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They are out of stock at west coast sailing, eBay, and every dealer I have called coast-to-coast. The “ships in 3-6 weeks” on west coast sailings site is just a way of saying “we can get one when Hobie has them again.” CCK told me per the Hobie shortage list updated 2/27 they were “researching “

Since I make my own solid crank arms, and I have multiple mirage drives, I've got a few spare stock crank arms. Here's a right-side one. You could borrow it--no hurry to get it back, as I'll never use it again.
Indeed a very kind offer. If I take you up on it will also be an excuse to visit my old stomping grounds in Santa Cruz. I’ll pm if I take you up on it and if you could let me know what your favorite beverage is.

They are out of stock at west coast sailing, eBay, and every dealer I have called coast-to-coast. The “ships in 3-6 weeks” on west coast sailings site is just a way of saying “we can get one when Hobie has them again.” CCK told me per the Hobie shortage list updated 2/27 they were “researching “

Thanks for the suggestions gentlemen. Actually the failure is on the end of the pedal spindle on the threads. Since the spindle is pressed on I figured I needed to replace the whole assembly. While it sounds fun to make custom cranks with bike pedals, I have a job, school-age kids, and a house remodel to attend to and barely have time to get out on the water as much as I would like.
I’m thinking of some way to to temporarily keep the pedal on while I wait for a replacement to make itself available. Of course if I am looking at more than a few weeks I will need to consider an alternative to replacing the whole drive and may go the DIY cranks route

Does anyone have a right side Pedal/crank assembly for Mirage Drive they are willing to part with for sale? The part # is 81222 and everywhere is sold out currently

All the best-

General Talk / Re: Lost AI Daggerboard
« on: January 22, 2023, 10:24:03 AM »

Does anyone happen to have one they are willing to sell?

If you do decide to buy one, West Coast Sailing would be a good place to get it:


You might even check to see if they have a used one that they'd be willing to sell cheaper. I ordered a rudder part from them that they didn't have in stock, and when they couldn't get if from Hobie, they offered me a used one for half price. It was in great shape--had to look close to even tell it was used...
Thanks. I’ve purchased from WCS before. They are showing currently out of stock on daggerboards. Thanks for the tip I’ll give them a ring and see if they have a used one

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General Talk / Re: Lost AI Daggerboard
« on: January 22, 2023, 09:37:26 AM »
Yes could be the case but there were a fair amount of shorts/females. I’ve found a lot of crabs close to shore following big storms before

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General Talk / Lost AI Daggerboard
« on: January 22, 2023, 08:16:22 AM »
I dropped my daggerboard approaching the “old pier” launch yesterday at HMB. With the big tide swings it was close enough to shore that it was possible it got exposed in the minus tide but I had important family concerns all day and was not able to stay or wait it out.
Does anyone happen to have one they are willing to sell?

BTW crabbing is quite slow inside the reefs right now. In what are usually productive spots. My guess is that it is due to the commercial pressure. My only keepers were close to the jaws and were missing a claw so maybe they were commercial culls?

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General Talk / Re: Pliny on tap?
« on: November 19, 2022, 08:46:28 AM »
Don’t know if San Mateo counts as South Bay, but Wursthall usually has it on tap

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Gearing Up and Rigging Up / Re: HAKA
« on: October 29, 2022, 12:39:47 PM »
Great idea! Would love to see pics of  it strapped on. My kids complain about getting their butts wet on the trampolines no matter how tight I pull the straps

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I left my #2 radio at or near the “old pier” launch on Saturday around noon. I remember seeing it sitting in the tank well after landing. I may have dumped it on the beach as I was carting up
If anyone found it and wants to get it to me please send a PM


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That’s awesome Jon. Look forward to meeting you. Good to know there are fish to be had in the cove. I’d like to put my 10 yo daughter on some. She has skunked on all if our trout outings this summer.
Are  you thinking of taking your sail?

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I’ll be camping with the fam Friday and Saturday nights if anyone is fishing Russian Gulch this weekend. Any offshore fishing for me will probably be limited to first couple hours after daybreak. The rest of the day just exploring the cove and forest with the fam. I’m finding conflicting info on conditions up there but Sunday looks to be the better day. Tips from those with experience in the area are welcome. We will be in a dune AI  and yellow OK Malibu 2xl


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I have a car with crossbars and a 2-level trailer and I would be down for either of the above mentioned trips. Another cool one would be SF to OP after picking up some live bait. Hit me up if y’all want to plan something.

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General Fishing Tips / Re: Union Resevoir Advice
« on: July 07, 2022, 07:25:25 AM »
I don’t know if you are doing boat-in dispersed camping at Union, which my family and I love to do almost every year. In that case it would kind of ruin the experience to paddle back to your car from camp and drive to another lake, even though the fishing is better.
There are fish to be had at Union. I usually get a few each trip. Mid-day this time of year you will need to fish deep in the deeper part of the lake, which is between the boat ramp and the dam. You can slow-troll back and forth using lures or a wedding ring with a crawler.
Some most of my better fish there have come from shore at dusk with spinners or spoons. Look for steep drop offs on the shoreline. You can always soak bait at that hour too.

Have fun that’s a beautiful place

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General Fishing Tips / Re: Slow pitch for salmon?
« on: June 24, 2022, 08:24:30 AM »
A couple of years ago my buddy was texting me that Salmon were slamming his jigs when he was Rockfishing off of Fort Ross. It was a couple weeks before the opener so he had to release them all. He couldn't keep them off the hook

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