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Topics - Lost_Anchovy

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On this episode of TLA I travel down to Monterey with Moo, Nando, and Jamie for squid, lingcod and and my spirit fish the California Halibut! We go out on Nando's new boat which runs like a dream. Nando (AKA The Ling King) discovers a new continent which he officially declares by Edict "LingDonesia", and I use this new bait that drives the local resident lings "NUTS!" Moo uses his precisions squid for bait and things just keep getting more strange! Watch Nando tax his new subjects and find out what bait drives lings nuts on this episode of TLA!

I wrote an blog and produced a video on the Four Kayak Fishing Tournaments that i'm excited to
attend this year. I may be hosting it, providing a seminar, or just be a good old competitor.
Here are 4 kayak Fishing Tournaments to Attend in 2024

Youtube Video:

Full Blog Here

Hi all,

ok, i can believe it is that time of the year again, but here we go! I love seeing everyone at our annual tournament so let me go ahead and put the date out there so we can get this party started.

UPDATE: May 30, 2024 Final Results

This years competition for the 2024 KING of THE WALL was brutal with tough fishing conditions but every one competed like true champions and battled to the end.
We had a great party after with smiles and laughter all around. A great raffle to support fishingforbeginners.
Special thanks to all our sponsors!
Qifishing, Rayrods, Fishery Supply, California Canoe and Kayak, Rogue endeavor, Meater, Monterey Kayaks, Branson's Bait,keivang,notorious_custom_jigs

Tournament Results:
King of the Wall - Chai Saetern 30.75" @ 11.11 lbs
2nd Place - Coleman Crosby 29" @ 10.29 lbs
3rd Place - William Cody 28.5 @ 10lbs
We left the fish biting! Next year they wont' be so lucky!

What: 2024 Alameda Rockwall Halibut Tournament
When: Saturday June 1, 2024
Time: 7a.m.-1 p.m.
Where: 190 Central Avenue
Alameda, Ca 94501 (Encinal Boat Ramp)

Main Event Page




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I just want to provide an update on the annual herring spawn. I stop doing the herring spawn thread here on NCKA but i do have an active one on my website and blog for those who are interested.

The herring are in the Bay. I got some decent reports from reliable sources that there are fish pushing in.  Can't say when they will spawn but just glad to know they are in the bay.  Good luck herring hunters. --TLA


I travel to Tomales Bay with fellow CCK team member Moomoo Outdoors as I explore crabbing Tomales Bay for the first time. I have fished here many times but this is the first time attempting hooping for crabs. It was a cold and freezing morning but after the sun came out the crabs started to crawl into the pots.

Paul provides an update on the current kayak fishing exemption petition to CDFW which will be heard this Thursday December 14, 2023.

Links below to participate are in the description of the video.  It was great fun with lots of friends. Come join us on this episode

General Talk / CCK Redwood City Closing sale!!
« on: October 26, 2023, 11:33:44 AM »
Some of you may have heard the news that our California Canoe And Kayak store in Redwood City is closing at the end of this month.  This has been a great place for community events and kayak fishing seminars for us in the past but the retail business is a tough one!


There will be a closing sale from until Sunday with 20% Up to 50% on certain items. There will be accessories for your kayak at good discounts and even some untouched kayaks that have been discounted. Hope you guys can get deal. TLA

Come to the store to to see what we have and load up on the accessories you been putting off on.


For this that is interested in trying out the Bixby Kayak Motor. CCK in Jack London Square will be holding an event this Saturday June 10, 2023 @11 am - The day before the 2023 ARW tournament.

Some of the CCK fishing team members will be there to help. If you have any fishing questions it's a good time to get some 1:1 time with them -- TLA

2023 Alameda Rock Wall Tournament.

Final Tournament Results!
2023 King of the Wall - ChuckE
2nd Place - Jared Wong
3rd Place - Jacob Louie

Update 5/31/2023 The ARW Tournament is now CLOSED for registration. We have hit our event capacity...and some! We look forward to seeing all those who have signed up and look to have a great time. --TLA

Update 5/23/2023 This is the last week to register for the 2023 ARW halibut tournament to be eligible to buy event Merchandise, and receive a bag and goodies. Registration for the event will be closed after the 85 participant limit has been reached.

The California Canoe and Kayak Fishing Team has been working diligently to put on this event for the kayak fishing community. The King of the Wall title is up for grabs for the heaviest California Halibut at the Alameda Rock Wall!

