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Topics - Pacifico

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For Sale / Jackson Cuda 12 - $500
« on: October 04, 2024, 08:57:36 PM »
I have an organge Jackson Cuda 12 that hasn't gotten any use in a very long time so it's time for it to go.

It's a great big guy boat.  I used to use it when diving.

Comes with the lawn chair seat.  No paddle or any other gear.

Must come pick it up in Mountain View.  I'd rather have it gone sooner than later.

For Sale / Time to simplify
« on: September 16, 2023, 05:03:17 PM »
It's time to simplify and get rid of some things.

Fishing Gear is used but pretty well taken care of:
  • Shimano TR100-G  - $50
  • Abu Garcia - 6500C3 - $25
  • Shimano Baitrunner - 6500B
  • Shimano Cardiff - 300A
  • Scotty Thingy -  Free
  • Okuma Catalina -  $50
  • Ugly Stick Tiger BWC 2201 -  $40
  • Shimano Talavera -  $60
  • Jackson Cuda 12 - Orange
  • Original Wheeleeze
  • 3/4 oz bucktails - I have about 40 of them, maybe more - $2 each

I also have dive gear: suit, masks, gloves, snorkels, weights, fins, dive gear bag/backpack, etc... if anyone is interested, it fits an XL.

I also have way too much tackle and more rods, if you need something just ask.  There's some chance I might have it.

Non fishing gear:
  • Beer Brewing Equipment - including 5 gallon kegs
  • A small freezer - It's about 2' Long X 2' Wide X 3' High

For pictures see: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAUXPX.  If there's anything you're interested in and need a pic just let me know.

Prices are negotiable.

Here's my ask because of previous bad experiences.  If you decide to buy:
1) Let's settle on a price and stop negotiating
2) Local pickup only - I'm in Mountain View
3) I doesn't matter to me which NCKA Express driver comes to pick it up for

General Talk / Alaska trip recommendations or tips?
« on: March 25, 2023, 02:40:29 PM »
What’s up everyone? 

I’ve always wanted to fish for halibut in Alaska and i think this is the year I'm going to make it happen. 

I’m looking for any recommendations you’re willing to share. Charters, hotels, or all inclusive lodges… i’m undecided which route to go.

I see crackerjack in Seward has high recommendations.   

Is it best to take my own gear or use whats available on the boat?

Any info would be helpful.  Or if you're going and are looking for someone to fill your private charter, i might be down for that.

Craftsmen's Corner / Fly Tying
« on: December 31, 2021, 05:41:23 PM »
They say that if you want to hear god laugh, you should tell him your plans.

Long story short... I went through most of my career without a degree... god got a good chuckle out of my plans.  But getting it was near the top of my todo list and now after nearly 4 years of late nights I can finally say I have a Bachelors degree from Penn State.  I graduated on Dec 18th. Maga cum laude at that.

So anyway, that's a major part of the reason that I've been absent for so long. That and the girlfriend hovering over me with that "When are we moving to Texas? You promised!" stare.

A few months ago, as things started winding down and I was able to start to have a little more time to do things other than study I decided I was going to take up fly fishing.  Shortly after I remembered that I had a fly tying vise in the garage and now I think the actual pastime I've taken up is fly tying and not so much fly fishing.

I quickly learned that although an expensive vise is not required, having a cheap one makes tying pretty hard sometimes.  I upgraded from a cheapo vise to a Renzetti Traveler, it's not the highest quality vise but it's made life easier.

After tying quite a few small trout flies and becoming somewhat proficient and not really using them much I decided to tie some that I could use in the salt.  First up was my attempt at Kelly Galloup's Belly Bumper.

Art and I fished them a few times with a decent amount of success.

Now I've been wanting to get out after some Dabs and decided to tie up some that I hope the fish will be somewhat impressed with.

Here was my first attempt at replicating the packaged sabiki's:

A little variety:

But then I dedided to kick it up a notch by using some Marabou:

Then came these...

And these...

Now I just need to wait for an opportunity to use them.

