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Messages - NicksYak

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Eric your write ups are always great ..I have run out of adjectives to describe them after reading  or that others haven't already used ..so if you see just a thumbs up  ..its just well... they're awesome ..so  :thumleft:

Yep, what he said. +1

I, the Nick mentioned in Eric's narrative, remember that day so well. What a thrill it was to be a part of it and experience the encounter with that beautiful animal (the Thresher, not Eric). Eric and TLA were clearly advanced kayak fishermen at that point and their guidance was so important in that process. Marc has achieved mastery in several aspects of kayaking and fishing since then, while I have successfully gotten quite old and can claim few other accomplishments. Eric gifted us generoursly with big chunks of the Thresher; I still remember the meal I made of my portion--one of my best ever.

Thanks to Marc for alerting me to this thread. Thanks again to Eric and TLA for one of my most memorable kayak fishing adventures. Hope I see you all OTW again soon.

Incredible adventure. Congratulations. I have to add this, 'cause, well you know me: What a well written account. Quality journalism in my view. Not only a great fishing team, but a great writing team. My compliments, Gents.

As always, Eric, an enjoyable read and great images.

Hookups and Fishing Reports (Viewable by Public) / Re: A Wolf Eel Story
« on: August 29, 2020, 09:35:31 AM »
Well done, Plankton. Another one to add to your memorable fishing adventures. Congrats. What time is dinner?

Launched from Monterey Bay Kayaks beach at 0730 on Monday 07/20 with glassy surface, little wind, surprisingly fast drift for such a calm day, overcast skies, good visibility. Just wanted a shakedown cruise to try out my new Shimano Baitrunner spinning reel. Reports of slow to no bite at all left me with low expectations. Past the yellow buoy drifting toward the red buoy at 90 feet, I dropped a frozen squid on a circle hook with a circle stinger using a reverse dropper loop. Landed a very nice brown RF at about 0800. Quite pleased, thinking ‘Great. Takes care of Mr. Skunk and wife and I can enjoy a nice fish dinner. And BTW, love this reel; that bait runner function seems to work well.’  Drifted for about 15 minutes and had a really hard takedown but did not stick. Guessed it was a Halibut by the way it hit. Paddled back to my first drop; in about another 15 minutes felt another strong takedown followed by a hard nibble all while using the baitrunner feature. Then, fish ran, and I knew I had something. Cranked gently until the rod bent nearly double and the fight was on. Strong runner, towed my yak a ways, really hard headshakes and she pulled a lot of line while she ran. After about 10 minutes, I started gaining line slowly and steadily. Got her to the surface, let her cruise in a circle a couple of times, then gaffed her, got the game clip into her gills, through the mouth, and locked down. So happy. Did my best to dispatch her with a knife point where I thought the brain would be; she quivered a bit and had only reflex twitching, thereafter, so I think I did it right. Cut the gills and let her bleed out. Decided that was it; not a greedy kinda guy. 36-inch Halibut will feed us for several meals. Went home a happy fella.

For Sale / Re: Rack Parts
« on: January 02, 2018, 12:39:24 PM »
Hey EWB. I'm interested. Where do you live or work or hang out? I'm in Brentwood. I can meet you half-way or somewhere.

For Sale / Re: Santa Cruz Kayaks, Warehouse clearance sale
« on: June 06, 2017, 02:53:08 PM »
Sorry about the circumstances, Jim. Sorry to think that you won't be building these great kayaks. I shall raise an extra glass of Jameson tonight in your honor. Or, is it 5 p.m. anywhere? Cheers, Buddy.

Gearing Up and Rigging Up / Re: New seat for Eddyline Caribbean 14?
« on: April 26, 2017, 09:41:53 PM »
If Cen Coast and bmb don't hear a squeak, perhaps body type is the variable, or I have a squeaky butt. Glad you guys are/did enjoy the great lady. I shall hoist an extra Jameson in her honor tonight.

Gearing Up and Rigging Up / Re: New seat for Eddyline Caribbean 14?
« on: April 26, 2017, 10:23:04 AM »
Yep. I loved my Caribbean 12 when I had it and still miss it. But that seat squeak was prominent and annoying. I'm sure there is a remedy for the older models, assuming the new seats don't have that issue. Yes, Dan would be a good source of information.

Thanks for the effort, guys. I've got replacements and will be back in action as soon as weather permits. I appreciate the offers.

Launched at Coral Street in Pacific Grove (Monterey area) on Wed. 04/05. Must have left my NRS green PFD with the VHF in my right pocket and a round plastic container containing my fishing license and spare keys in left pocket.

If anyone picked it up thinking that maybe this belongs to an absent-minded NCKA brother and might be holding it for me, I will be in your debt if you contact me the usual way. I'll be launching at Coral Street again Saturday 04/15.  Thanks in advance for any help on this.

Eddyline / Re: It's here... My C-135
« on: April 27, 2016, 11:46:36 AM »
Looks like a sweet ride, Victor. Enjoy.

For Sale / Re: Eddyline Caribbean 12'
« on: July 28, 2015, 06:43:52 PM »
Jon, Ben, and Fuzz all in line. I'll let you all know the outcome.

For Sale / SOLD Eddyline Caribbean 12'
« on: July 22, 2015, 05:21:37 PM »
Down-sizing to a smaller house.

Love this yak: light, fast, stable; but no room for two rides.

Yak: $750 to NCKA brothers/sisters
Assortment: 2 Scotty rod-holders, seat with cushion, AquaBound paddle, C-tug, other stuff $100 with purchase of the yak.

Let's concede now so that we don't have to waste time haggling: $800 takes it all. The Caribbean retails new for around $1300.

I'll be travelling this week, returning next Monday 07/27 to show it.

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