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Topics - The Gopher

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CA Regulations / 2025 Rockfish Regs are Up
« on: January 21, 2025, 02:54:46 PM »
Here's the link https://wildlife.ca.gov/Fishing/Ocean/Regulations/Groundfish-Summary

Looks like halibut fishing until May 1 for Central North homeys unless you can get to a deep spot

General Talk / Pranked myself with the old dead fish trick
« on: October 15, 2024, 11:26:21 PM »
Fished on Saturday, and by Monday the garage stank like crazy. Thought I had things fairly clean and finally got a chance to go scrub everything today. When I went to scrub my fish bin and bait bucket, I found a kingfish in the bucket. It’s one of those trap door jobs and I didn’t realize. Hide a dead fish in the car or garage of someone you love for a prank or someone you don’t love for revenge.

Work gave me a comp day this Friday due to the fact that they actually made me work for a living recently, so of course I checked the forecast. Santa Cruz looks a bit bumpier for Friday, but Capitola looks good. There have been reports of good halibut action in Cappy and I expect the rockfish and whatnot have received less pressure over the last couple of years.

Last Capitola launch was a long time ago for me and included a fishfinder-busting wipeout on the landing. That was my last beach launch. Haven't missed the sand getting on everything, but have missed the scenery and fishing spots. What could go wrong on a Friday the 13th return to the beach?

Forecast is for light winds, puny 1-foot swells, and a reasonable 3.5-footish tide height for landing that seems like it shouldn't be a problem. The combination of long-period southern swells slamming the beach and an extra high tide causing waves to bounce sideways off the cliff are what got me last time.

Thinking about showing up early to prep for a 6 am launch or to leave myself time to retreat to another harbor launch if i lose my nerve.

Gearing Up and Rigging Up / Fishing with anchovies
« on: September 09, 2024, 08:16:37 AM »
How are people rigging their anchovies to try for halibut?

I've been hooking them on the same hi/low rigs that I fish with Gulps or using a single hook on a leader with an 8 oz weight on a slider.

Hookups and Fishing Reports (Viewable by Public) / Santa Cruz 9/7
« on: September 06, 2024, 02:22:49 PM »
Planning on exiting the harbor mouth around 6. Haven't decided on hitting the nearby sandy areas and reefs vs heading over past the wharf to the reefs out there - depends on how bumpy it is.

Somebody needs to keep the sea lions company in Santa Cruz while everyone is at the MBK derby.

Places to Launch and Camp / Capitola update - wharf and beach launch
« on: August 27, 2024, 09:08:33 AM »
Went for an evening drive and walk in Capitola with the kiddo and we were pleased to see the wharf was mostly open, the construction fencing is gone, and beach access for launches on the west side of the wharf is open. The ramp looks better than it used to; big broken chunks of concrete are gone. It was about a 5.5-foot high tide, and you can see there's not a ton of beach there. Depth drops off quickly at that level, as we saw a couple swimmers were neck deep only 10 or 15 feet from the edge.

It was great to walk on the wharf to about 2/3 of the way out, where the gate was closed. You can see they're setting up the boat/bait shop, the crane is there, and a few skiffs are laying around. People were fishing. It was nice.

I'm a little beach shy these days after wiping out in Capitola during a high tide and wacky shore break a couple years ago. As much as I've enjoyed the eye candy when landing on the beach there, it'll be close quarters at high tide when people start sunbathing and whatnot.

Hookups and Fishing Reports (Viewable by Public) / SC Saturday 8/10
« on: August 08, 2024, 01:45:02 PM »
If work permits, I’ll be at the harbor mouth at first light Saturday. 69 on the radio and I will see you there. Company welcome and happy to go in any direction.

A buddy who surf fishes wants to float and catch more fish this weekend, so i'm taking him on a SC skiff. Used to live on skiffs, but now it's only once a year or so. It's a nice change of pace and a treat to get other people on lings and such that they normally don't catch. Will be listening on 69 and hope to spot some of you slayers. Here's to fishing with gasoline!!!

Gearing Up and Rigging Up / Rigging for rockfish
« on: June 21, 2024, 09:23:32 AM »
Even though the halibuts only hit me up on a random basis, these riggings almost always get a nice bag of rockfish/lings. The gameplan is 2 rods (only fish one at a time, of course), one with a high-low rig baited with Gulp swimming mullet (5-inch and/or 4-inch) and the other with whole squid on a trap rig. I bring a ton of pre-tied rigs and each rod gets a nice big swivel clip tied to the end of the main line for easy replacement of rigs on the water.

Since 2 rods is kinda my limit on the ‘yak and I prefer to have both rigs at the ready, this kinda keeps me away from sabiki rigging for live baits. We each make our choices.

