Kayak Zone > Places to Launch and Camp

The delta


Hi All-

I am going to have a couple of weeks of free time and one of my goals is to fish at the Delta. Google maps report shows that its huge and can be daunting. Any reccs on where to launch, and what routes yall take? FYI I am located in San Jose. Thanks everyone for the support so far. I have also taken a look at the pinned discussion but it seems that it has some pretty dated information so I am hoping to get some up to date info. Looking for something particularly "easy" to start with ie currents etc.

I would try around Sherman Lake. Easy launch and mostly protected.

I second Sherman.  Launch at the boat ramp, and stay inside the islands until you feel comfortable with a little current. There can be some moderate boat traffic going through there, but there are lots of productive fishing spots that are out of the way. 

Troll, cast, or bait - there are always stripers around there.  I've always had best luck behind the islands in the current breaks.  Along the weed lines can be good too.  A couple trips out there to learn the trends and you should be consistently catching fish.

I have not fished the delta in I think 10 years now, but this place was great for kayaking to me: https://www.tikilagoon.com/

From the launch to the left is a bridge and a Y split, the left hand side being the lesser used route by boats, and less chance of being mowed down by a jet ski or boat  :smt044  Caught some HUGE bluegill there too, like didn't know they get that big. 


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