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Messages - E Kayaker

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 233
I used to go crabbing but not anymore. I just buy what we can eat at the 99 Ranch store. Currently $8.99 lb. I bought 2 crabs a few days ago for around $35. Done in 15 mins.

I can buy fish at the store also. All the fish and crab I catch are free. The money I spend pays for the fun.

I crabbed at HMB several times but at Bodega Bay only during a couple Crabfests. I’ve had much better luck at HMB but I’ve been there more often. I was looking at my fast track account and realized starting the 1st it will cost me $36 for bridge tolls and $19 to launch if I go to HMB but $4 to launch at Doran and no bridge tolls. Both are about an hour and a half from my house but coming home from HMB takes me through San Francisco when the traffic is heavy. I’m thinking If the crabbing was equal I’d be better off switching to Bodega Bay for the lower cost and better drive. It looks like Bodega Bay is a little deeper and with the nickname Blowdega it might be windier.

How does Bodega Bay stack up against Half Moon Bay for Kayak Crabbing?

Safety First / Re: What would you consider safe conditions?
« on: December 30, 2024, 07:21:25 PM »
My limit on wind is when it starts the whitecaps. I’ve never figured out exactly what number that is though.

Safety First / Re: What would you consider safe conditions?
« on: December 29, 2024, 04:30:22 AM »
That is kayaker dependent. Someone out for their first ride, on an unstable kayak, will require different conditions than a seasoned kayaker on a super stable one. If the wind is blowing you away from your launch, a weak kayaker might not be able to make it back. A wind blowing towards shore could beach you and winds blowing towards sea could be a problem as well. If launching into the surf, the direction of the swell and how protected the location is makes a big difference.

Most of the time we don’t get a perfectly accurate forecast. You’ll need to get out there and gauge the conditions by looking at them. I could say less than 15 mph, but a forecast doesn’t guarantee that’s what the conditions will actually be. I could say when the height is less than half the period, but kayak stability, secondary swell and wind chop all add to the mix. When the wind chop and swell gets uncomfortable, I know it’s time to get off the water.

There is safety in numbers, so try to join in a group outing. Watch the forecast and current conditions and go down to see what that looks like. Don’t hesitate to turn right  around and head in anytime you feel unsafe.

So maybe the correct answer is, when the conditions don’t exceed your ability.

Safety First / Re: What was going on at HMB today?
« on: December 19, 2024, 08:21:45 PM »
I headed SE or so and probably paralleled the reef. The rough water was pretty much all the way to the opening of the jaws from around 1/3 of a mile out, coming and going. I assume it wasn’t the reef that close in. You may be right about the swell direction.

Safety First / What was going on at HMB today?
« on: December 19, 2024, 07:48:20 PM »
I’m hoping someone with lots of experience on HMB can explain the conditions I encountered today. I’ve gone kayaking there 5-10 times and I’ve never seen the water like it was. I’m thinking maybe it was swell direction or period or a combination. I’d like to figure it out so I can know when to expect it. The forecasted swell was 5.2@17sec from the west. As I headed out from the jaws I noticed that it was a much shorter period and steeper swells than I expected. I wondered if the reef was affecting it. When I got out to my crabbing area it seemed normal for the day. Then when I headed back in I realized that the same area was still much rougher. Some of the swells were breaking between me and the entrance to the harbor. I was hoping I wouldn’t be riding over the crest right through the white water. It was the same shorter period with much steeper swells. It seemed to be the 1/3 of a mile or so near the jaws. Has anyone been out there enough to be clued in on what was causing it?

General Talk / Re: Golden mussels
« on: December 17, 2024, 08:46:05 AM »
I just called Collins Lake and they said they’re still open and hoping they won’t have to do any inspections or any of that.

General Talk / Re: Golden mussels
« on: December 15, 2024, 10:05:31 AM »
Rollins and Collins closed till further notice. Other lakes will probably follow the trend.

This is a bummer - was hoping to try Rollins on our next visit to my in-laws. Hopefully they figure out some sort of inspection/decon system soon.
Call and ask. They may have inspections for kayaks but are effectively closed for motorboats.

General Talk / Re: Golden mussels
« on: December 10, 2024, 10:37:49 PM »
Keep in mind they are supposed to offer a decontamination process that allows you to skip the 30 day quarantine.

General Talk / Re: Golden mussels
« on: December 10, 2024, 10:36:40 PM »
I went to Putah Canyon and they inspected my kayak at the gate before I paid. They said they are inspecting all kayaks. They were pretty thorough but they let slide a little moisture Ipoh the underside of the hatch.

Craftsmen's Corner / Re: PVC rod holder
« on: December 10, 2024, 10:32:24 PM »
I love pvc.

Yes $20

Plenty of places to launch from around the lake without having to use a boat ramp and pay such a fee.
Good to keep your kayak clean, I agree with that.
I carry my Radar 135 on a trailer and launch at boat ramps. Now that i’m 66 it’s getting difficult to pick it up high enough to put it on the wheelz. Maybe I should get a super light kayak for the occasional shore launch. I would like to fish from Oak Shores day use again. It’s the only way for me to access the area around the big island.

General Talk / Re: Any encouraging crab intel for HMB as of late?
« on: December 04, 2024, 11:31:12 PM »
I’m planning to give HMB another try this weekend. I hope things improve.

General Fishing Tips / Re: Lead-free sinking crab rope?
« on: December 02, 2024, 09:53:15 PM »
I’m using a 1/4 nylon blend. It’s easy on the hands and flexible. I have fishing weights attached to a key ring that I use to sink the rope. After the trap reaches the bottom I grab the rope near the water and bend it and push it through the key ring. Then slip it over the weight and pull it tight. That will sink all the rest of the rope up to the float. The weight is small enough to just leave on if you want but still very easy to remove.

General Talk / Re: Lake Berryessa Turnover
« on: December 01, 2024, 09:41:51 PM »
I felt like it had already sort of turned over with only a slight temp difference between the depths. In the summer the salmon are down at the 55 degree water at 70' or deeper, the trout can be from that level to maybe 35-40' in 60-65 degree water and only warm water fish above that. Last time out, I got that salmon at about 35'. 
The crazy thing to me is that the lake was only down 12' at the end of dry season and has risen 4' in only 3 days with those storms. So is it muddy?
I haven’t been following the turnover long enough to know what it does exactly. I just noticed all the depths are within a degree or so. No it wasn’t muddy.

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