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Messages - paddler

Pages: [1] 2
General Fishing Tips / Re: Budget treble hook replacement (bulk)
« on: July 11, 2024, 08:11:46 AM »
Regardless of initial quality point "stickiness", trebles gotta be renewed often if you're bouncing a jig in the rocks. Sometimes a half a dozen casts will ruin a hook - of course you're ahead of the game by not losing the whole jig. I prefer smaller 2# or 4# because they usually straighten out before your leader, knots, or terminal tackle fail from the strain.

General Fishing Tips / Re: Budget treble hook replacement (bulk)
« on: July 09, 2024, 09:39:24 AM »
Temu and Aliexpress have vendors offering a wide assortment of hooks in bulk quantities.

I might try Albion again this weekend. Snuck out last week for a few hours in between gusts. Caught 5 fish in 80' tucked in at the mouth of the bay.

Maybe you're already rigged this way but jig assist hook(s) tied at the top of the jig will not snag as easily when bottom fishing. Also, if using treble hooks, I like to use something around size 6# with a 40# leader. If it snags, the jig should free up by bending the hookl

Showing up with my pink goofish and chrome diamond jigs!

Ever since 3$ posted that goofish deal I have gone down the rabbit hole, I am building a second spj rod with a spinning reel seat for 250g jigs, so much fun but I think rockfishing might be the easiest thing to target with them, they will literally hit a suspended jig LOL.

I have been trying sweeping motions, half turns full turns, but I always just like to contact bottom and get my jigs stuck...

Buying keel jigs on ebay for cheap and making my own stingers still!

CA Regulations / Re: 2024 Rockfish 20-Fathom Boundary Line
« on: March 19, 2024, 03:04:34 PM »
Note the 2 fish sub-bag limit for vermilions. There was an option on the table for 0 but they settled for 2. The big question is at what point vermilions become the next quillback which had been subject to precaution (but no regulatory action) since 2021 but quickly transitioned into an emergency no-take depth range closure by the end of last year. Hopefully this year's anticipated gang bang fishing inside 20 fa won't subject vermilions...as well as all other nearshore species...to the same fate as quillbacks.

Hopefully the council will favor the option of keeping it closed.

CA Regulations / Re: March 2024 PFMC Council Meeting Day 5: 3/10/24
« on: March 10, 2024, 12:10:27 PM »
Regarding vermilions. The damned check engine light is flashing for this species and the council is leaning toward doing almost the same thing when red flags got raised for quillback in 2021. Result will be anglers high grading reds which by the way have a much harder time descending than quillbacks.

The 20 fathom boundary line is a boundary delineated by a series of lat/long coordinates which represent the conservation area. In reality, some of the individual coordinates are either deeper or shallower than 20 fathoms however most are close to the mark.

So the 20 fathom = (120ft) boundary you speak of is that inside 20 fathoms or outside ?

Like last year they opened for what 6 weeks they don't seam to realize in throes 6 weeks we "maybe" can go ocean fishing what maybe 2 times if your a working man. They don't seem to realize weather is a big factor if we can even go fishing.
Lets face it these regulations are all about the party boats if they were serious about really reducing the rockfish take they would drop the limit to 6 fish and 1 lingcod. Make Blue and Black rockfish and other species that you can throw back easy "size limits" for inshore fishing, including shore fishing any rockfing from shore can be tossed back. Descender for any boat and kayak would help too.
There is so much they could do but for some reason they never drop the whole bag limit and mandatory size for rockfish I have no idea why. They could make a different bag and size for party boats ouside the 20 or 30 fathom limit and not let the party boats fish inside.
Together were all competing for the same fish in the same waters they need to seprtate party/commercial from recreation and kayak fishing.
IDK guys Im a really old fishing dude I could be talking out my but this is just my take after fish out coast for 70+years sorry !

My fear is that the 20 fathom boundary, in addition to other seasonal restrictions, translates into nothing more than a game of musical chairs. Increased fishing effort within a smaller area on a relatively shorter time frame can result in the serial depletion of the remaining fish species which are still legal to take. Essentially, the State has circumvented the process of developing a new MPA by establishing the 20 fathom boundary WHICH is not currently a designated Federal management area such as YRCAs. The California 30 by 30 agenda will not suddenly occur overnight after 12/31/2029...it's slowly happening now.