Logistics for the event is still being put together by the Team at this time. Updates and event registration will open soon.

If you want to sponsor the event please reach out to me at keith@thelostanchovy.com


When: Sunday June 11, 2023
Where: Alameda Rock Wall, Encinal Boat Ramp
Time: 7 a.m. - 2 p.m.
What: Largest California Halibut (Target Species)

Updated Prize List
1st Prize:
Rod & Reel Combo ($550)
Hobie Polarized Sunglasses( $100)
Trophy; King of Wall Jersey

2nd Prize
Rod, Pelican 30 Cooler   ($400 Value)
2nd Place Trophy

3rd Prize:
Custom Bamboo Gaff & NRS PFD($250)
3rd Place Trophy

* Prize list may changed based on updated sponsorships and prizes. This is the MINIUM for the event.

Tournament Rules:


*MODS Please PIN This Post! Thanks

Keith (TLA)

Join the CCK Fishing team as we present the 2023 spring fishing seminar.

What: 2023 Spring Fishing Seminar
When: Saturday, April 22, 2023
Time: 11 a.m.- 3 p.m.
Where:  California Canoe and Kayak Redwood City, 487 Seaport Court Redwood City, CA 94063

These team events are designed to provide a space for beginners to advance fisherman to interact, learn and connect with other like minded anglers and outdoor enthusiasts. If you are interested in learning about kayak fishing and want to meet new people to potentially fish with -- This event is for you! Also learn from our experienced team members on proven techniques to help you land that fish of a lifetime!

General Talk / How to repair and maintain Hobie Mirage drive MD 180
« on: March 30, 2023, 04:37:18 PM »

I hope this tutorial can help some of you.

This tutorial presented by the California Canoe and Kayak Fishing team will help you repair and maintain your Hobie 180 Mirage Drive. It will cover all the steps to replace the main spine and provide you with important maintenance  steps along the way.

The Hobie mirage drive like any mechanical part needs regular maintenance to insure that it performs well and correctly. Taking the following steps to inspect and maintain the parts of the drive will help keep you safe and prevent any unexpected damage to the drive out on the water.


General Talk / Kayak Fishing Standards of Conduct & Etiquette
« on: February 24, 2023, 11:44:26 AM »
Here is a piece that I have been working on for a long time.  It lays out standards of conduct and etiquette that kayak fisherman can use to promote safety, camaraderie and respect for the sport. I hope these guidelines will provide some basic rules of the road for all kayak anglers as we continue to grow the sport. --TLA

Article with photos:

Kayak Fishing Standards of Conduct & Etiquette

Written by the Lost Anchovy 2.24.2022

One of the blessings that I count in my life is witnessing the kayak fishing community and sport grow from its infancy.  With the rise of youTubers (me included), Blogs, Magazines, social media and Internet forums the sport caught fire like a hot bite and soon the word got out – Kayak fishing was trending.

Over the past decade the sport has seen tremendous growth with trendy products and innovative kayaks coming out every year to capture the attention and market share of the growing community.

The exponential growth has not been without its challenges. Our community has seen an increase in: rescues from the coast guard; shark attacks, poaching, to unfortunately fatalities. What was once a tight knit community is now breaking into tribes and protectionism is starting to trend.

I think the envy of Central and Northern California Kayak fishing is that we work together to solve problems. We innovate and stay ahead of problems. With the growing number of Kayak anglers it is only a matter of time before one unfortunate trendy headline spurs talks of new regulations. – Let’s get ahead of the game.

I often state in my seminars and public speaking engagements – We are kayaker’s first and fisherman second. Over the past month, I have gone to great lengths to speak with fellow anglers, reached out to Internet forums, FB groups, and youTubers to find a consensus on how we can conduct ourselves.

These are my recommended standard of conduct guidelines for the kayak fishing community from the feedback I received. It can be used as a guideline to help promote safety, camaraderie and respect for the sport and others.

Radio Check & Hailing
It is my opinion that every angler should do a radio check before getting on the water as part of his or her routine.  A radio checks is a necessity to make sure the marine radio is charged and functioning correctly. As a common courtesy make sure to respond with “loud and clear” or state the potential problem. Others will extend the courtesy and it will keep us all safe.

Launch Ramp Etiquette
Keeping the peace with boaters and other mariners is important to the longevity of the sport and builds good will all. The boat ramp is a sensitive area when there is a potential for a hot bite.  If possible allow a direct path for boats to launch their vessel without impeding the flow. Many recreational boaters may be waiting hours to launch and seeing a kayak angler jump the line or worst imped the launch flow is a recipe for disaster, frustration and misunderstanding. Move the kayak to the side, away from the direct launch path or launch from a nearby beach if possible.