Kayak Fly Fishing / First Time Out - Lake Chabot
« on: August 01, 2021, 12:44:43 AM »

My son, Omar, and I took a free fly fishing intro class at Bass Pro on Wednesday.  The instructor, Luke Sing, was great.  In all there were about 10 of us for the class, including 5 young kids. 

With the full class, he was only able to talk about the basics of casting but I got enough out of it to build up some confidence that I wasn't going to immediately lose an eye.

Thanks to Nate/Spinal Tap who offered to long-term loan me a Rod and Reel.  It came in handy for the class.

After the class I bought a second Orvis Clearwater setup, now we each have one...and it seems to be the newb rod of choice so we have that going for us.

Last night Omar suggested we go out to the lake and try to catch a fish or two.  Like most teen agers he loves his sleep so I was surprised he wanted to be up and out by 6 AM.  My confidence level that he'd actually wake up on time was low...but he surprised me.   

So by 6 AM we were on our way to Lake Chabot.  No kayaks, we decided this would be a shore adventure.  I've never been to the lake but we after walking the west side of the lake for a while we decided on a spot.  A few minutes later Omar landed his first fish on a fly rod, a tiny blue gill.   A few minutes after that he landed a second one, this one just a bit bigger.  Not keepers but he was able to quickly get rid of the skunk.   

I on the other hand didn't catch anything but I got a lot of practice casting in some moderate wind.

Omar whipped quite a few fly's off during his casts.  He needs to work on being a little more gentle.  I whipped a couple off myself. 

Overall not a highly productive fishing day but it was good to spend the day on the water with Omar.   Next time we'll take the Kayaks.

Some questions:
1) I noticed knots in my leader.  Is that normal or am I doing something wrong in my casting?
2) For still water (lakes), what flies do you typically use?   I lost most of my supply today so I need to restock.
3) Where do you buy your flies?

Kayak Fly Fishing / Gearing Up
« on: July 19, 2021, 01:19:18 PM »
Finally, my time is finally starting to free up a bit.  I'm looking to finally start planning some of the trips I've had on the back burners for a while now and also looking to learn to fly fish.

I was over at Bass Pro this weekend and the guys behind the counter were pretty helpful but they didn't have any newbie gear in stock. It's apparently been selling out pretty quickly.

For now, I only plan to fish for trout in nearby rivers and lakes.  It sounds like I should be buying a 5wt and since I'm a beginner I won't need anything expensive or exotic. Is there anything in particular I should be looking for or looking to stay away from?  Is a 4 piece rod good? 

I was looking at this... https://www.orvis.com/encounter-fly-rod-outfit/2TMX.html in the 9' 5wt. 

I'm still learning all of the basics. If you have any good sources of info point them my way.


For Sale / Roleez, FishingNet, and Rod Case
« on: November 01, 2020, 08:57:49 PM »
Hey everyone!  I haven't been able to get out much in a few years, life has been hectic.  If things go as planned I'll make a comeback next year before I move outside of Austin where I plan to buy a "gentlemans ranch".

I have:
1) Roleez cart, bought long ago (part of the first order I think).  Been used but works great, no straps.  $165
2) Fishing Net, 36" from front to back of the net opening x 32" wide .  I might have taken it out on the water with me a few times.  $45 $35 - Sold
3) Plano Airliner Telescoping Rod Case $40
4) Fish Measuring Board - Old School GWKC version $10 -SOLD
5) Random Books - $5 each

I also have an old Hammerhead Evolution Spear Gun that I'm a little hesitant to sell because it's the model that apparently had some issues with the trigger.  I used mine for quite some time and never experienced the issue.

I'd like this stuff to be out of my garage as soon a possible. No shipping, first to pay and pick up takes it, cash preferred.  I'm in Mountain View.

For Sale / Rods, Paddles, Real, Speargun
« on: September 25, 2015, 09:39:25 PM »
I've got too much stuff...and I don't even get to use any of it.

No delivery, pickup only, I'm in Mountain View.  All gear is used but well taken care of.  Prices are negotiable.

