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Topics - Jacks

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Hookups and Fishing Reports (Viewable by Public) / Shelter Cove 8/20
« on: August 20, 2024, 06:55:46 PM »
Been hanging and fishing here at the cove. The weather and the ocean conditions have been beautiful. I padded out to the whistle this morning nary a boat or kayak insight.  As I was reeling up a nice black I seen the water boil about 40’ in front of me.  And then another boil and this one was closer.  The next boil was 5’ to my starboard side.  And then the boils take a right turn and head away from me. 

Yesterday I hooked into a good Cali. After getting it next to my kayak I reach for my gaffe.  My gaffe is all tangled up and I can’t get it loose. I go to option 2 and reach for my net and by the time I get the net in my hand the Halibut spits my barbless hooks, laughs at my ineptness and swims off.

Today a young couple in a little dinghy brought in a 51” and 62 pounds Pacific Halibut.  I also sadly found a beached whale.  See if you can spot the otters in the third picture.

General Talk / Poker-run over-life flight-hospital-NEW PICS
« on: August 17, 2024, 10:44:04 AM »
Poker, getting run over,  life flight, and hospital are all the things my brother, Ron, experienced on Wednesday night.  My brother was attending his weekly poker game with his buddies in the Gualala area and had a good night and won $35.  As he was leaving he was talking to one of his buddies about going kayak fishing this weekend when one of the other players in his big truck didn’t see him and ran him over.

After the shock of what just happened they called  911 and got the medics to come over and help him out.  The medics helped stabilize him and gave him something for the sever pain he was in, which my brother said helped to ease the pain about 10-15%.  The medics determined he needed to be life flighted to Santa Rosa.

When the life flight arrived the medics on the helicopter gave him some feel good juice, which he said left him feeling no pain and hallucinating.

Once at the hospital they did a whole body x-ray and found that he had broken his leg in 4 places, with one being a compound.  The next day they performed 5 hours of surgery on his leg inserting screws and plates to mend him back together.  They also figured out he fractured his lower spine.

Yesterday my brother told with all the crazy things he has done on and in the water this is how he gets hurt.  I told him we’re safer out on the water with sharks.   He said needs to do more fishing and play less poker.

My brother and I took a couple of our out of town friends who were eager to get on the water and try their hand at fishing to Van Damme. Once on the water we headed around the point and went north. We tied on some “Branson Bait Sea Slugs”  for the newbies to use.  The Sea Slugs enticed some quality fish to take their baits with the biggest being a 33” ling and a 23.75” vermillion.

Stopped by the Nimbus Fish Hatchery to check out the salmon run. A worker told me they’ve had some really big salmon come through the processing center.  Didn’t find anybody who knew if this years run was above, below, or average.  I took one picture of two salmon below the Nimbus Dam and the rest were in the salmon ladder or being processed.

General Talk / Folsom Lake Dam
« on: March 20, 2023, 05:57:38 PM »
It’s good seeing the water flowing over the dam.

General Talk / Changing rockfish regulations coming for 2023
« on: August 12, 2022, 06:19:31 PM »

In response to recent scientific information suggesting some nearshore groundfish species are in decline, significant changes to California’s groundfish sport fishing regulations are expected starting next year, according to a press release issued by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. The upcoming changes were developed by the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) to reduce pressure on these stocks, resulting in shorter fishing seasons in nearshore waters, but new opportunities in deeper water.

In 2022, nearshore groundfish fishing season lengths ranged from eight to 10 months, but in 2023, they are expected to shrink to not more than five-and-a-half months in all areas.

Within the 10-fish daily combined rockfish, cabezon and greenling bag limit, the sub-bag limits of one fish each for quillback and copper rockfish, and four fish for vermilion rockfish will continue in 2023. These sub-bag limits have been in effect since January of 2022 and were necessary because new information in 2021 indicated severe declines in the populations of quillback and copper rockfish off California, and recreational vermilion rockfish catch continued to be greater than sustainable harvest limits.