Keeping it Quiet
One of the advantages of Kayak fishing is the versatility of our vessels. We are not tethered to boat launches and marinas to get out on the water.  Many of the popular kayak launches can be found adjacent to residential areas, parks and state beaches where people reside. Staying quiet and conscientious of our surrounding, especially during early morning hours can got a long way maintaining the peace with local residents. No one enjoys being woken up in the early morning so let’s stay mindful of our surroundings and the people who reside in them.
Responding to Distress Signal
In the extreme case of a distress signal make every effort to assist if you are in the vicinity. Do what you can without putting yourself in jeopardy. If the situation is beyond your capability assist by relaying communication to the coast guard via channel 16, with as much detail as possible.

If there is a party already assisting make sure to stay clear and provide additional support if needed. Keep off the main communication channel to allow emergency communication to flow uninterrupted.

Hook ups, Communication and Reliability
I am a strong advocate for the buddy system when it comes to kayak fishing.
We are each others safety net and acting accordingly can and will save lives. Communicate clearly with your friend when, where, and the time you will arrive.  Let them know if there is a delay getting there so they are not left hanging and wondering about you.

If you are unable to make the fishing trip make sure to allow 24-hour notice to your friend so they can plan accordingly, find another buddy, or not go. At a minimum provide your friend adequate notice. NEVER BAIL without a bonefide emergency( i.e, medical, car or transportation issues).  This behavior puts your fishing partner at unnecessary risk.

Cleaning up after yourself & the environment
We have one planet and we are temporary guest on it. Ultimately we will leave the planet to the next generation. I have a simple creed that I try live by – leave the world a little better place then when I came in. This goes for the locations that I frequent for fishing.

I recommend bringing a dedicated bag to pack up any used fishing gear and pick up garbage that frequents the ocean and bays. Kayak fishermen are a large contingent and if we each do a little good the impact can be large. Here is a trade secret: When you do good with good intent the fish gods will ultimately reward your good will.

Properly release and descend undersize fish.
Having good fishing etiquette means taking care for the longevity of our fishery. 
Certain rockfish such as Chinas, Vermilions, Yellow eyes have a long life span, and protecting them, if we do not plan to keep them, tends to the welfare of our oceans.  Use a descender or a barbless hook to send fish back safely and do not leave floaters.

Try using a meshed net to limit tail splitting on undersized halibut or other game fish. Use a lip gripper to minimize handling of undersized fish, and shake them off at the boat if you do not intend to keep them.  These simple methods can help ensure the longevity of our fishery for the next generation.

The kayak fishing community has grown and is continuing to grow at an exponential rate. We have a substantial presence and with it a collective responsibility to try and work towards an amicable co-existence with other mariners, the environment and government entities. The future is bright for our eco-friendly sport, and I hope these guidelines help to move us all in the right direction.

General Fishing Tips / Key Tips to Improve Herring Hunting (BLOG)
« on: February 06, 2023, 10:29:58 AM »
The sex herring season is still going on and we are patiently await the next spawn.  I wrote an article to help new and season herring hunters improve their herring hunting game.  Let's get our spawn on! - TLA

Article Link:

Fishing Tournaments and Events / CCK Fishing Team Winter Event! 1.14.2023
« on: January 05, 2023, 10:42:02 AM »
Come join the CCK fishing team on January 14, 2023 from 11 am.- 2 pm at the California Canoe & Kayak in Brooklyn Basin for this fun filled event. Learn all about kayak crabbing, Herring Hunting and participate in some hands one work shops! Meet and connect with new people to fish with! Hope to see you guys there -- TLA

Are HOOPS the solution to Poaching and Crab Thievery?
Written by The Lost Anchovy 12.5.2022

Full article with photos on my blog:


If you are reading this article there is a good chance your crabbing pots have been poached in the past. Poaching or stealing another mans catch is a pretty slimy thing to do, but it happens year after year. It's illegal, it's slimy and over all just a pretty terrible thing to do.

Working backwards in the criminal mind of a poacher we can see their logic. If the thievery benefits me with a low probability of repercussions then the act is beneficial to me -- and the key word here is ME.