I'll post pics if requested.

- Shimano Baitrunner 6500 - $90

- Hammerhead Evolution 75 - In working condition but should consider changing the bands and the shock cord. - $100

- Diezel Spinning Rod and Reel - Perfect for pier fishing - $20

- Ugly Stick Spinning Rod - BWS11008C 8' 10-25lbs - $20

- Berkley Cherrywood Rod - Conventional - 6'6" Trout Rod - $10

- Lamiglas MC86HC 8'6" Conventional Salmon/Steelhead Rod  $40

- I don't know if you all remember a guy named GrammarPolice but his grandma used to wrap rods (I can't remember for which company).  I have a boat rod that I bought and never found the use for.  It a 7' rod, I believe a 40lbs. class.  Very nicely wrapped.  It doesn't have the blank info on it though.  This rod does not have a reel seat.  Your reel needs to have a clamp. - $125

- 210 CM Lendal Paddle - Carbon Handle/Plastic Blades $40

- 210 CM Carlisle Day Tripper Paddle - Good backup paddle - $20

I've also got some beer brewing equipment...bottles, carboys, keg, 10 Gal Igloo mash tun that I'd also like to get rid of.

General Talk / Let's Talk Game Cams
« on: April 03, 2015, 06:34:31 PM »
Last year some thing tore my garden apart.  This year I secured the perimeter but I'd like to find out if there is still anything out there thinking of messing with my veggies.

If there is something out there I'd like to know what I'm dealing with, my guess so far is raccoon and skunk.

I'm thinking of putting up a game cam but don't know anything about them.I don't really plan on using it much but I also don't want to buy the cheapest thing on the shelf...just in case I become a hunter or decide to do something more interesting with it.

What would you suggest as a good value  camera? What features should I be looking for?

I'm thinking of heading to Bass Pro tomorrow to take a look around unless there is somewhere closer to Mountain View where I can take a look at them.  Would Mel Cottons have a descent selection?  Are there any other shops?

For Sale / Male English bulldog pups for sale
« on: November 02, 2014, 08:26:05 AM »
I think someone here was asking about bulldogs. 

My sisters dog got knocked up after a night of drunken partying and she's had two beautiful male pups that my sister would like to sell.

Both Art and I have males from the same litter as the mother of these pups. 

PM me with questions.  I'll be in San Diego for a CISSP Training this week and in Singapore the following week so I might be a little slow to respond. 

For Sale / WTB: Road Bike - The search is over!!
« on: August 28, 2014, 09:29:44 PM »
It's time to put some more work into getting rid of the gut so I'm looking for a used Road Bike.

I did see that Jarod is selling the LOOK 555, but that's priced a bit higher than what I'm hoping to spend....although it is a very nice ride.

I need a something in the 52 to 54cm range but I'm looking for decent quality at a decent price.

If you have one sitting in your garage just gathering dust you should consider giving it a second life.

When I buy one make sure you're careful when passing the fat kid struggling to make it up the hills on your way to the SM coast, it'll probably be me.   :smt003

For Sale / WTB - Indoor Bicycle Trainer
« on: July 26, 2014, 12:33:49 AM »
I don't know too much about them but I'm looking for an indoor bicycle trainer that I can use with my mountain bike.

If you've got one you're looking to get rid of let me know.

For Sale / WTB - Refridgetator
« on: January 03, 2014, 11:32:10 AM »
I'm going to start kegging my beer and need an old cheap fridge...a smallish one would be good.

It doesn't have to be pretty, it's likely going to be in the garage, just cheap.

Let me know if you have one you'd be interested in selling.

I've been wanting to get out to do some dabbing.  Is anyone interested?

I'd prefer HMB but don't mind getting out to Monterey if necessary.  I don't have any known spots so it'll be one of those things where I search for them and hope I find a few. 

Feel free to send me info if you have it.  :smt003

I might also be able to go on Saturday but I'd have to be home by about 3 PM.

I'm hoping to get out once before the end of the season and I'm hoping for some company. 

Is anyone planning on being out?

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