While groundfish fishing seasons will be shorter for nearshore waters and some bag limits are reduced, new opportunities to fish in deeper water beginning in 2023 will allow anglers to target healthy populations of shelf and slope rockfish in deeper waters, like schooling mid-water widow and yellowtail rockfish, or bottom-dwelling blackgill rockfish. Additionally, the sport fishing seasons for some other federally managed groundfish species like sablefish (sometimes called “black cod” or “butterfish”) will be open year-round without depth constraints. Access to these previously closed depths means new experiences for anglers as they explore new habitats, new fishing locations, new target species, and new gear configurations to assemble and deploy.

“Next year is expected to bring a momentous shift in the sport groundfish fishery as all but one of the overfished shelf species that drove management decisions for the better part of the past two decades are now healthy,” said CDFW Environmental Program Manager Marci Yaremko.  “While concerns for quillback and copper rockfish will impact the nearshore fishery in the coming years, there are also a number of new opportunities for anglers, and CDFW looks forward to supporting their development.”

Fish ID sub-forum / What type of fish is this? Shad?
« on: July 31, 2022, 05:24:59 AM »
I found this floating on the ocean. It looks like a shark bit it’s tail off and without the tail it’s about 10”-12” long.

General Talk / Salmon season update
« on: April 14, 2022, 08:50:34 AM »
Just saw this online

OR/CA Border to the 40º10' Line (KMZ)

May 1-31; August 1-September 5
Minimum size limit: 20 inches total length

40º10' Line to Point Arena (Fort Bragg)

May 1- July 4; July 22-September 5
Minimum size limit: 20 inches total length

Point Arena to Pigeon Point (San Francisco)

April 2- May 31; June 23-October 31
Minimum size limit: 24 inches total length through May 15 and 20 inches total length thereafter

Pigeon Point to the U.S./Mexico Border (Monterey and South)

April 2-October 2
Minimum size limit: 24 inches total length through May 15 and 20 inches total length thereafter

General Talk / Bald eagles in action
« on: January 25, 2022, 09:56:37 AM »
Yesterday I came across and startled a pair of Wood Ducks while I was paddling at Lake Natoma. So today I went to see if I could get a picture of them. If you have never seen a wood duck you should look them up online. 

As I’m searching for the pair of wood ducks a bald eagle 🦅 flies by and swoops down and claws a seagull sitting on the water. It repeats the swooping and clawing 4 more times before it grabs it out of the water and flies about 15’ and drops it and then goes and lands in a tree.  I paddle over and start taking some pictures when it’s mate swoops in and grabs the injured seagull and flies it to the beach.

As I’m taking pictures of it’s mate ripping feathers off the seagull two ladies with their big fancy cameras came rushing over and scared the birds off. One eagle flew back to their nest and the other with the seagull In it’s talons flew to a tree below the nesting tree and continued to eat the seagull.

General Talk / Rockadile sighting at Folsom Lake
« on: January 12, 2022, 08:12:54 AM »
Looks like something from the Stone Age

General Talk / Swan Lake…..
« on: December 24, 2021, 03:17:49 PM »
…..at Lake Natoma

General Talk / Hanging with my bald friends…
« on: November 12, 2021, 03:48:39 PM »
…at Lake Natoma and Folsom Lake. 

General Talk / Lake Natoma 11/3
« on: November 03, 2021, 09:40:32 AM »
I was out enjoying a paddle on the lake this morning and took a few pictures of nature. It was foggy when I took a picture of the beaver and then the fog burned off and I snapped a picture of a river otter on the dock.

General Talk / Prairie Creek Redwoods 9/20
« on: September 22, 2021, 04:00:31 PM »
The ocean conditions were unfishable so we took our friends from Oregon and SoCal on an epic hike through the redwoods and fern canyon. We followed the James Irvine Trail up and down until it led us to a dirt road with lots of traffic heading to fern canyon, which prompted our friends to ask, “why didn’t we just drive down here?”  After a quick picnic lunch we hiked through fern canyon and continued on back to where we started.  We hiked about 13 scenic miles.

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