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Messages - Tsuri

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 49
Yep, wet suit, PDF, radio, compass, perhaps a little air horn and flag. Boats, fog and wind are the big ones to watch out for and having a good fishing buddy is a huge plus.

Welcome! Kayaking is a big hassle compared to shore fishing, but the catches will spoil you forever.

This is true!

Second one looks so small is it about 10"?

And are these Eagle Lake trout, hows the meat and flavor?


23"! Now that's a salmonoid.

Sure looks nicer than what I'm doing today, thanks for the report Joe!

For Sale / Re: FS - Hobie Adventure $900
« on: July 16, 2024, 06:04:33 PM »
Tempted by the dark side...

Nice Adventure, I gotta get rid of a couple kayaks before I have room or $ for more, wanna trade for an Ocean Kayak Prowler 13' and a Wilderness System Tarpon 160 in fine shape?

 :smt045 :smt045 :smt003

Thanks for Da Fort report! Somethings wrong with my phone, can't see the pictures?

Eddie #2...😄 :smt006

I have mine attached to a hand line reel. Seems like in complies.

I'm going to go this route as well wasn't aware it had to be immediately deployable.

Go get um, I've fished there it's an awesome spot, super beautiful with lots of nice reef fish and a good work out! Wish I could join but  just a weekend and holiday fisherman these days.

Enjoy and looking forward to da report!

General Fishing Tips / Re: Squid Brine?
« on: July 10, 2024, 12:32:41 PM »
Thanks for the stealth LM report!

For Sale / Re: FS Stealth Fisha 500 $1k
« on: July 01, 2024, 03:04:23 PM »
Wow, great price...I want it also but also would like to avoid being shanked by my wife and doubt I could sell and buy kayaks quick enough to get away with it.

KPD is looking for a 525 I believe, at this price he probably wouldn't miss the extra 25 cm.

Good stuff Joe, hoping to join you one of these days on an inland excursion. Thanks for keeping up with the varied and detailed fishing reports and I like the contrasting pictures even if Mabel is upside down. 🙃


Hookups and Fishing Reports (Viewable by Public) / Re: tbay Tuesday
« on: June 18, 2024, 02:40:42 PM »
Lucky dog!  :smt001

Launched a bit after Joe and Mable, about 20' from the beach in about 8' of water lowered my first herring to check the roll and got hit on the drop! Fish shot off horizontal!! I'm thinking bat ray but was a just short butt figured it was going to be a good day!!!! 

Ended up drifting a gifted jack smelt around for some of time until I got bored and switched bach to trolling the herring which resulted in several more short strikes throughout the day.

Conditions where much better than I anticipated and was able to stay on the water till around 1:30. So far this halibut season has been much less productive for me than last year hoping I can start putting some decent fish in the kayak soon.

Shoot I might make it as well conditions dependent.

I also have never ventured past the long wharf from that launch.

Sounds like a good plan assuming the weather cooperates. I'll add stay alert and be ready to move quick when crossing the channel those tankers and tugs in there scoot along at a good clip and form a sporty wake!

Crappy conditions with mixed chop, windy, wet, was tired and my feet got cold. One smallish striper was all I could manage. Caught over twenty nice topsmelt the evening before with high hopes of limits but ended up released all but three in fine shape back at the ramp.

Was really nice to be back on land with the food and music and meet up again with some old and new fishing buddy's (congratulations Cody!). Anyways thanks Keith and Crew for a great event and see you guys on the water!

Fished 7-12 today for a 25,29 and 2 shorts. The tide was ripping! Look forward to meeting you guys tomorrow!

Heck yeah Rod way to prefish!

Reports are looking good. See you all in the morning!

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