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Messages - crash

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 355
Mile long, or more, waterspout...  What could go wrong?   :smt005

lol Shipman Creek crossing is usually not that difficult!

Between the all-or-nothing rainfall patterns we're experiencing, California tornado sightings and this Arctic Blast we're currently feeling, I'm ready for some Springtime weather!

Pretty sure that is already springtime weather as described.  Don’t like the weather?  Just wait an hour, it will change.

General Talk / Re: 12/13/24 Soy milk :(
« on: December 14, 2024, 01:41:42 PM »
Never seen a tit on a soybean.

General Talk / Re: You Guys Up North Good?
« on: December 06, 2024, 01:07:28 PM »
Everything good, fared far better than the quake 2 years ago.

Took my hand at Abking style estimation and nailed it.  About 7.0, not too close to land, close offshore cape Mendocino.

The response to the evacuation order was pretty appalling with traffic gridlock and people trying to go gather pets and belongings from inside the tsunami zone.  Doesn’t bode well for in the event of an actual tsunami emergency.

Safety First / Re: Acceptable forecast for beginners
« on: November 10, 2024, 07:34:03 AM »
If swell period in seconds <= .5(swell height in feet) and swell height in feet + wind in knots <= 15 then fish, else beer.

General Talk / Re: Sad
« on: November 06, 2024, 02:14:58 PM »
Mr. X, I hope you stay. I agree that we all make mistakes, but we should always be willing to learn from our own or others' mistakes.
Calling Ch. 16 is like calling 911 to check your cell phone. 


Meanwhile pilots are out here meowing on guard.

Radio transmission has become increasingly sloppy across marine and aviation bands.  What X did is in no way an intentional breach of protocol, and there is a considerable language barrier.  Gentle correction is a much better approach.  Calling 911 to check safety equipment isn't a proper use.  Calling to prank order a pizza is criminal use.  There is a difference.  We should cut the guy some slack.  Especially with pilots mewing on guard.  Those guys should get keelhauled.

Introductions / Re: Hey hey from Arcata!
« on: September 15, 2024, 10:50:16 AM »
My names Jacob. I just purchased my first kayak, a new to me Hobie 9ft mirage sport. Been out twice and both times were beautiful; I can’t wait to get back out before our Humboldt weather starts getting less than stellar.

No catches from the bay yet; a few bites here and there though. Haven’t really be focused on the fishing aspect as much since I’ve never been on a kayak in my adult life, but I’m hoping to get something on the boat soon.

Two questions:
Do I need a fish descender in the bay if I’m fishing near shore?
Can I have two rods on my kayak for trolling and casting? And if so, could I keep a third collapsible rod on the boat with the descender attached?

Thanks lads! Tight lines.



Yes you should always have a descending device ready.  I use a handline spool with dacron and a shelton pin with 3 lead weights totaling 5 lbs at the ready, although in the bay you'll never use any of it.  It's a technicallity, just like having a net.  I keep a release right net which meets the legal requirement, but exclusively use fish grips or a gaff to land fish.  Except salmon.  You need a big ass proper net for salmon. 

General Talk / Re: Poker-getting run over-life flight-hospital
« on: August 17, 2024, 12:05:15 PM »
Oh damn that’s wild and awful.  Give Ron my best and wishing him a quick recovery.

Kayak Sailing / Re: Mr. X rides again!
« on: June 12, 2024, 05:58:14 AM »
Fuckin Legend

Tournament morning. Piper yells whale 9 o’clock!

Oh shit ORCAS!!

This is awesome! Thanks for the info Paul

I also associated my wife's account and was able to display her license information.
Hopefully, someone can develop a fish identification app linked to the applicable regulations.
By taking a photo of a fish, it can tell species, size, (automatically capture GPS coordinate and date) and tell me if I can keep the fish or not and how many.
May be an excellent joint retirement project.

I'm not exactly a Luddite, but this is a bridge too far.  GPS punch tags, sure.  ODFW already does this.  But fish ID with instant regulation information?  How about learn how to target and ID fish yourself?

Pretty soon there will be apps where we can take a photo of a potential partner we meet and learn all about them.  Credit score?  Infidelity? STDs?  Is she even 18? 

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.  I'm going to go yell at clouds now.

In 1982 there were 29,625,515 pounds taken.  :smt009


Is that in addition to the millions of kgs that the Chinese and Russian trawlers took?

AOTY / Re: Bad news?????
« on: March 05, 2024, 08:19:34 AM »
The layout of the regs book is vastly improved. I’d say that’s great news!

I would attend, even though I can't kayak anymore.  Especially if Crash can take orders for oysters!
Too soon to preemptively reserve a campsite or hotel room?

Been watching this thread with interest.  I might come out of retirement for this event.  I haven’t bought more than 3 dozen oysters at one time since the last GS, would need to check sources and prices but yes, I can bring the oysters assuming availability.

Loleta - it's my home town.  As opposed to the 'other' Lolita meaning...   :smt002

Nabokov wrote Lolita in English. That has always struck me as odd given the far more conservative prudishness of the English speaking world both then and now.  Would the book have been nearly as controversial if it were in French or Russian?

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