General Fishing Tips / Re: Albion Update
« on: January 13, 2024, 11:57:42 AM »
Last season Dennis allowed boats/kayaks to be launched before 8 a.m. if a registered guest.  We'll have to see if Steven will adopt that policy.

Steven is the temporary winter manager who is scheduled to be replaced by another new manager beginning March. Hold your breath...the next one could be worse than Dennis who only lasted 8 months.

General Fishing Tips / Re: Albion Update
« on: January 13, 2024, 10:02:49 AM »
A little know fact about Albion River access is that non-paying access is mandated by California Coastal Act Section 30212. In 2006 Albion River Campground applied for a coastal development permit and the agency made this requirement on approval of the Campground's application 1-97-077-A3 filed Jan. 06. 2006.
"As noted above, the project will not adversely affect public access, and the State Lands lease stipulates that access shall be provided to and through the leased area for the general public, including non-paying visitors, from both the river and across the Lessee's upland to assure public access from the first public road to the river and from the river to the first public road."
The first public (Mendocino County) road is the switchback entrance to the campground which ends at "End of County Road" sign. While parking is non-existent, the County still maintains right of way easements on both sides of the pavement.
This means you could drop off your gear at the end of the road, any time you like without a fee, and carry it a few yards to the north end of the pond (State owned waters) and launch. Of course, tying up to a dock without paying would probably constitute trespassing.

CA Regulations / Re: RF Reg. Petition - Rockfish Nearshore Draft Petition
« on: September 11, 2023, 07:00:22 PM »
Has anybody discussed this petition with members of other user groups, like private boaters or the CPFV community? I may be wrong, but I assume certain groups will not like the idea.

 Here is a link to the Pacific Fisheries Management Council's portal for public comments submitted for its groundfish management Harvest Specifications Technical Corrections and Inseason Adjustments – Final Action agenda.  You should see several comments from the CPV sector. https://pfmc.psmfc.org/Meeting/Details/3005. Click on Groundfish Management G8 to view the comments.

CA Regulations / Re: RF Reg. Petition - Rockfish Nearshore Draft Petition
« on: September 03, 2023, 08:16:56 AM »
500 kayaks in full gear with every family in gear
Block the steps - lawn sit in - sit on
Make the world news minute
Dfg headquarters - 30 days
Paddle out ?

500 kayaks in a group could convey the wrong message. Be careful what we wish for. Much of the focus of fishery management is to prevent serial species depletion where there is a concentrated harvesting effort. 500 fishermen x 10 fish bag limit along a narrow strip of coastline = 5000 fish removed. Back in the day we used to have fishing derbies, but now to be politically correct they rename them tournaments but the end result is still the same.

Commercial rock fishing. Wow ! where do you start with that. Have they been asked for lower take ?

I've never seen nearshore rockfish species for sale commercially.  I usually only see slope rockfish.  Full disclosure: I don't shop very widely for commercial rockfish; I usually get it through my CSF or from known sustainable fishermen, so perhaps they don't target nearshore but others do.
Live nearshore rockfish are commonly marketed in Asian seafood markets such as 99 Ranch, etc. Gilled and gutted, the fish are prepared whole and most everything is consumed except the bones. Even eat the eyes and swim bladders! Like abalones, very little of the animal goes to waste. Most of us hack off two filets and toss the rest....considered by the Asian community a sacrilege. That's why the fish appear to be so valuable in these markets, but for many people a little goes a long way.

It would be interesting to see if a consideration for long leader gear would be given. Might be a bit of a hassle in the kayak, but totally doable and it would target the midwater fish while leaving the bottom dwellers alone.


The longleader fishery is great but you have to be outside 40 fathoms. I don’t think it would work to protect juvenile quill back to allow it closer than that. Oregon has the same problems with coppers chinas and quill backs that we do.

I did not see an issue with chinas in the link provided. Where did you get this info?

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