First pic is the hi-low, which has a big barrel swivel tied on with a palomar knot and 3 dropper loops; 2 for the hooks and one for the weight at the end. Use a slightly too-long piece of mono, tie on the swivel and then evenly space out 3 dropper loops and trim off the extra. With 30-lb mono, which is a little thick to fit through some hook eyes and glow beads, you might need a length of 8 lb or 10 lb mono to thread through the loops, then through your eyes/beads, to pull the leader through. The hooks aren't actually tied on; the loop passes through the eye and then around the hook. You can use a shrimp fly for one of the hooks and substitute squid strips or whatever you've got. Pliers help for tightening knots. When this one snags, you can usually back it out since it’s the weight at the bottom that catches the rocks.

The trap rig is simple. 40 lb mono with a palomar-knotted swivel, a bead, a J hook, and a treble; all palomar knots. The trick with this is to use a slider (AKA fishfinder rig) to attach your weight to the main line above the swivel clip. Left a pic of the slider setup. Since the weight ends up above the hooks/bait  in the water, you need to make sure and crank it up from the bottom 3 or 4 times. When this one snags, it’s usually the hooks that catch, and 40 lb mono is tough to break off. Always check it and/or replace it after a snag as it’ll ruin the points of the hooks.

Both rigs work while drifting or when moving around, but the hi-low (6 oz weight) gets more consistent results on the troll for olive/blue/black rockfish. Find the bottom and then let out a bit of extra line as you get moving for trolling. Along with GPS points and visual navigation, trolling the hi-low has replaced my electronic fishfinder when it comes to locating schools of willing rockfish in the reef areas. Gulps are kept in an empty peanut butter jar, and I keep the stock supply in a cooler to prevent leakage. You do not want that juice getting all over your car or garage.

The trap rig (8 oz weight) baited with the biggest whole squid you can get is the ticket for random rockfish, jumbo vermillions and browns,  and lingcod. I like to take the frozen squid out of the freezer the afternoon before fishing and douse it with Gulp juice before setting it in the fridge to thaw overnight so I don’t get on the water with a squid brick. Slightly inferior to live baits, but it works pretty consistently. It’ll get doubles of schooling rockfish on it from time to time, one on the J hook and one on the treble. It’s satisfying for some reason when lings or big rockfish get hooked with the J hook rather than the treble.

Always keep both rods rigged ready, and any time you catch a fish on one rod, get the fish on deck and get your other line in the water before messing with dehooking, bleeding, bonking, getting hooks out of your net, etc. That way, no time on the water is wasted. Bringing lots of extra rigs and weights in case of snagging also helps cut down F-around time. I use my kid's hair ties to color code bundles of rigs in sammich bags.

Hope this is helpful. Rockfish are my and my kiddo’s favorite. She swears by browns, but I’ll take an olive or vermillion first. 

Gearing Up and Rigging Up / Couldn’t resist gulp eels
« on: June 06, 2024, 01:13:03 PM »
While searching for the best price on my usual chemically enhanced swimbait products, I came across the 10-inch eels and just had to give them a try. Hope to turn one into a ling. These will reinforce my aversion to sabiki rigging on the kayak if they work.

Places to Launch and Camp / Checked out Capitola wharf and beach
« on: May 03, 2024, 07:58:56 AM »
You can't get to the beach at the base of the wharf right now because of the fencing that's there for the wharf repair work. Anyone know another place to launch in Capitola?

General Talk / Breakers in the SC harbor
« on: March 17, 2024, 10:34:25 AM »
Was checking out the webcams and surf reports today and noticed some waves breaking inside the end of the harbor. Maybe it needs a good dredging. Also saw someone launching their red sailing kayak and enjoyed a moment of excitement as it exited the harbor along with a smaller paddle yak and had to climb a wave or two.

This was around 10:30. Anybody recognize their boat?

CA Regulations / Here is an actual link to the 2024 ocean regs
« on: March 05, 2024, 09:53:47 AM »

All over the place today and thinking someone put crystal meth in my coffee

Gearing Up and Rigging Up / Squid source near Scotts Valley
« on: March 04, 2024, 09:36:15 AM »
Since moving over the winter, I'm not sure where to get a decent deal on squid and it's time to quit bitching and get to fishing. San Jose had a nice price per box at Bass Pro, but it would be nice to skip that drive if possible.

Anyone know where to stock up on squidcicles in Scotts Valley?

My understanding is that you can't even fish in an area covered by the nearshore rockfish closure. So that would mean you can't go for halibut out of Santa Cruz harbor as I understand it.

Where are people allowed to go for halibut this winter in the ocean with the new regs? Past 50 fathoms?

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