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Messages - Eddie

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 279
General Talk / Re: canning tuna?
« on: July 18, 2024, 09:25:15 PM »
Bdon - if you end up doing and schedules align I'll help with processing and clean up for the practical experience of doing it. I've never canned fish before and it seems like a good skill to learn. I'm in the outer sunset.


Sounds good! I really wish salmon was open because canned smoked salmon was the best.
I like join...could learn a lot...doubt its gonna be a Monday?  I'd bring my canner and a burner with my notes and notepad...I'm not trying to help clean Bushy out of his 30lbs... :smt005 :smt006

Hello Eddy,
Thank you for the report. I understand the seasickness at FR, but nothing was worse than last Sunday in HMB with my friend Carlos; it was my most miserable day. I was dizzy until Monday:smt013.
Thanks again for the report and great pictures!
That is real.  It was a perfectly calm day of beauty and cloud cover.  I dressed too warm and all the lookin down and ikijime focus prolly was the culprit.  Yes, I felt it yesterday morning, the day after, with land reentry syndrome.  Mine was tolerable yet present.  Yours sounds like a day I was with Paul at the North bar off muir wanting to die.  Just let me fall into the ocean and it would be over.  "What am I doing here?'  "I just want to sell everything and die!"  OHHH...such a long paddle back...two strokes and quit...two strokes and quit...I'm grateful that the tide and wind, though all seeming against me, was my friend...see ya' on da wattah chumming or not...no surrender... :smt005 :smt006

It’s true Eddie,
There is Life after Halibut :smt003
Congrats on ur successful Fort session!

Amen!  My recent regret is filleted them all.  I'm sure I'll make it tasty.  I shoulda left a few whole and prepped for straight grilling.  I desire to learn the mastery of grilling and seasoning whole fish, "asian style" and "telling" my wife, "dis is da way".  I did enjoy pulling out my slow pitch gear and had all my take, less one sand dab livey, on my anchovy butterfly flat fall.  I did score a sweet china on a bright pink striped flat fall as well.  I used my heavier slow pitch rod and I'm thinking my lighter setup is up to the task next...looking at those weather windows fo da near future...hope we can fish together at some point this year...at the appointed time I"m sure...Aloha :smt006

I’m happy the Fort provided for ya!
But what happened to Eddie???
I didn’t come up with it but
No pics , didn’t happen????


Yeah, this!  :smt003
Yooz guyzzzz…I wish I took more as I was learning how to chase this species catagory without gettin’ too seasick…all ikijime and didn’t lose any gear cept one hook on a solid struggle…I should be able to report how much I learned this day… :smt006

Right on! Eddie’s getting on the Rockfish
Stoke me!  I could imagine…”I see color”…like a box o’ chocolates…I’m gettin’ closer to your neck of the woods.. :smt006

I look forward to seeing you all at 7!
I'm camping at Timber Cove on Sunday night, others are also welcome to join me there.

Boom!  Let’s do this!

“Eddie would go”  see ya’ soon brahhdah’!

Hookups and Fishing Reports (Viewable by Public) / HKUP da Fort 7/15
« on: July 13, 2024, 10:09:10 AM »
Come one come all!  Paul Chang and I are gonna slay with or without you, preferably with you, in my humble hope.  Never fished it.  Bringing out my slow pitch gear and hopefully won’t lose any jigs.  I pray no fog and solid stringers…
Arriving at gate 7am.

General Fishing Tips / Re: 1st timer going to Tomales Bay (Lawsons)
« on: July 10, 2024, 08:58:04 PM »
I’ll be at hog island area tomorrow if you’re in the neighborhood.  Ch 69 :smt006

General Fishing Tips / Re: Budget treble hook replacement (bulk)
« on: July 09, 2024, 09:02:00 AM »
Is not Amazon your friend?   Can you get away with single hooks? :smt006

General Fishing Tips / Re: 1st timer going to Tomales Bay (Lawsons)
« on: July 09, 2024, 09:00:35 AM »
Hola!  Drift live bait and keep it on the bottom.  Bring a sabiki and don't hook yourself.  Cut it down to 3 hooks for control of leader.  Even yesterday 4 hooks was a little zoo...don't hesitate to ask other yakkers on site that have experience how to navigate your area and what their plan is.  If they're in a muscle shirt with jeans and launching, stay far away from them... :smt006

General Fishing Tips / Re: 1st timer going to Tomales Bay (Lawsons)
« on: July 09, 2024, 08:55:28 AM »
I'm back... :smt005.  Campground?  You mean Dillon is gonna be you're home base?  Look at some charts.  Ride the incoming in as far as you like and ride the outgoing back to your launch.  Maybe the wind will be you friend.  Tomales goes North to South.  Compare the wind direction with your plan.  The Halis hang out all over but know the high areas that are exposed at a low tide.  If I was new to Tomales I would pack up my yak and go to Miller to get a feel.  The whole bay is like a river in some areas.   Pick the wimpiest tide, stay in the channels and maybe let us know that you have practiced re-entry? :smt006

General Fishing Tips / Re: 1st timer going to Tomales Bay (Lawsons)
« on: July 09, 2024, 08:48:06 AM »
You're gonna get all kinda intel with two threads.  Maybe I'll post a lil' here and post a lil' there... :smt006

Go Scotty go!  Good stuff Paul and Joe and crew.  I gotta make the trek in time… :smt006

Thanks Eric.  I hear ya' on the change is a comin' and even upon us.  Learning to grieve well, with a "new" contentment and gratitude, is my order of spiritual business within this adventure we share.  I'm always hopeful though, with moments of denial, that ecosystems are depleting.  Personally, I would hope for a sudden abundance of unexplainable bounty regarding fish counts, kelp, starfish and abalone revival.  I have hope for improved King Salmon numbers and maybe some sturgeon harvest options but not looking good presently.  Until then...fish on! :smt006

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