Let's be honest, the authorities are have not taken a hardline stance on crab thievery that would deter such behavior. Deterrence is non-existent. With limited resources the state can only enforce so many rules, regulation and laws on the books. This has led to an intractable problem that has plagued honest fisherman across this state. Those that follow the rules are getting screwed, and there has not been much justice for them. The poachers get the crabs followed by the uproar on social media and various fishing forums. Rinse, repeat and recycle every dungeness crabs season opener.

For thieving to be lucrative poachers need few things to go in their favor. They need  authorities to NOT care about enforce the laws, which is happening in my humble opinion. They also need fisherman to leave their pots unattended so they can strike quickly, and finally they need their actions to NOT have detrimental consequences to themselves or their lively hood -- Check, Check and Check.

When do thieves strike? -- Understanding criminal behavior

I have dealt with crab poachers for as long as I have kayak crabbed and that is a long time. Criminals (Poachers) will strike when there is least attention on their activity and there is greatest demand for the product, In this case crabs. They will poach unattended traps in the early morning or late evening and around the holiday time (Thanksgiving and Christmas). For years this method has worked well for them. Limits or sometimes over limits of crabs for their families and friends at the expense of honest fisherman; however the times and tides maybe changing against the poachers.

Let's be honest, everyone would love to have a poacher publicly tarred and feathered on social media with clear evidence of the crime to send a clear message across the bow to their brethren, but I'm not holding my breathe. However, new regulations regarding equipment changes may just be the solution to this intractable long term problem.

Hear me out.

My initial hesitation to switch from traps to hoops

For many years I have be fish with traps and it's all I have known -- It was effective and got the job done. Once the crabs go in, they don't go out, so when the proposed new regulations limiting the use of traps caused by the increase whale entanglement became law it caused a lot of angst. Naturally, I question the logic or motives behind the change.

From a sports angler's prospective it meant investing in new equipment (Hoops), or having to pay a validation stamp to use equipment I have bought in the past. In essence, I would have to pay more to do the same thing that I have always done —It just rubbed the wrong way. The message was clear from the fish and game commission — they wanted anglers to move away from traps to hoops due to political pressures from environmental groups advocating for whale safety.

As humans we favor known routines and procedures. We are biologically programmed to follow known paths and routines because it safe and known. Change is scary because it offers more uncertainty in an already uncertain world. In the animal kingdom sudden change can lead to death if the animal is unable to adapt quickly enough.  Bottom line…we have our routine and habits, and we like sticking to them.

However, as the famous saying goes.
The definition of INSANITY is doing the exact same thing and expecting different results.

In this case using traps equates to getting poached!

Forced change brings a solution to an intractable problem

With the new changes to the crabbing regulations fisherman were left scrambling to acquire hoops. The demand and prices for hoops skyrocketed which was a boom for tackle shops and manufactures like Promar at the expense of anglers who had to retool their gear to be in compliance with the new regulations.

By law, hoops are required to be checked every two hours and must be taken home at the end of each fishing day. Hoops can not be left unattended as trap were in the past. A crab trap validation stamp is NOT required for hoops.
These policy changes brought about changes such as: Less whale entanglement from unattended traps, reduced lost traps floating and ensaring bio life, and reduce crab poaching.

The new change regulations became an inconvenience to anglers like me who had to retool our equipment but it solved an intractable problem of crab poaching. By reducing the time anglers have to check their pots between soaks and forcing anglers to take home their traps at the end of the day this reduced the time that poachers have to steal. Suddenly poachers were unable to steal unattended traps in the early morning or late evening. If they wanted to poach crab they would have to do under the watchful eyes of Anglers. ( By law, anglers are required to pull pots every two hours). This solved multiple problem on multiple fronts regarding crab poaching. Let me be clear, the policy changes is NOT be a silver bullet to completely eliminate crab poaching but it did greatly reduced the conditions that made crab poaching lucrative.


Personally, I have found that using hoops to be an effective way to catch crabs. I have done equally well using hoops as I did with traps as a kayak angler. Additionally, as an added bonus, the volcano traps can also be used for lobster hooping in Southern California.

The policy changes has been good for the whales, the environment, and to an extent honest sport anglers. The intractable problem of poaching may finally have found a solution in an unlikely place. The biggest losers have been the poachers but maybe…just maybe they can just put in the hard work like the rest of us honest anglers …  and you know what…I’m OK with that. It taste like sweet justice to me.


Hi guys, I know these safety tip videos aren't always the most exciting videos to watch, but after great consideration we decided these are important videos to put out there.  I think if at least 1 person person can benefit and possibly be saved it is worth the time.

Here is video link:

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