with them at 4mph with my mirage drive.  hahah.. so there is that.

great conversation people.  if anyone gets a motor, i am available for LESSONS LEARNED.

You can eat, drink, or tie a knot while pedaling a Hobie.  I have done hundreds of times.  Sure you have to reach down and adjust the rudder sometimes to keep you in the direction you want to go, but it isn’t hard to do.

I went herring hunting in the most miserable conditions only to find the most incredible scene that i haver witness in over a decade chasing this fish. This fish drives people absolutely  bat crazy haha.  I hope you enjoy this video in your warm bed! - CHOVY

P.S. Eddie follow the CHOVY. I will take you to the promise land I promise. Don't flip a swim bait i the middle of nowhere. haha  :smt044 :smt044 :smt005

Video link

It’s a little windy and hardly raining.  I have definitely thrown a castnet in worse conditions than the video.  The crowd would keep me away before the weather.  Too many people.

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